
  • 今晚又見到你同你講聲晚安先

  • 喜 replied @ 2008-01-22 1:57 am
    <br>^^ 晚安 goodnight ^^

  • <br>
    <br>林憶蓮 - 暗示

  • <br>
    <br>假如讓你吻下去 - 林憶蓮
    <br> 曲︰李宗盛
    <br> 詞︰林振強
    <br> 或是怕再告吹 才不敢因你心醉
    <br> 也許生活慣了孤單 忘掉其實這叫空虛
    <br> 夜幕滲滿雨水 仍然想把你婉轉相拒
    <br> 卻似推不掉暖暖的咀 你抱緊孤獨身軀
    <br> *如讓你吻下去 吻下去
    <br> 人生可否變做漫長浪漫程序
    <br> 或情是一曲短得太短插曲
    <br> 事完後更空虛
    <br> #其實盼醉下去 醉下去
    <br> 人生清醒眼淚令人倦令人累
    <br> 但如又真的交出整個心
    <br> 會否只換到唏噓
    <br> 或是這晚太早 不應跟你擁抱
    <br> 卻也許不是太早 其實時日我已虛度
    <br> +但願你對我好 和真心不要草草
    <br> 也許今夜我只好 半醉中甘願賭一鋪
    <br> 重唱 *,#
    <br> 如讓你吻下去 吻下去
    <br> 人生可否變做漫長浪漫程序
    <br> 或情是一曲短得太短插曲
    <br> 明天會更空虛
    <br> 重唱 #,+

  • <br>
    <br>這麼近 (那麼遠)  張學友
    <br>曲: 學友
    <br>詞: 黃偉文
    <br>編: Joey Carbone
    <br> 一天一天 日日夜夜 面對面 既相處 也同眠
    <br> 一點一點 逐漸逐漸 便發現 縱相對 卻無言
    <br> 靜靜默默 望著熟悉的背面
    <br> 一彎身影 原來離我多麼的遠
    <br> 像天涯那一端 沒法行前一寸
    <br>* 我 留著你在身邊 心 仍然很遠
    <br> 也許終於都有天 當你站在前面
    <br> 但我分不出這張是誰的臉﹖
    <br>△ 我 留著你在身邊 心 仍然很遠
    <br> 我想伸手拉近點 竟觸不到那邊
    <br> 就欠一點點 但這一點點 卻很遠
    <br> 觸摸得到 揣摩不到 這麼近 那麼遠 卻仍然
    <br> 相宿相棲 不聲不響 我跟你 已改變 已無言
    <br> 靜靜默默 望著陌生的背面
    <br> 心中所想 原來離我多麼的遠
    <br> 像天涯那一端 沒法行前一寸
    <br> Repeat *△*△

  • 今晚暫時最喜歡的是天各一方 - 曾路得

  • <br>
    <br>你唔愛我啦 李彩樺
    <br>Call 你 call 左咁耐 四次你亦唔覆
    <br>實係做左o的野 又怕我知道
    <br>識你識左咁耐 無試過話送花
    <br>*成日唔搵 只成日唔緊 成日也見但見一陣
    <br> 態度唔同以前成個冷淡曬
    <br> 是但啦 算數啦 唔煩你啦 無人錫我啦
    <br> 再見啦 無野啦 實在夠啦 你唔愛我啦
    <br> 是但啦 算數啦 又話錫我 話咁快又變曬話我幾差
    <br> 再見啦 無野啦 完場啦 你唔愛我啦
    <br>聽我講左咁耐 “乙水”下我亦唔得 淨係坐左係樹話我太多心
    <br>等你等左咁耐 有無野同我講 淨係想聽多一次BB好愛你
    <br>repeat *
    <br>讀白: 以前出街你一定來接我 呢頭講拜拜你個頭又call
    <br>但係呢排 你有乜唔妥 眼定定唔出聲 你諗緊邊個
    <br>送俾你件 t-shirt 你好耐無著過 我地幾時識 你又唔記得左
    <br>係咪淡左 係咪厭左 你唔再愛我

