
  • oh but she spent a lot on idd rite...?
    <br>>especially i found she might be rich but didn't care to spend her time and resources to reach me
    <br>so where you met actually? hotel? or u ml in the airport..?
    <br>>we met in somewhere that i could never forgot

  • Come on 師兄! No one here treats you as a jerk. You've just got an eager audience. And y should you associate a jerk with MK? I think jerks are anywhere around HK, hahhaha
    <br>>Lace - sounds like an interview by a journalist for a jerk being caught somewhere in mongkok ... hehehe
    <br>So far my experience in relationship is never easy and never rite, so I'd like to learn from ppl here lor, hahaha
    <br>>easy vs right - i don't have a solid answer but maybe you can share me yours while you learn something from your love experience

  • Thx 師兄 for leaving your msn. Since I'd like to develop a relationship which is both easy and rite, and I'm concerned I might become your 美食, so i take the time to think before adding you, hahaha
    <br>>anyway, just in case you wanna chat via some other channel(s), why not?
    <br>[email protected]

  • Ok, aromatic meeting in the gents' room...then what happened next?

  • As much I'd like to continue listening to your story, nature is calling and I have to retire for the night.
    <br>Hope to see you in this cyberspace next time : )

  • i m r

  • hi wittgens,
    <br>happy to see yr story here again, i like yr love/sex description, it's not a story but a real memory.
    <br>wish you can finsih yr work earlier and sleep well.
    <br>yr no.1 fan - xxix

  • Wittgens 師兄,
    <br>Looking forward to reading the next chapter of your story...

  • .

  • push

  • Lace replied @ 2008-09-28 12:21 pm
    <br>講到風頭一時無兩,點可以唔提搞到R版男男女女又愛又恨o既sex king Federic. 除左賣才華、用英文,派金錢同禮物都好受用.
    <br>Hi Lace,
    <br>Are you a girl? If so, I would like to date you:-) Thank you for your compliments.

  • 嘩嘩~~~~
    <br>I'm just some lacy pantyhose on a hairy guy's leg,
    <br>..or else I'm 奇醜無比,
    <br>can never match up with your pretty partners.
    <br>So no la, thank you. Your offer to date me is much appreciated : )

  • PUSH

  • Can I report one?
    <br>threads are him were still here a few weeks earlier, but now all gone
    <br>msn start with [email protected] (cant disclose too much)
    <br>live & work in HK side
    <br>any update on that?

  • But what happened?
    <br>what's the heading of the said threads?

  • sorry cant disclose too much here...cos he might read this thread and go barking again
    <br>anyway, the heading got his age, where he lives & wht car he drive as i recall

  • 金城武 周迅-十字街头

  • at least you tell us which guy <<login/nickname/alias>> you are talking about? pls...

  • that Vxe again?
    <br>ho got many alias

  • due to potential privacy issue, i might not post any story further here, and indeed i requested she.com to remove my latest posts but they respond very slowly.
    <br>anyway, if you are interested in knowing more, let's chat in private through msn - [email protected] is mine

  • .

  • 不如我地女仔討論下有無係網上遇到高手好嗎?
    <br>Yes he's my bf now.

  • renee
    <br>wittgens is yr bf?

  • 如果..果位wittgens係你BF..咁你就唔好咁認真..佢成日SEND的情慾短訊俾人架...咁講..開心咪一齊囉,唔好寄望太多呀

  • agree, wittgens will only sms/call u when he need sex, dont believe him too much

  • 呢位WITTGENS,成日SEND SMS黎叫我做BABE,HONEY咁.超..又唔肯出黎見,得把口要同我PHONE SEX,我睬佢都傻,簡直連朋友都唔想做,講野吹到自己鬼咁大,信佢五成都死

  • <br>好人好姐做乜會無端端要係網上識人?

  • can't say he is bad looking, but really short guy he is

  • 天理巡環

  • ..

  • 呢位WITTGENS only sent u sms and phone sex, because if u meet him in real, no gal will sex with him ma.
    <br>he is very short, 5' tall only and fat. face look like hung kam bo.
    <br>that is the only reason why he only asking phone sex on she.com lor.

  • yes he very short

  • 唉, 死啦, 我都剛剛係SHE.COM識左個男人, 剛剛開始傾電話同有d過電feel, 可能都係假像!真係唔識分啦......

  • alias replied @ 2008-10-01 11:24 pm
    <br>Can I report one?
    <br>threads are him were still here a few weeks earlier, but now all gone
    <br>msn start with [email protected] (cant disclose too much)
    <br>live & work in HK side
    <br>any update on that?
    <br>go office tell him boss

  • [email protected] 係高手?講笑咋?花園道之恥就有份

  • 我仲未遇到可以吃得住我嘅高手,通常都係我令到對方難過或唔知可以點。

  • 我就係萬中無一.......高手中的高手......綽號地盤再世小潘安o既......C 叔.......kikikiki.......

  • push

  • 邊個可以教一教我呢?

  • 阿龍 replied at 2008-09-24 8:30 pm
    <br>有條件就叫高手 ?
    <br>似係 D 女仔自己見到人地有條件就已經暈哂大浪自投羅網
    <br>10000% Agree

  • 我諗真正既高手, 可能係比佢呃左都未知, HAHA~

  • i am not bad at all , i am of coz a high hand...i have many playmates..all know..i have a good gf.., all know i have other girls,  they just willing to have fun with me.., why need so much tactic.., girls need to have fun too, just why i am one of the guy she play with.....but not other guys..

  • a little bit replied at 2010-04-19 5:47 pm
    <br>i am not bad at all , i am of coz a high hand...i have many playmates..all know..i have a good gf.., all know i have other girls,  they just willing to have fun with me.., why need so much tactic.., girls need to have fun too, just why i am one of the guy she play with.....but not other guys..
    <br>Are you hunting here?

  • ...

  • gal replied at 2008-09-19 2:20 am
    <br>有, 大隻, 有錢又靚仔, 渣跑車, 講野又動聽, 把聲又好聽... 真係殺死人... 為左佢... 我來者都拒... 唉... 可惜...
    <br>@__@ perfect guy

  • 我係一級榮譽學士,個個都讚我好聰明

  • ETL replied at 2008-09-24 2:14 am
    <br>各位以上既朋友.......你地以描述既男人, 我都曾經係其一, 試問........如果你有能力養10隻8隻小貓小狗,你會甘心一世養一隻嗎??!!
    <br>又要靚仔, 後生, 有錢, 對你好, 專一, 冇女朋友, 孝順, 有情趣, 身體健康。.......我自問我自己身邊冇呢d咁既男性朋友, 我識得既, 係果d
    <br>靚仔, 後生, 洗父母錢, 對你好(呃你上床果時), 冇女朋友 (就奇!!!), 外國大, up一口英文呃港女, 北上叫雞.........
    <br>如果你真係搵到一個"宇宙遺珠", 仲要係SHE.COM搵到.....我真係服透你了。

  • myfairy replied at 2009-02-16 11:07 am
    <br>man killer@__@

  • carpediem replied at 2009-02-16 11:21 am
    <br>我就係萬中無一.......高手中的高手......綽號地盤再世小潘安o既......C 叔.......kikikiki.......
    <br>wahaha! this thread is so funny

  • a little bit replied at 2010-04-19 5:47 pm
    <br>i am not bad at all , i am of coz a high hand...i have many playmates..all know..i have a good gf.., all know i have other girls,  they just willing to have fun with me.., why need so much tactic.., girls need to have fun too, just why i am one of the guy she play with.....but not other guys..
    <br>u super high hand...! adore

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