我有個跟左我好耐既黑眼圈, 無論我塗什麼好貴既牌子eye cream, eye mask, 都無用, 我去美容院又做過一些光既療程, 都最後花了很多錢都係唔得, 我宜家最後決定去搵醫生做激光, 雖然創傷性較大, 但好過花曬錢又唔得......

  • 你可以用一些天然冇化學成份的保濕產品較好


    MY E-MAIL IS : [email protected]






    my name is zaki

    my e-mail address is : [email protected]

  • 我都有1對好大好深既黑眼圈, 有咩WORK既方法唔該介紹下

  • ladies,

    dark circle can never be healed by using products on the outside. The 'color' is not really color pigment but your blood ! Laser CAN'T treat the root of it !!

    You must first understand the cause of a problem before you go for the proper and right treatment.

    Dark circle is caused by poor circulation of your blood around the area of your eyes. Some people get it because of prolonged lack of quality sleep because when you sleep, your heart makes blood in its most active time and also works your natural metabolism in your body in all aspects. If you are not having a good sleep for a long time, your heart's ability to make blood becomes weakened.

    You don't really need a good skincare or any sort of aesthetical treatment to get rid of your dark circle. All you need to do is to make yourself a good healthy habit - make sure you have at least 8 hours of quality sleep each night within 10pm to 10am; do exercise for your eyes such as simple massages or you may also use hot towel if you like, Adding a little bit of essential aroma oil to your massage is good because some essential oil assists your massage to work more wonders.

  • or try cool caffeinated teabags....like Chamomile...it has an anti-inflammatory effect...

  • ASANA 的 Mediplus - Dark Circle Remover

    萬寧買的,二百幾蚊支, 黑色淡左及眼周圍firm左,

    不過唔太潤, 所以我會再補搽 Kielh's

  • people seem to be blind about all these beauty products and have forgot about the natural common sense and how our body works and grows to certain conditions.

    Lotions and Creams can never treat dark circle ladies, if you think some eye creams you bought have helped you reduce the "color" of your circle, think about this, its just the massage you give when you apply the cream that works, not much of the cream inself ! The cream may contain some soothing ingredient that helps but without proper massage whatever ingredients can never help ! Dark circle is different from skin pigmentation or freckles or spots on your face .

  • 我當然都有夜訓啦, 咁黑眼圈會更深, 但本身家人都有點黑眼圈, 我想係遺傳既, 因為我哥哥都好早訓, 又日日八個鐘都有黑眼圈, 只係無我咁深, 所以黑眼圈唔一定係夠訓就無...

    同埋塗麥鬼野咩白眼圈膏, 咩eye mask, 去美完容做咩rf, 七色光都係廢架

    真係要去到醫生度, 做D激光, 將底層既黑色素帶出表層, 先可以根致到本身積落既黑眼圈

    我見過有人好深既眼圈, 去做4000既激光一次, 當然係醫生做, 唔係美容院, 做完, 眼下會結焦, 以後甩焦, 個眼圈又淡了一點, 做多幾次, 真係無左8成, 不過係結焦時, 真係好樣衰下, 唔知點頂好, 由結焦到甩焦要成個幾星期, 點見人呢....

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