  • 今晚暫時最喜歡天各一方

  • <br>
    <br>曲: 雷頌德 詞: 黃偉文
    <br>但到底 還是我
    <br>待我差 太清楚
    <br>我就回去 別引出我淚水
    <br>無謂再會 要是再會 更加心碎
    <br>要是回去 沒有止痛藥水
    <br>夠絕情 我都趕我自己出去
    <br>原來在 逐點崩潰逐點粉碎
    <br>但到底 還是我
    <br>誰人待我好 待我差 太清楚
    <br>想繼續裝傻 卻又無力受折磨
    <br>心裡羨慕有些人 盲目到不計後果
    <br>我就回去 別引出我淚水
    <br>無謂再會 要是再會 更加心碎
    <br>要是回去 沒有止痛藥水
    <br>夠絕情 我都趕我自己出去

  • ken12345 replied @ 2008-01-22 3:06 am
    <br>me too ^^

  • <br>
    <br>作詞:林夕 作曲:雷頌德 編曲:雷頌德
    <br>青春彷彿因我愛你開始 但卻令我看破愛這個字
    <br>自你患上失憶 便是我扭轉命數的事
    <br>只因當失憶症發作加深 沒記住我但卻另有更新蜜運
    <br>像狐狸精般 並未允許我步近
    <br>無回憶的餘生 忘掉往日情人 卻又記住移情別愛的命運
    <br>無回憶的男人 就算偷呃與瞞騙 抱抱我不過份
    <br>* 吻下來 豁出去 這吻別似覆水 再來也許要天上團聚
    <br> 再回頭 你不許 如曾經不登對 你何以雙眼好像流�
    <br>彼此追憶不怕愛會終止 但我大概上世做過太多壞事
    <br>能從頭開始 跪在教堂說願意
    <br>娛樂行的人影 仍在繼續繁榮 我在算著甜言蜜語的壽命
    <br>人造的蠢衛星 沒探測出我們已 已再見不再認
    <br>Repeat *
    <br>我下來 你出去 講再會也心虛 我還記得要天上團聚
    <br>吻下來 豁出去 從前多麼登對 你何以雙眼好像流�

  • sorry! 之前個message唔知點解出左3次...

  • <br>
    <br>曲 : 曹雪芬@宇宙大爆炸 詞 : 林夕 編 : Ted Lo 監 : 雷頌德
    <br>其實自己一個更開心 只等你講
    <br>恨有多一點碰撞 仍然無聊事幹不敢打攪對方
    <br>要是你願意 誠實講一趟
    <br>不要哭 我也忍得了這些年來的委曲
    <br>沒法真心愛下去 只好真心真意的結束
    <br>*別再做情人 做隻貓做隻狗 不做情人
    <br>和你不瞅不睬 最終只會成為敵人
    <br>淪為舊朋友 是否又稱心
    <br>沒有心 只像閒人
    <br>若有空 難道有空可接吻
    <br>註定似過路人陌生 你怎麼手震
    <br>(這預告 發自虔誠內心)*
    <br>長期被迫戀愛也真比 失戀更慘
    <br>長期扮演若無其事般 更困難
    <br>是我專登反應慢 明明為時甚晚 牌一早該要攤
    <br>再像我伴侶 仍望多一眼 一生都將會記得今晚
    <br>Repeat *
    <br>對不起 自動分手錯愕的你怕會傷感
    <br>盲目的我 現在也可轉台來賀你新生
    <br>別再做情人 做隻貓做隻狗 不做情人
    <br>淪為舊朋友 是否又稱心
    <br>沒有心 只像閒人
    <br>若有空 難道有空可接吻
    <br>註定似過路人陌生 你怎麼手震

  • ken12345 replied @ 2008-01-22 3:30 am
    <br>sorry! 之前個message唔知點解出左3次...
    <br>never mind

