遺失愛犬~~~重酬~~有相( 清楚 )

  • <font color="#0000ff">遺失愛犬~重酬有相</font><strong><font color="#808080"><br /><br />本人於十月二十四日下午時分遺失愛犬, 如有人見過或帶了他回家請馬上至電 : 6828-0265 <br /><br />走失地點: 九龍城衙前圍道<br /><br />品種: 西佰利亞雪橇<br /><br />性別: 男存<br /><br />年齡: 11 個月<br /><br />毛色: 紅白色 ( Neck 後有一大片白色毛 )<br /><br />眼    : �辰埵� ( 金 )<br /><br />** 有晶片 **<br /><br />如有好心人見過他請至電本人重酬~~萬分感激<br /><br /><img height="366" width="549" alt="" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m296/HuskyX8/DSC00547.jpg" /><br /></font></strong>

  • you better post to uwants.com discuss.com.hk or hkpet.net more people there to read your post

  • How come you lost your dog and you only post here to look for him 3 weeks later?
    <br>AFCD / SPCA only waits for 4 days in case of stray dogs before they decide their fate (re-home / put down). You stand very little chance of finding your dog again, especially if you did not update your contact information registered with AFCD...

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