大家係朋友, 但係又可以上床, 可以嗎?

  • bundy

    u should reply to her :

    but how come we as normal fds can hv oral together? it's not sth that fds should do !!

  • just curious to ask..........

    so she swallowed yr semen?

  • Crown, she was 25 at that time, I was 33.

    Male, she is still single now, around 30. We did not do that after that period cos she went to USA for study. After her study, she had a few BFs.

    Dark, yes, we learned a lot. We were able to bring it out and discuss and practice.

    Chat, different people have different opinion, value and feeling. I think she insisted to keep her virginity showed she was deeply thinking about all these before she actually did it.

  • if i were you, i wouldnt mind at all either.

    oral is just as good.

    how long did this whole thing last for?

    or how many time u hv oral

  • bungy,

    in this case i think the girl is more rational than you. a very good girl.

  • different people have different opinion, value and feeling.

    ----))) of coz, that's natural. & definitely she has the right to choose to ml with u or not!!

    my point is, it's kinda strange to accept the criteria of having oral with a ordinary fd. if she did not hv a feel on you, oral should not be accepted as well, if she had feel on you, why not develop into lovers relationship. then u 2 can hv sex after yr relationship became more intimate.

  • She said she were happy to have me. (Self advertising) Someone she can trust, free talk on every topics, good skills, polite and caring. We did not talk about sex topics now...maybe she talks this with her BF.

    Going back to this thread, I think there is a kind of evolution. Friends can become sex partners and then lovers and finally going back to regular friends. It keeps changing.

  • bungy,

    it is the kind of relationship all of us men want to hv. esp when the lady is attractive.

    lucky u

  • Chat,

    yes, we had some feeling on each other at that time, almost become a pair of lovers. I tell all these just to illustrate "The spark".

    My ex-SP said Sex is just like badminton, you can't play it alone. Woman / girl always thinks ML will someone is a kind of Loss. Actually it is not the case. If you have such "Loss" idea, then of course friends can't have sex.

  • Crown, don't forget I proposed to have sex at the beginning. Ha Ha.

    After sharing this story, anyone here want to be my friends?

    If yes, please send me e-mail and then exchange phone number.

    Go out and eat now.

  • bungy, tks for your nice sharing.

  • reply to host,

    tried with one of my friends.

    agree with bungy, "The spark" and timing.

  • hi all,

    I heard from my male friends they have such relationship with their female friends.....um..seems work.

    However, I just wonder why need to talk around to others.

    Can't keep secret? Will you guys also "share experience" with others too?

  • snow,

    it depends to individual.

  • bungy

    i m a guy, so i won't wanna be that kind of fd of u, hahaha...........

    of coz chatting & sharing will be fine here.

  • snow

    yr male fd told u all these............ may be they are trying to test u, if u also accept such, maybe they would propose to hv sex with u as well ^.^

    i think talking to others for sharing is ok, provided u hide the identity of the persons involved. i know ladies also share among themselves.

    aren't we all trying to share here in this cyber world?

  • I am back.

    One thing I like to point out is:

    friend who have sex or oral with you PROBABLY don't have BF or Husband, OR

    friend who is seeking / waiting for her Right Man. Before having a Right Man, she like to get someone she trust to have some fun and good time.

    What do you think?

  • bungy

    i m not talking loss or not. women nowadays think differently. i dun think too many would still think having sex with a guy is a loss if she has the feel for that guy.

    but for a casual fd, i wonder why sex? we all spend most of the day with our colleagues. would we normally hv sex with our colleagues? i know there are cases like that, but that's not the normal practice lor.

    btw, u dun wanna answer my naughty question ?

  • I am back.

    One thing I like to point out is:

    friend who have sex or oral with you PROBABLY don't have BF or Husband, OR

    friend who is seeking / waiting for her Right Man. Before having a Right Man, she like to get someone she trust to have some fun and good time.

    What do you think?

  • I'm too busy to have a normal relationship now but sometime the body call for sex..