  • <br>
    <br>愛得太遲 古巨基
    <br>我過去 那死黨 早晚共對 各也紮職以後沒法暢聚
    <br>而終於 相約到 但無言共對 疏淡如水
    <br>日夜做 見爸爸 剛好想呻 卻霎眼看出他多了皺紋
    <br>而他的蒼老感 是從來未覺 太內疚擔心
    <br>最心痛是 愛得太遲 有些心意 不可等某個日子
    <br>盲目地發奮 忙忙忙其實自私
    <br>夢中也習慣 有壓力要我得志
    <br>最可怕是 愛需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
    <br>忙極亦放肆 見我愛見的相知
    <br>要抱要吻要怎麼也好 偏要推說等下一次
    <br>我也覺 我體質 彷似下降 看了症得到是別要太忙
    <br>而影碟 都掃光 但從來未看 因有事趕
    <br>日夜做 儲的錢 都應該夠 到聖誕正好講跟我白頭
    <br>誰知她開了口 未能挨下去 已恨我很久
    <br>錯失太易 愛得太遲 我怎想到 她忍不到那日子
    <br>盲目地發奮 忙忙忙從來未知
    <br>幸福會掠過 再也沒法說鍾意
    <br>愛一個字 也需要及時 只差一秒 心聲都已變歷史
    <br>為何未放肆 見我愛見的相知
    <br>要抱要吻要怎麼也好 不要相信一切有下次
    <br>這幾秒 能夠做到又有多少
    <br>未算少 足夠遺憾忘掉
    <br>多少抱憾 多少過路人 太懂估計 卻不懂愛錫自身
    <br>人人在發奮 想起他朝都興奮
    <br>但今晚未過 你要過也很吸引
    <br>縱不信運 你不過是人 理想很遠 愛於咫尺卻在等
    <br>來日別操心 趁你有能力開心
    <br>世界有太多東西發生 不要等到天上俯瞰

  • <br>
    <br>親愛的,那不是愛情 張韶涵
    <br>作詞:方文山 作曲:周傑倫
    <br>像你告白的聲音 動作一直很輕
    <br>微笑看你送完信 轉身離開的背影
    <br>有你在的地方 我總感覺很窩心
    <br>日子像旋轉木馬 在腦海�娷鄐ㄟ�
    <br>有你在的地方 我總感覺很窩心
    <br>日子像旋轉木馬 在腦海�娷鄐ㄟ�

  • <br>
    <br>李克勤 - 一生不變
    <br>一幽風飛散髮 披肩
    <br>眼裡散發一絲 恨怨
    <br>像要告訴我 你此生不變
    <br>憂憂戚戚循環 不斷
    <br>冷冷暖暖一片 茫然
    <br>視線碰上你 怎不心軟
    <br>唯有狠心再多講 講一遍
    <br>*蒼天不解恨怨 痴心愛侶仍難如願
    <br>分開須不可改變 但更珍惜一刻目前
    <br>可知分開越遠 心中對你更覺掛牽
    <br>可否知痴心一片 就算分開一生不變 *
    <br>反反覆覆多次 失戀
    <br>進進退退想到 從前
    <br>讓我再吻你 吻多一遍
    <br>Repeat * 反反覆覆多次 失戀 進進退退想到 從前 讓我再吻你 吻多一遍 別了不知那一天再相見

  • <br>
    <br>傷感的戀人 - 黃凱芹 曲詞︰黃凱芹 編︰盧東尼
    <br> *風中雨點 沾濕了身
    <br> 長夜已降臨 延續了苦困
    <br> 不知道原因 只想再等
    <br> 然後你飄至 仍帶來傷感
    <br> #擠熄了煙 滿腦疑問
    <br> 顫抖中親吻 仍望你轉身
    <br> 不追究原因 慨嘆緣份
    <br> 然後你飄遠 投入誰的心
    <br> +冷風一般的你 沒法讓我親近
    <br> 熱暖像你的心
    <br> 那可以封鎖你 願你待我認真
    <br> 就算夜裡風吹凜凜
    <br> 重唱 *,#,+,+

  • <br>
    <br>青蔥歲月 - 黃凱芹 曲︰齊秦 詞︰小美 編︰盧東尼
    <br> *在昨日青蔥歲月
    <br> 分擔失意 分享笑聲
    <br> 在昨日各散東西
    <br> 不知不覺 如遺失這一切
    <br> #現在我說笑欠反應
    <br> 現在我歎氣欠寧靜
    <br> 似跌進冷血世間消耗生命
    <br> 天天的死拼懶去講心聲
    <br> +靜待日落西山的晚上
    <br> 想起你 也一起寫過詩
    <br> 但現在你我隔一方
    <br> 可想起我 同回憶這真摯
    <br> 重唱 *,#,+
    <br> 可想起我 同回憶這真摯

