Wanna hv car ride with who got Audi

  • avant,

    I didn't ask them if they've got nice car before, I just hanged out with them, maybe for dinner or drinks, then they drove me home. Afterwards, they may spend some money and time on me but it doesn't mean I must have sex with them because they know I don't just go out for their cars. AND I DIDN"T STATE THAT I WILL DO ANYTHING MORE THAN A JOY RIDE.


    "以車會友"...友.....haha,really? that's what all the guys are thinking?

    Also, I didn't commment on用內衣褲會友, how do u know that I think they're not cheap? but anyway, I'm not going to comment on them here.

    Going out with a netfrd to do something "more than a joy ride" just because of sitting on a nice car, ha, not cheap?I don't believe that no guy will think that from the bottom of their heart.

    I know my speech will make many guys angry, for sure, free lunch....I may mess it up.

  • 我只想講1句, 各人(不論男女) 所需要的東西都唔同, 我從來都唔會judge其他人之做法, 亦明白各人都有不同的自由(不論行為或言論), 我唔想見到大家為左我呢個thread而互相指責, 呢個亦唔係我開呢個thread之目的

  • 其實我都係無聊,忍唔住講下自己的睇法啫,話明係無聊人架啦


    Anyway, 講完喇,唔阻你地

  • Beauty



    吾似一般女仔只愛Mercedes or BMW


  • Re: 無聊人, anyway, thanks for yr browsed at here

    Re: Ben_2000, hey..how come? haha..anyway, tks for yr appreciate..in fact, i'm not..haha..各人有自己鐘意既東西, even Mercedes or BMW also hv their values and costs, so they still got a market, rite?

  • 坐過TT,BMW,Porshce~ but i do want to have a ride R8

    Beauty_White: 你試左架R8未呀∼∼好想知個feel係點∼∼

  • Re: Carrie, i also still waiting this chance ><

  • 無聊人



    你係米有精神病定係妄想症甘,比男人turn down 過吖


  • beauty

    sorry to post such a msg here for 無聊人

    cos i really stand that she given such rude comments here

  • Re: lady, is ok, i dun mind of that, as i hv mentioned that everyone has his/her freedom to do anything..

  • beauty white - let's get this straight, i can get a R8 and give u a ride, but i do expect u to sxxk my cock in the car, if u are ok with it, let's talk further, otherwise i ain't take the trouble, yes or no?

  • Re: ceo, maybe leave yr contact first

  • another trade gal in disguise, sigh

    or a 17yo gal dumped by her bf who got an Audi and wanna do something stupid

    either case - weirdo!!

  • the host disappear after being found out she is a trade gal?

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