To she 友, to exactly, 一週回顧 (blocked alias)

  • <span class="EC_msg_topic_txt"><a style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" href="../../../relationship/?action=view.topic&id=2145655&" target="_blank">Exactly回魂夜.....</a>  by Exactly 25-6-09 (咒人果的thread真底鬧)<br /><br /> <br /> </span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class="EC_msg_topic_txt"><a href="../../../relationship/?action=view.topic&id=2145461&" target="_blank">現場just4u訪問</a></span>    by Monkeymui 25-6-09 <br /> (都幾好笑, 但係點解要allow alias? 方便 exactly 用alias 攪事? 方便你地用alias撐自己? 方便你地鬧人毒人唔用自己nickname?)<br /> <span class="EC_msg_topic_txt"></span><br /> Remarks: 原來Monkeymui係exactly表妹<br /> <br /> <font color="#ffffff" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">哎吔... 人人都要用e道....</font> by Happyfrinite 25-6-09 (自己友thread唔方便comment)<br /><br /> <br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" /> <font color="#ffffff" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">哀呀!你真係好無隱</font> by Monkeymui 23-6-09 (幾得意)<br /> <br /> <font color="#ffffff" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">"哎吔"你真係好吸引力</font> by WorldIsStrange 23-6-09 (自己thread更加唔方便comment)<br /><br /> <br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" /> <font color="#ffffff" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">唔好意思咁多位..呢兩日just4u同Dalas既戰火係我馬騮妹一個人攪出來既...</font>by Monkeymui 19-6-09<br /><br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" /> <br /> <font color="#ffffff" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">沙津呀沙津你個死人口收口啦!</font> by <strong style="font-weight: bold;">我都睇唔 過眼囉!</strong><span style="font-weight: bold;"> </span>18-6-09 (原來係monkey mui 扮黑人, 俾人踢爆都唔認, 最後CS_She出聲先認)<br /><br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" /> <br style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" /> <font color="#ffffff" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">頂唔順!你哋唔好再屈Just4U姐姐啦!</font>by <strong>我都睇唔 過眼囉!</strong> 18-6-09 (原來係monkey mui 扮黑人, 俾人踢爆都唔認, 最後CS_She出聲先認)<br /> <br /> 還有兩條係Monkeymui 在18-6-09 出的 , 講大弟 and Dalas, 又講Hakka. 我們已經report 去she and deleted. <br /> <br /> <span class="EC_msg_topic_txt"><a href="../../../relationship/?action=view.topic&id=2142682&" target="_blank">黑人,我係度呀!!!未鬧夠入黎繼續啦!!!我好悶呀....</a> by exactly 18-6-09 (想點? )</span><br /><br /> <br /> <br /> 由6月18日至今 (之前未搵到咁多, 再續), 究竟係邊個人攪事? 由上述的threads list 應該睇得好清楚. Exactly 小姐及其朋黨...<br /> <br /> WorldIsStrange and Happyfrinite 只係見到呢位小姐及她的朋黨實在欺人太甚先會出聲. 當然我們都唔敢用真ID. 因為我們都害怕被他們逼害. 日夜轟炸. <br /> <br /> Exactly 總係指派黑人 (alias) 是這人是那人, 但都只係她自己估的j. 就已經開人名日日鬧人寸人. <br /> <br /> 如此這般, 我們又可以日日估黑人就日exactly 嗎? 以上所有threads 都係用nickname. <br /> <br /> 但係, 已經證實的, 就是Exactly 表妹係黑人. Exactly 小姐唔係成日鬧黑人咩? 自己朋黨又扮黑人?<br /> <br /> 所以, 我們好有理由相信exactly小姐亦有扮黑人攪事.<br /> <br /> 我們會繼續收集exactly 及其朋黨的指罵其他人的留言. <br /> <br /> 待續.

  • WorldIsStrange replied @ 2009-06-25 1:40 am
    <br>exactly replied @ 2009-06-17 10:33 pm
    <br>有位"阿哥", 到現在都重係我面前講你好說話. 我未聽過佢講你一句壞話.

  • conferring replied @ 2009-06-23 5:57 pm
    <br>多口講句, 就係因為你開條thread話大弟同沙律, 人地先開返哎呀同e道

  • 唔知點解一開thread d黑人又入曬嚟

  • 算啦, 咁多黑人我地點分. 連Monkeymui都係黑人.

  • 唔理咩人,身有屎就當然咁大反應喇

  • Happy,
    <br>I feel sick today. I feel disgusting for those people they praise themselves by alias, but speaking loudly using nickname they hate alias. After they are discovered to use alias, they are still speak loudly they hate alias! So disgusting and "thick" face skin.

  • HI

  • WorldIsStrange I LIKE UR WORDS SO GREAT !!!!
    <br>happyfrinite HI HOW ARE U TODAY^^

  • WorldIsStrange,<br /><br />隔離thread有個叫公屋床板講得又簡單又清晰,<br /><br />佢講得啱唔啱?如果唔啱咁事情經過又如何? ;)

  • 隔離thread有個叫公屋床板講得又簡單又清晰,
    <br>佢講得啱唔啱?如果唔啱咁事情經過又如何? ;)
    <br>Sorry, 我唔係好想reply alias, 沒完沒了的.

  • WorldIsStrange,<br /><br />好少,<br /><br />Sorry, 我唔係好想reply alias, 沒完沒了的. <--<br /><br /><br />收到,咁我都唔強人所難,但想你明白佢講既事情經過好有信服力. ;)

  • 好少
    <br>What I'm trying to do is to collect the evidence (from nickname). That's why I listed the thread it's because it is unambiguous.
    <br>We can't guess who is alias even we have hints.

