Revenge or Balance?

  • Don't want whether it's revenge or to balance ... I go to have sex with other guys (without love and just for sex).

    I love my bf so much ... but he cheats me so badly and hurts me so terribly.

    He has so many other so-called lovers outside. He never stops. My heart is painful and bleeding.

    So I go to revenge ... or to balance my frustration, depression ...

  • 吾好漕躂自己身體...佢吾夠愛你都要自愛...

  • 吾好漕躂自己身體...佢吾夠愛你都要自愛...

  • a u serious to do that?

  • if he cares it might be a 'revenge', if he doesn't it's nothing to him but only justifies his cheating

  • you already know you are silly. Stop this.

  • After sex, you will feel even guilty and lonely...

  • if your Bf did bad thing, u can choose leave him or accept it.

    do silly thing cannot help the relationship

  • other way is to leave him. Don't be silly Silly.

  • 明白你自已為何一而再, 再而三"忍受"你bf可以有這麽多sp, 你還和他在一起, 是真的如你說: "I love my bf so much..."?

    假如你是有選擇權, 可以decide stay or leave, 但容忍bf咁多"outside lovers" 後你選擇"stay". 你要明白為何你要受這個苦, 未必是"愛他"這個原因的.

    你現在要跟其他男人"有性冇愛"亦不是 "報仇" or "平衡心理" 這些藉口.

    你stay 係呢個bf對你不忠関係, 是否覺得自已"不值得" 被bf善待的心態? 有些人潛意式覺得自已要當一個苦命角色, 就甘願"被虐待". 被虐待後或會有更多人同情, 或bf為補償你而對你更好..... 所以甘願留在這不忠関係.

    而你因bf確實身體上對你不忠; 那你有好的理由justify 你自已身體與其他男人交往. 而另一原因, 是那一刻, 其他男人是補给"重视"你的感覺. (當然你知道他們的讚美只是"tum"你上床的謊話) 這些"重視", "被愛"感覺, 是你bf给不到你, 而你亦由其他男人供給你.

    你估你bf也知你有其他"outside lovers" 時, 這段関係是否"他有他玩, 你有你玩"而平衡呢?

    其實你最緊是要知道自已要什麼. 你是有選擇權或用什麽方式處理這段関係的. 不要說得這般受委屈了.





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