
      • 得 +
        <br>+ - 得 -
        <br>- - 得 +

  • 夫婦一正一負應該無問題

  • 如果bb同妳唔同先有問題

  • 冇問題
    <br>even 2個負都 冇記錯只係有機會 係接受輸血時 一定要用O 形

  • 夫婦一正一負應該無問題
    <br>probably incorrect.
    <br>problem may occur if the mom is RH-negative and dad is RH-positive, but i think the problem will occur at the 2nd pregnancy, not the first. u or your friend should consult a doctor before preganancy.

  • 在世界總人口,約有八成五的人的紅血球表面有一種抗原,稱為恆河猴因子,(因為這因子是從恆河猴身體首先找到的。)我們稱這類人為血型為正。如果與A,B,AB及O型血型拼在一起,有些人的血液會是O+,A+,B+和AB+。但是少數的人都沒有該因子,他們自然就是血型負的人。這些人的血液就可以是A-,B-,O-和AB-。由於AB的血型的人比較少,所以AB-的人十分異常罕有。在正血型的人的血液中沒有該因子的抗體,但若然正血型的血液與負血型的血液混合,負血型的血液會出現對抗該因子的抗體。

  • 血型有
    <br>AA, A0 = A
    <br>BB, B0 = B
    <br>AB = AB
    <br>00 = O
    <br>++ = +
    <br>+- = +
    <br>-+ = +
    <br>-- = -

  • 正常中國人夫婦無咁易既,係老外先多D

  • from the internet:
    <br>Immune system response
    <br>A person who is Rh-negative (whose blood cells do not have the Rhesus factor), will have a severe immune reaction if Rh-positive blood cells enter their bloodstream. This can happen during a miscarriage, an abortion or childbirth. This is because blood from an Rh-positive baby may enter the bloodstream of an Rh-negative mother.
    <br>The mother’s body considers the Rh-positive cells a threat and mounts an immune system response. Her immune system makes antibodies (called anti-D antibodies) against the Rh-positive blood cells. If the mother conceives another Rh-positive baby later, her anti-D antibodies will attack her unborn baby’s red blood cells. This complication of pregnancy is called Rhesus disease.
    <br>A pregnancy affected by Rhesus disease should be closely monitored. In some cases, medical treatment may include one or more blood transfusions for the unborn baby. Doctors usually prefer to induce birth as soon as possible.
    <br>Rhesus disease affects the second baby
    <br>Rhesus disease rarely affects the first pregnancy because the blood of the baby and mother tends to mix only at birth. However, Rhesus disease can kill any later Rh-positive foetuses. This complication of pregnancy is called hydrops foetalis.
    <br>In severe cases, the unborn baby’s blood cannot carry oxygen and the baby dies of heart failure. This explains why many foetuses affected by Rhesus disease are either miscarried or stillborn. Some are born alive but die soon after from organ failure. The heart, liver, lungs and spleen are typically swollen and unable to work properly.

  • ...

  • blue baby

  • in fact i m -ve so I can tell that if i married with a gal with -ve then we may born with a abnormal babie....i already confirmed this point, for sure

  • 關心人,
    <br>gigi post左中文啦.^^

  • anyway thx ... and gigi find and post info for us to realize more

  • 二個-ve唔會有問題.....

  • 多謝各位

  • 多謝各位

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