  • strange,
    <br>don't give a damn about what they have done...
    <br>fake people are used to wear a mask covering themselves and pretending to be so decent to public, yet, being an evildoer at the dark side.

  • 收到,咁我都唔強人所難,但想你明白佢講既事情經過好有信服力. ;)
    <br>Who are in the position to speak for what was happened?
    <br>My major concern is Miss exactly group always scold to my friends without any evidence. It hurts my friends.

  • Happy,
    <br>It's the world.

  • WorldIsStrange replied @ 2009-06-25 2:11 am
    <br>What I'm trying to do is to collect the evidence (from nickname). That's why I listed the thread it's because it is unambiguous.
    <br>We can't guess who is alias even we have hints
    <br>*** absolutely... but how the aliases behaving more or less reveals something!

  • 好少

  • hi monday.
    <br>how is your evening...

  • 我就真係唔係Dalas朋友囉~ 同Exactly更冇2句~真係睇唔過眼先出聲~
    <br>Exactly 一句到尾 不知所謂

  • happyfrinite ^^
    <br>i'm fine,just back to and read the thread now all make me so angry ~
    <br>why Exactly she don't get back her mental hospital?
    <br>howcome she do the silly thing to hurt the poor she carzy~

  • 一個二個係無聊定無知呢?

  • WorldIsStrange,<br /><br />Who are in the position to speak for what was happened?  <--<br /><br />我唔排除公屋床板黑白顛倒,但至少佢可以清晰地講左一個原因. ;)<br /><br /><br />wuccmonday,<br /><br />如佢講既係事實咁Dalas就理虧左喇,<br /><br />同意,就算係咁都唔代表可以4圍唱人. ;)

  • 冷眼,<br /><br />勁呀,可以用到alias. ;)

  • Hi 好少

  • monday
    <br>don't be irritated by a lamebrain
    <br>i just sxxk at her misbehavior. gross.. huge gross!!!

  • 冷眼 replied @ 2009-06-25 2:29 am
    <br>好少 replied @ 2009-06-25 2:32 am
    <br>冷眼,勁呀,可以用到alias. ;)

  • 好少 replied @ 2009-06-25 2:30 am
    <br>Who are in the position to speak for what was happened?  <--
    <br>我唔排除公屋床板黑白顛倒,但至少佢可以清晰地講左一個原因. ;)
    <br>*** 有時d野講左出嚟未必係真
    <br>乜野係耳聽三分假,眼看未為真 ~ strange我有無拋錯書包呀 :)

  • WorldIsStrange,<br /><br />hi. ;)<br /><br /><br />wuccmonday,<br /><br />你都可以架~<--<br /><br />我唔識.<br /><br /><br />happyfrinite,<br /><br />*** 有時d野講左出嚟未必係真 <br />乜野係耳聽三分假,眼看未為真<--<br /><br />正確,所以我先問佢講d野真定假. ;)

  • 好少﹐
    <br>WorldIsStrange replied @ 2009-06-25 2:13 am
    <br>My major concern is Miss exactly group always scold to my friends without any evidence. It hurts my friends.

  • 吊,你地都多鳩餘嘅<br />人地兩三條臭.閪互吊<br />你地理閪得咁多咩<br />無你地呢啲柒頭喺度幫手撥<br />攪閪得咁鳩大咁能多嘢咩

  • exactly replied @ 2009-06-25 12:29 am
    <br>***** 呢的應該叫明講定暗寸?
    <br>exactly replied @ 2009-06-25 12:41 am
    <br>總會有人挑撥離間, 從中作楩,當你唔出現,佢哋就話你係黑人,你出現回應就話你身有屎,反應大,呢啲真係攪屎棍。。。。無奈。。。。
    <br>***** 講咁多野都話冇回應唔想講? 跟本你就係不停咁講但又話自己唔講

  • 仲推乜鳩丫<br />上網吹水啫,殺鳩咗你老豆咩家下<br />幾廿歲人都唔柒化嘅

  • happyfrinite,<br /><br />小小唔認同,因為言論自由,任何公開左既事”外人”都可以加意見,但人身攻擊同惡意評擊絕不可取. ;)<br /><br />有個出口成髒既傢伙入左黎,我都係唔煩你地喇,88. ;)

  • 咁你快能啲走喇斯文人<br />

  • 好少﹐
    <br>出口成髒既傢伙我睇唔到 :)

  • morning there. happy, look'in for you, call me back

  • good morning all...

  • Happy, it's still a busy day. All day meetings.

  • yup, a busy yawn day...
    <br>**** stretching ****

  • WorldIsStrange replied @ 2009-06-26 3:18 am
    <br>Good writing!
    <br>Just a couple of simple questions.
    <br>1. It seems that there is something missed?
    <br>2. Why you post this thread in this timing, but not when your friends screaming loudly?
    <br>3. When somebody talking about yours e-channel, you always ask people to keep quiet. Why not you do it when yours e-channel shouting?
    <br>Yours intention is really want things to settle down? If yes, why finalize with this?
    <br>佢他無講過大話, 就算有錯誤既說話都係比人誤導.....但係有其他人呢.....就真係大話連篇.....我都嚇左一跳...
    <br>If you are really want to tell the truth, why you are still hiding something? Why you don't post the thread earlier? Why you never ask your close friends to keep quiet? What is yours intention?
    <br>*** agree with worldisstrange
    <br>(1) it is quite illogical to declare your so-called "truth" of the story inadequately. why didn't you write it while "E Channel" and her gang blustering out at highest peak, but chose to be a dumb???
    <br>(2) aiya, you get me wrong, the one who yelling thunderously through the incident is the queen of rumor monger, "E Channel". Was she misguided??? or did she misguide us???
    <br>(3) are you sure you are in a proper way to defend dalas??? or just defend yourself???

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