見工問題: 我做開秘書有相關文憑的, 但因為想讀個degree就讀左Accounting,而家又去秘書工....

  • 僱主就話問點解讀Account 黎做秘書? 怎樣回答這類問題?<br />

  • I'm also a secretary with accounting background.
    <br>In my opinion, a secretary must be capable to handle multi-task, which may including HR, Accounting and Secreatrial works. It's always a good thing to learn a minor subject to back up your career, and learning itself should be treated as lifelong process. I do keep learning new things to enrich my life, which also helpful in build up my career.
    <br>You shouldn't let this troubled your mind, it's in fact an advantage to you as others may not know how to do basic accounting.

  • 你搵份係Account dept 既 Sec. 黎做咪得lor, 就可以答有accounting knowledge 可以係工作上有好大幫助咁lor.

  • 小祕書, do you want a phone sex?

  • 小祕書
    <br>依家D人愈來愈少, 仲邊可以咁揀法?
    <br>acutuall, i just a junior sec. not need to handling such area like HR, accounting in the past, so it's difficult to say why studying accounting.

  • You can say that studying about in finance and cooperate company law (not major accountant), it will be easy accept by the employee.

  • sasa
    <br>問係你英文唔錯, 好想學好英文, 可享下

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