I dislike 鍾意小動物女仔

  • I never find 鍾意小動物女仔 cute. I find them troublesome, especially when I have to travel so much and she always wants to bring her 小動物 with her.<br /><br />I like 唔鍾意小動物女仔 :-)

  • http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/bobo-street
    <br>Welcome to BoBo Street!

  • hiya i agree w/u. I like c but won't buy any pets.

  • Many girls claim they like 小動物. But when they get tired of their 小動物, they dump their 小動物 at my home.
    <br>If they truly like 小動物, they don't mind taking care of them every single day. But very few HK girls will do that and pick up thier doo-doo's when they walk their dogs.

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