
  • 唉... 同我傾個d咪傾黎傾去都係做普通朋友lor

  • some men think it's conquer, to get women to bed
    <br>I don't think this way

  • 大問號, can you tell us their real name? as an alert to other gals here... thx!

  • 大問號 replied @ 2008-09-12 11:15 pm
    <br>我睇了多位留言,即係呢度大部份d男人,如果我係想做普通朋友咁chat, 能交到一個可以好傾又冇居心的男人做朋友,就真係微乎其微;佢地會用時間係女仔身上,扮好傾扮關心扮志趣相投,最後目的只係為上床,呢樣係佢地的勝利標誌,可唔可以咁講?
    <br>disagree, 呢度有人真係know people, be friends, kill time, not all of them are like that...
    <br>咁你有無比左d wrong singal 佢??

  • i had the similar experience like you, i also want to know why, but it's not important now... there's no right or wrong

  • 唔好有太大期望,遇到好嘅就當好彩啦

  • 講真喎
    <br>至於唔係佢cup of tea既,見完後少好多野講,不過就算arm又點,多數都有曬gf,就算無,始終都係nf,佢地都會prefer現實生活搵咁多d囉
    <br>我有d nf會講衰野,但都做到fd, nf就係咁
    <br>你可以話我地3唔識7,大膽到可以傾性問題,但至於係咪真正fd, 又唔係喎,始終都無相處過,點交心???

  • 我係道識咁多人,有d約去clubbing,話曬都係活動,d人最後都有借d易想有sex...
    <br>個個都話自已無ons無sp無gf,你信佢既咪天真囉,我都唔知天真過幾多次啦,不過佢地唔係我cup of tea姐..ha

  • 其實,你識既呢一d 人都唔算衰,佢陪左你傾偈咁耐,tum 得你開心,都係想有番一d 報酬者~
    <br>(((((--------------- yes yes, I agree, I think they're not 唔算衰...
    <br>說到底,佢地其實無真係呃你d 乜野,只係你唔知道佢地既習性就係咁!
    <br>衰果d,就真係呃你上床,話你係gf 話好愛你,但上左床後就人間蒸發!
    <br>(------------ yea.....this is very bad!!! it's 10 times even worst!!
    <br>so...actually...大問號 you're lucky lah

  • 都有女呃男架!小姐!

  • by the way, how long do u know these ppls??

  • 咁我又好想問下,之前有 d 男人其實都係一d發展對像,咁我係咪真係要同呢d男人上咗床先,睇下佢地會否上床後人間蒸發? 如果冇再找我即係為左上床,滿足佢地的勝利, 咁即係我就係失敗左?如果上床後有再找我就係有機會發展?定係點? 我都係想知多d, 值唔值用sex 去賭一鋪!

  • 有d 識左個幾月 , 有d識左兩個禮拜左右,其實都係短時間,咁快睇到真面目都應該叫慶幸既.....

  • .....值唔值用sex 去賭一鋪!
    <br>it's the matter of give and take...
    <br>it might turn out a positive result....
    <br>the fact is: during sex, you might be enjoying, too... it is a two ways street.
    <br>Note that i am just giving you some generic comments, you would be the person who feels whether he is good or not (i dont mean sex), if he is good indeed, it might be worth to have sex with him....
    <br>um... you could look at the experiences this way, during the time you are dating, they fulfilled your loneliness, gave you happiness.. You are disappointed because they wanted sex from you. But you did earn something from the dates that you had with them....
    <br>be positive, there are guys out here who really wanted to have a gf....

  • 白色太陽槍,
    <br>then would u mind to analyse if the guy wish to find a gf , will he show to the girl that he wants sex from her just from such an initial period? Then if the girl really have sex with him, will he choose her be his gf? i am just curious.

  • 大問號
    <br>normal speaking (my personal perspective), i would not show the girl that i want sex initially. If I wanted to develop anything with her, I would not even mention it. Nowdays, sex is included in the package of love...
    <br>however, if I just wanted sex and disappear afterward, i would then test the girl's bottom line. When there is a chance, i would chat on sex topic... if the girl does not resist, i move a step closer....
    <br>therefore, to answer your question, i would say NO.

  • so, if sex appear in an original stage, that guy must find a girl to go on ben only, and not out of heart to chase that girl.
    <br>so, i know how to do next time and won't use sex to bet the love affair

  • dun want to change your thinking but you might need to be a bit cautious on next guy... dun need to resist on sex portion...
    <br>the question is: what if he is perfect and you fell really deep on him, if he asks for sex, what do you do?

  • well, u ask a good question, i really don't know how to do.
    <br>if he is perfect and finally only for sex purpose, i will be very disappointed! how to do ? really don't know. may be let me meet such guy one day and decide at that moment ... haha

  • hope you will meet that guy la...
    <br>i think you will go for it...
    <br>good luck la...
    <br>nice to meet you...
    <br>bye bye

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