
  • <四川大地震>未成年の被災学生に強制労働?無責任ブログで大騒ぎ―湖南省岳陽市



  • 英文岩唔岩駛??

    《主語なし》<Sichuan large earthquake>minority of suffering student to forced labor? the an is it Uproar-Hunan mountain positive city with irresponsible ブログ

    The contents that certain ブロガー went up lately according to a/the Sichuan being line, on February 18, 2009 are calling a/the sensation. The thing that the student of the same ministry Kitagawa チャン tribe self-governing prefecture, who the contents encountered big damage with the Sichuan large earthquake in last year be able to cause to work as a/the minority worker in the factory of Kwangtung by the mediation of the vocational school of the Hunan mountain positive city of a/the 転 learning tip. This is a big topic on a/the net.

    However, even that there is misunderstanding in the contents of ブログ, for instance, a/the those student are not from a Kitagawa prefecture actually, and be the transfer raw from the same ministry reason prefecture became clear

  • 勁喎~~

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