~~~~ 劉華娶老婆 ~~~~~

  • 張栢姿 簡直集港女性格待質於一身 !
    <br>張栢姿 is 1/4 gwei por, she grow up in canada.

  • 小心, 算了吧! 正如我所講, 版主既智慧根本及不上他口中的所謂 "港女" , 如果佢係 "有本事既男人" 根本就唔會一唔夠我地講就話我地影衰曬 d 香港女人, 因為佢根本無容人之量, 再講亦無謂, 只會令佢呢條 thread 繼續無理地狂插佢所謂既 "港女", 可能正如我所講, 有人被飛或滿足不了某個 "港女" 而懷恨在心, 我回應埋呢次唔會再回應勒!

  • <br>班八婆真係 cheap, 唔講道理, 淨識侮辱大陸女仔, 收 la ! 有港女文化皆因有
    <br>你地呢種人, 重要多多歪理去辯論, 真替你父母傷心 !

  • carpediem replied @ 2009-03-19 3:46 pm
    <br>Good point.....200% agree.....but unluckily I am impotent and had to stick with a typical HK gal.....auntie C......she has every charateristic of a HK gal......this short-coming didn't affect our relationship much and I believe I had made the right choice......we appreciate and treasure each other......that's the most important thing for a relationship.....HK gal or not......is of less important.......
    <br>哈哈, Uncle C, 我真系頂你吾住lor, 你有無氣節架..?? 之前鬧港女鬧得甘大聲, 家陣甘既? :P

  • 版主用心良苦~~

  • 版主咁得閒咪就係因為佢可能係"電車男"..

  • Sometimes we should compromise with realistic world.....I don't like girls from mainland.....I have no opportunity to meet any female that suits me.....I have struggled for a long time before accepting auntie C as my gf.....as you all know.....auntie C's brother is my forever best friend.....and the most important thing is......auntie C is willing to change herself instead of attempting to change me.....as a conclusion......you HK gals should re-mold yourself if you want to be loved.....not just trying to manipulate a man.......

  • 版主就算係一個電車男

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