我覺得 BENEFIT 好似好有修養咁,又有神秘感。型男一個。

  • benefit

    哈, 我頭先食飯係到唸 ...

    你好似係第一個係 she 比人贊既人呀!

    呵呵 ...


  • 你好似係第一個係 she 比人贊既人呀! ??

    no la.. someone put me on the table ..

  • 其實, 擺你上枱既人 你識吾識架

    你幾時上 msn 呀!


  • onenightcat replied @ 2008-12-31 2:12 pm

    benefit / 八雲


    睇吓我岩吾岩, 一齊做呀

    一個人好悶架, 所以成日都提吾起勁


    我咩都玩, 籃球, 足球, 羽毛球, 乒乓球, 網球, 壁球, 游水, gym..., 依家拍拖少了運動, 哈

  • cat, i play many type of sports..

    maybe u guys type which sports you really want to play ?

  • 依家最想減條腰, 之前 37 減到 31, 不過依家應該去返 32 >.<, 我目標是 30

  • hey 8 cloud.. u are like me !!

  • i just had my tennis racket restring.. love to play doubles in tennis or badminton..

  • 我鍾意 badminton 多d, 感覺變化大d

  • thats cool.. need two more person and a court !! we can start playing

  • yes 我真係想一齊玩


    嗱, 我可以打羽毛球, 但係吾識

    壁球打過, 比羽毛球差同吾夠氣

    游水 .. 我只識蛙式, 但係都係吾夠氣, 一個橫池都游吾到 .. 好差

    我吾識打網球同 golf, 但係想學, 你地可吾可以教我呀

    行山, 我都 ok, 但係最好係平路, 行 6 個鐘都 ok 既

  • onenightcat....

    有咩山要行 6 個鐘...請指教....我唸你地唔係毅行者咁行guar....

  • Hey, benefit still here?

  • yip.

  • 6 個鐘係一個真正行山既人黎講, 好少唧!

    我咁差, 點會係毅行者呀

  • misto replied @ 2008-12-31 2:32 pm


    有咩山要行 6 個鐘...請指教....我唸你地唔係毅行者咁行guar....


    6 個鐘好平常, 毅行是行兩日的.

  • benefit,

    I chatted with you before....

    um... mentioned about the joke about orange + beige uniform, remember?

    I have a very very urgent question need to ask some opion. May you help?

    Haha, let me cut it short....coz everyone say you are "High Q" in here.

    What firstly come up in Men's mind about "Romantic"?

    I really can't slove and somebodies around me also can't...sighhh...

  • 今晚可能去打乒乓球

  • barbiedollhk replied @ 2008-12-31 2:16 pm

    given that i know a person here that speaks my heart.. i would know where i want to belong..

    <=== and may I ask who that person may be ??


    i have only ever said that to one person at naiyo's thread.

  • 八雲


    我意思係話, 我無咁長既耐力, 所以行 6 個鐘係頂磅

  • hmmmm I see visions and a potential revolutionary attempt here.

    Keep up the good work Ben and keep increasing the size of your army one day you will sit on the throne. :P

  • something related to creative...

    I try a lot but still....有形無神"....


    Maybe you can just give me some simple wards can inspire me. Many thx!!!

  • onenightcat replied @ 2008-12-31 2:54 pm



    我意思係話, 我無咁長既耐力, 所以行 6 個鐘係頂磅


    我答 misto

  • What firstly come up in Men's mind about "Romantic"?

    I really can't slove and somebodies around me also can't...sighhh...?


    i have failed so many exams .. not high IQ at all..


    am not a typical man as well..


    different guy have different idea about romantic ga bor..

    some stick with chocolate, flowers etc..

    some really have good ideas..

    i have once put a necklass at the bottom of a coffee bean filled jug.. gave it to the girl few months before her birthday.. but her mom poured out the coffee beans !! but i have been boring as well..

    some guys have good ideas at times and sometimes run out of ideas..

  • misto replied @ 2008-12-31 2:32 pm


    有咩山要行 6 個鐘...請指教....我唸你地唔係毅行者咁行guar....



