I am rich and I am cheap

  • new thread again....

    Dear so-called-rich-guy-but-maybe-cheap-indeed,

    if you are that handsome enough, u can get a free fcuk, why need to count average 4 fcuk for 1 LV?

  • Tell me what can a woman offer a man other than sex?

    Cook? No thx, my Filipino maid can do that

    Laundry? No thx, my Filipino maid can do that

    Clean up? No thx, my Filipino maid can do that

    kind of true

    what do u think if i say "enjoy the time together, share common interest, common value"

    also maybe it is the place to put some love there

  • if you are that handsome enough, u can get a free fcuk, why need to count average 4 fcuk for 1 LV?

    by Nikita_Peta - 02/17/09 14:44

    Wow! 你打中人地個死穴!!

  • CNBM replied @ 2009-02-17 2:55 pm

    Tell me what can a woman offer a man other than sex?

    Cook? No thx, my Filipino maid can do that

    Laundry? No thx, my Filipino maid can do that

    Clean up? No thx, my Filipino maid can do that

    kind of true

    what do u think if i say "enjoy the time together, share common interest, common value"

    also maybe it is the place to put some love there

    ^ well, i can add one more his maid can do is: fcuk~

    fed is all sex in his head, worst than a dog. sad for him

  • Hi, Mr Federic

    I was once mis-recognize as you in



    So i want to buy you a bottle of 1997 Beer for celebration!

    Do u think we're in common in the field of "Woman Valuation and Optimzation in Dating Budget"?

  • Aiya!!! 打中死穴 tim!!

  • true love can't even feed the poor in Ethiopia!!

    The African continent has tons of problem. We have the bleeding hearts who keep on giving to them that end up in the Swiss account of these Despots.

  • low97,

    I am no good at valuation and optimization. I just know how to fxxk and drink your 1997 beer:-)

  • who the hell is federic?

  • exisz,

    Are you a girl? are you pretty? If not, it's a waste of our time and no need to find out who the hell I am.

  • Mr F.

    You're too humble in your professional knowledge but you have marketed it in a wrong place - she.com

    We're not debating whether Mr F. like apple or orange. Instead, figure speaks for the fact. And we're debating on how MANY FXXK Mr F. can buy. 4 is his magic figure by buying a LV-that's all.

    Mr F. gave us a series of good toll-free lectures in Valuation and Optimization. I learn a lot from this gut-man. Buy u another drink!

  • low97,

    Be careful. Obviously you have not read my bisexual thread:-) You can buy me drinks at your own risk!!!

  • Federic replied @ 2009-02-17 3:49 pm


    Are you a girl? are you pretty? If not, it's a waste of our time and no need to find out who the hell I am.


    i can be a girl~~ i can be pretty~~if yes~ i think i waste time and find iut who the tell you are

  • exisz,

    Very funny. I don't think I am the type of guy you look for. You are too good for me. Next, please!

  • Cheap & Rich are mutually inclusive.

  • Federic replied @ 2009-02-17 3:15 pm

    Aiya!!! 打中死穴 tim!!

    ^ Mr. F, u should use yr bloody money to do plastic surgery, remember fm yr head to yr toe.

  • No need from head to toe lah, Nikita. Just enlarge my schloong and make it thick as well and many girls will dick the transformed new me.

  • No need from head to toe lah, Nikita. Just enlarge my schloong and make it thick as well and many girls will dick the transformed new me.

  • Please add me - [email protected]

    I'd never seen such a rich guy can be too generous to share his success and sadness.

    BTW, i am a poor monogramy monosexual orientated Dr. I can only ask you to help to fill-up my local survey on STD and polygramy. i pay $10 bucks and my vintage Beer.

  • Federic is right

    I dun see anything wrong with his ideas

    and I can't deny the truth of men

  • No lah, I don't add men to my msn. Still can't diu man's see fud.

  • CNBM,

    It's time for men to speak out their mind and what they really think about women:-) Revolution in she!!!

  • Federic replied @ 2009-02-17 3:56 pm


    Very funny. I don't think I am the type of guy you look for. You are too good for me. Next, please!


    ofcoz i am funny~~ but u r not

  • actually i dun see anything wrong with federic's proposition. it's actually better then those hypocratic ones out there...

    even though i am not interested in, i must add!

  • I know, I am fxxking funny ma :-)

  • Federic, I don't know why men have a tendency to be a nice guy

    and hiding their desire

  • Federic replied @ 2009-02-17 4:11 pm

    I know, I am fxxking funny ma :-)


    when u fXXking then u r funny~ but if the moment you not fxxking , then u r not funny~

  • Fed My Buddy(in order to beg u i have to play inferior):

    My Chinglish confused you: a monogrammy monosexual orientated in 46XX. My germs in see fud may break thru your condom (if you risk these few bucks are STD-proof) so you read me wrong. i want to invite you as my buddy, you talk and I listen and feedback. You get a free drink. Maybe an informal psychotherapy for me and you.

  • DrLo, you aren't funny. Anyone who pretends to be a MD/PHD, but calls himself a Dr, look like a fool.

  • coffeegal i read your inches of thread history. I found you are interesting. Will be my buddy net friend? I will apply to Standford Medical School soon. Did u keep my first degree cert?

  • Hi Dr Lo, that would be a great biz for u to do hair transplantation from Our fxxkability Feddy's pubic hair to his shiny Mediterranean. How much would you charge him per hair ?

    What if Our fxxkability Feddy's little Feddy becomes a desert with no sign of vegetation anywhere? No Problem... Just do the same from the legs hair to the mysterious sexy delta.

    Where is your name card?

  • hi Federic , I don't want yr money, I like cheap guys coz I'm cheap also, pls. leave yr msn, I hope u'll fxxk me, Baby!

  • Jesus Christ.

    A LV fxxk 4 times,

    A Chanel fxxk 6 times.

    Well, LV and Chanel are in different grades but depending on which LV or Chanel you bought. There are LV bags cost tens of thousands and Chanel bags cost just a few grand.

    I hope those idiot women who fxxked with you did get the right bags for the times being used as an outlet.

  • Federic, I have enough of you! Could you please just piss off and get yourself buried somewhereesle.

    You are nothing but an obsessesive attention seeker, a control freak and a DOOSHBAG! oops............sorry for being rude!

  • Why talk to patient from 青山?

  • 「思覺失調」是指一種可能發生於一些人士身上 的早期不正常精神狀態。當一個人經歷「思覺失調」時,他們的思維、情感、感覺會與現實 脫離。雖然任何年齡的人士都有機會患上「思覺失調」,但有較大機會發生於15-25歲左右的 青少年身上。如果及早察覺及得到適切治療,是可以減低或避免「思覺失調」發展成多種精神病。情況就如「發燒」一樣,「發燒」是疾病前期的一 個徵狀,但若果我們不加理會,便有可能發展至 其他嚴重的疾病如肺炎,因此我們不應對「思覺失調」這個狀態掉以輕心。

  • Hi Fed, wish all happen to u

    肥胖可令患上以下疾病機會大大增加 :

    1. 心臟病

    2. 高血壓

    3. 腦中風

    4. 糖尿病

    5. 高血脂

    6. 痛風

    7. 關節炎

    8. 膽結石

    9. 脂肪肝

    10. 癌症

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