
  • 陳子峰derek chan,年約40,專上網或係icq識女仔,<br />自己已有老婆,還周圍同o的女仔講未拍拖結婚,扮寂寞。<br />有家車成日車o的女仔,上山睇月光日出,<br />本身同老婆有間什麼MD製作公司,成日話周圍問人借錢,<br />借完人錢又唔還,專做社區中心生意,又編員工人工,<br />我覺得社區中心,是社會服利機構,應該搵o的老實的公司做事,<br />不是搵這騙人的公司做事囉,又不幫員工供MPF,<br />之後,又可以無野...咁政府做什麼宣傳呢?<br />有公司真係不供,又沒有問題既! 所以,搵工既人請注意和小心,<br />不要入去這公司做,十個員工有八個走的時候,<br />同這公司都攪得不愉快,有機會去勞工處先可以出到糧。<br />

  • What is kind of purpose does this post purpose serve? A warning?
    <br>Like in the beginning, your conscious never told you about beware of guys in the internet. But you never fail to fall in love with him.
    <br>Turns out he got no money and all lies. It is a day to call bad luck. But he will use the same trick to another woman over and over again. What can you do about it? Stop acting like a saint.
    <br>This kind of post only shows that you are stupid enough to fall for this guy.

  • haha DESIREE, I like your style.

  • desireee你係咪陳孑峄本人,吟偏袒佢,我覺得版主一d都唔stupid,佢係正義,驚惕其他人都好!

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