    北潭凹 -> 赤徑 -> 大浪坳 -> 蚺蛇坳 -> 蚺蛇灣 ->

    北林上 -> 南線落 -> 蚺蛇坳 -> 西崖上 -> 北林落 -> 北石上 -> 東線落 ->

    米粉頂 -> (長咀) -> 四灣五灘 -> 吹筒凹 -> 吹風凹

    全程 (唔出長咀) 九個鐘 ~

  • benefit,

    and i remember that you said you can and like to expressing your feeling ^^

  • BUT....

    onenightcat replied @ 2008-12-31 2:28 pm

    ...平路, 行 6 個鐘都 ok 既


  • hk,

    one person is tiring at times.. hope you can lend ur support once a while.. =) =)

  • yes 好平常,

    因為太難行既路, 我搞吾到架


    shopping 6 個鐘, 會行死的

  • hey smile x 2

    what's the issue ?

    you want to know what guy think is romantic ?

  • 會窮死, 哈

  • haha. shopping for 6 hours.. 八雲 ..not necessary if u stand outside the waiting room !!

  • different guy have different idea about romantic ga bor..

    some stick with chocolate, flowers etc..

    some really have good ideas..

    i have once put a necklass at the bottom of a coffee bean filled jug.. gave it to the girl few months before her birthday.. but her mom poured out the coffee beans !! but i have been boring as well..

    some guys have good ideas at times and sometimes run out of ideas..

    Really thx a lot for your sharin!!!g^^

    umm....but it not related about material...its about the feeling

    You seems gave me some hints....Let me try to think about a while

  • shopping 6 個鐘, 吾係窮死 .. 因為我無 $ 買, 都係睇唧


  • hey smile x 2

    what's the issue ?

    you want to know what guy think is romantic ?


    Yes, some creative works

    I am trying to picture in my mind now....seems got somethings..

    thousand thanks !!!

  • not waiting room.. i meant changing room..

  • anywhere but here. This is your fan base and I don't want to get stabbed or butchered by the mobs. I'm out of here.

    Happy New Year!

  • benefit,

    Can I say or conclude as....



  • hk,

    even if we are walking through valley of death.. there should not be fear.. for He looks after us..

    have a warm nap and happy western new year !

  • benefit,

    woww....things come up in my mind quickly....

    In the mood for love...


    In the mood of Love

    or In love

  • benefit replied @ 2008-12-31 3:04 pm

    haha. shopping for 6 hours.. 八雲 ..not necessary if u stand outside the waiting room !!


    企是攰過行的, 哈

  • benefit replied @ 2008-12-31 3:08 pm

    not waiting room.. i meant changing room..


    changing? man or lady sin , 哈

  • if you guys can listen to youtube..

    should share some songs here !

  • Flying Without Wings


    Everybody's looking for that something

    One thing that makes it all complete

    You find it in the strangest places

    Places you never knew it could be

    Some find it in the face of their children

    Some find it in their lover's eyes

    Who can deny the joy it brings

    When you found that special thing

    You're flying without wings

    Some find it sharing every morning

    Some in their solitary lives

    You find it in the words of others

    A simple line can make you laugh or cry

    You find it in the deepest friendship

    The kind you cherish all your life

    And when you know how much that means

    You've found that special thing

    You're flying without wings

    So impossible as they may seem

    You've got to fight for every dream

    'Cause who's to know

    Which one you let go

    Would have made you complete

    Well, for me it's waking up beside you

    To watch the sunrise on your face

    To know that I can say I love you

    In any given time or place

    It's little things that only I know

    Those are the things that make you mine

    And it's like flying without wings

    'Cause you're my special thing

    I'm flying without wings

    And you're the place my life begins

    And you'll be where it ends

    I'm flying without wings

    And that's the joy you bring

    I'm flying without wings

  • benefit




  • benefit

    i am very sure u r indian now! haha

  • haha.. reviewing documents ar .. but getting bored with black and white..

  • benefit

    hehe .. yes black and white 好悶

    我同你傾電話啦, 幫你加番 d 色上去


  • 歌名:喝采



    作曲:陳百強, 編曲:

    監製:, 填詞:鄭國江

    為甚要受苦痛的煎熬 快快走上歡笑的跑道

    剩一分熱仍是要發光 找緊美好

    春風一吹草再甦 永遠不見絕路

    明日變遷怎麼可知道 何事悲觀信命數

    似朝陽正初升 你要自信有光明前路

    願知生命誠可貴 能為你鼓舞

    路上我願給你輕輕扶 你會使我感到好驕傲

    幸福歡樂陪著你去找 一生美好

    將一聲聲嘆息 化作生命力

    懷著信心解開生死結 雲霧消失朗日吐

    以真誠我祝福你 會踏上那光明的路

    願將一腔熱誠給你 常為你鼓勵

    願將一腔熱誠給你 常為你鼓舞

  • benefit

    我鐘意譚詠麟既 "最愛的你"

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