  • Chat, Assuming between Black and white, there is a GREAT spectrum of Gray, and Black mean lovers, while white mean "Hello" friend. If you are nearly black, but actually still grey, then you may have sex with your friend.

  • bungy,

    can you conclude your observation in one word regarding the theory of 3 colours?

  • Someone told me another story:

    2 ladies, they are colleagues in a big firm in Central. One day, other colleagues gossiping the senior partner was having secret sex with another staff in conference room the night before. Suddenly, her female colleague whispered near her ear and said "Do you want to Fcck me with your fingers, and after that I reward you and make you very happy" Then they went to the office washroom and did it.

  • one word? Too difficult. Maybe "Brave", or "Try" or "Spark"

  • bungy,

    i prefer 'try'. Thanks for sharing your story. you're such a sophisticated person. ;)

  • bungy

    so it was 1 of the 2 ladies who told u this "true" story ?

    yes, lovers & hello fds are 2 extremes. but for my understanding, sex (or oral...) would only happen between intimate relations. if u could hv such intimate acts with the female fds who fall into the grey spectrum u ar talking abt. Definitionly yr fd is right ----> how can she be a lover of a guy who hv sex(or oral) with so many regular fds ??!!

    i do hv fds that fall into the spectrum, maybe i m too conservative to ask........... otherwise i could hv similar experience as u la, hahahha...........

  • Thanks dark.

    In reality, I am just another fatty lonely man nearly 40 years old working like a salve in HK.

  • chat, like my ex-SP, she used Badminton as an analogy to sex. Badminton is not that intimate. Then you know it is not our era.

  • bungy

    yes, mentality changes a lot. i agree most ladies no more believe men gain more in sex.

    but for me, if i were a woman, i would go for ons if i need sex as there will be no strings attached. It would be rather strange to hv it with my fd & the relation becomes too complicated.

    of coz maybe u ar right, they want it from someone they know & trust..........

  • nobody else has anything to share?

  • what a gd topic, i m always looking for such kibd of relationship....

  • typo...such kind...

    actually, i m quite agree with "chat"..

  • My dear,

    if you are a girl / woman, you can have this relationship very easy.

  • 賣Dear∼

    咁你依家身邊有冇 existing o既 fd 可以乘虛而入先?

  • I just receive a phone call from one of my friend. He will go out with a woman knew from she.com . It is their second gathering. Jealous.

  • bungy, i m gal but u r wrong...even i m not bad in either looking n sex skills...but still not easy to keep as a fd....

  • bungy

    no need to jealous

    you'll get your chance if you are sincere

  • boxx...No!

    bungy, u will hv yours someday..

  • My dear, then it is simple. You get some new friends, and then get familiar to each other. Expanding your social networks, see anyone fit your requirements.

    In the past, when I knew my SP here, we went out have a drink for a few times before we actually ml. Some kind of friendship built.

  • 賣Dear∼

    當妳去到有 sex relationship 時


    同埋大家都一定要有共識, 如果唔係連朋友都冇得做呢



    對手會係一個熟o既朋友丫, 定係普通朋友會比較好呢?

  • 熟朋友好難做喎

  • 其實咁o既關係o係比較年長o既世界好 common

    尤其發生o係大家都鍾意o左對方好耐, 但又唔可以一齊o既朋友度


    現實世界真係有o既, 唔係拍戲作故仔 only

  • boxx, to me, both are mature person. We need to know our positions, what I can ask for and what I can provide, it doesn't matter she is a stranger, regular friends, good friends, ex-GF, or colleagues. Of course some basic things like keeping secret, polite, respect and honest are essential.

  • bungy





  • 真係痴能線

  • 5,

    Heard a lot of things about you in she.com. Nice to meet you.

  • 哈哈



  • hi all, just back

  • 邊有女咁 sit 架, on9

  • 賣Dear∼

    ---))) do u mean after u had sex with the guy & he got what he wanted, then he left ??

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