  • <br>
    <br>雨中的戀人們 - 黃凱芹 曲︰K.KUWATA 詞︰簡寧 編︰RICHARD YUEN
    <br> 攜同逝去了的夢
    <br> 欣賞雨中戀人們相護送
    <br> 那雨後的冷意 昨日也一樣濃
    <br> 寂寥茫然的風 情懷仍未凍
    <br> 讓昨天柔柔思憶 心中舞動
    <br> *徘徊在雨灑街頭 身邊汽車不停飛過
    <br> 那跌落的雨傘 似倦透的面容
    <br> 被遺忘無依感覺 原來沉痛
    <br> 讓雨的水點輕輕沾濕我夢
    <br> #太陽彷彿瞭解我沉默傷痛
    <br> 冰凍雨後給我照亮 熱暖心頭送
    <br> 啊 會否與她這原地相逢
    <br> 為我解去寂寥 擁抱熱暖中 哦
    <br> +雙雙的背影 又泛起昨天的邂逅〔偶遇〕
    <br> 相識紛飛雨中 但愛戀流逝像風
    <br> 重唱 *,#,+,+

  • 小情歌

    <br>作詞:吳青峰 作曲:吳青峰 編曲:蘇打綠 演唱:吳青峰
    <br>這是一首簡單的小情歌 唱著人們心腸的曲折
    <br>我想我很快樂 當有你的溫熱 腳邊的空氣轉了
    <br>*這是一首簡單的小情歌 唱著我們心頭的白鴿
    <br> 我想我很適合 當一個歌頌者 青春在風中飄著
    <br> 你知道 就算大雨讓整座城市顛倒 我會給你懷抱
    <br> 受不了 看見你背影來到 寫下我 度秒如年難捱的離騷
    <br> 就算整個世界被寂寞綁票 我也不會奔跑
    <br> 逃不了 最後誰也都蒼老 寫下我 時間和琴聲交錯的城堡
    <br>Repeat *
    <br>你知道 就算大雨讓整座城市顛倒 我會給你懷抱
    <br>受不了 看見你背影來到 寫下我 度秒如年難捱的離騷
    <br>就算整個世界被寂寞綁票 我也不會奔跑
    <br>最後誰也都蒼老 寫下我 時間和琴聲交錯 的城堡

  • 無與倫比的美麗

    <br>作詞:吳青峰 作曲:吳青峰
    <br>天上風箏在天上飛 地上人兒在地上追
    <br>你若擔心你不能飛 你有我的蝴蝶
    <br>天上風箏在天上飛 地上人兒在地上追
    <br>我若擔心我不能飛 我有你的草原
    <br>嘿耶 ~ 嘿耶 ~ 你形容我是這個世界上無與倫比的美麗
    <br>嘿耶 ~ 嘿耶 ~ 我知道你才是這世界上無與倫比的美麗
    <br>天上風箏在天上飛 地上人兒在地上追
    <br>你若擔心你不能飛 你有我的蝴蝶
    <br>嘿耶 ~ 嘿耶 ~ 你形容我是這個世界上無與倫比的美麗
    <br>嘿耶 ~ 嘿耶 ~ 我知道你才是這世界上無與倫比的美麗
    <br>嘿耶 ~ 嘿耶 ~ 妳知道當你需要個夏天我會拼了命努力
    <br>嘿耶 ~ 嘿耶 ~ 我知道你會做我的掩護 當我是個逃兵
    <br>嘿 ~ 耶 ~ 耶 ~ 嘿 ~ 耶 ~ 耶 ~ 嘿 ~ 耶 ~ 耶 ~ . . . _ 間奏
    <br>嘿耶 ~ 嘿耶 ~ 你形容我是這個世界上無與倫比的美麗
    <br>嘿耶 ~ 嘿耶 ~ 我知道你才是這世界上無與倫比的美麗 嘿耶 ~ 耶~ 嘿耶 ~ 耶~
    <br>天上風箏在天上飛 地上人兒在地上追
    <br>你若擔心你不能飛 你有我的蝴蝶
    <br>我若擔心我不能飛 嘿耶 ~ 嘿耶 ~ 我有 你的 草原

  • <br>

    <br>林志美 偶遇
    <br>*風 帶著微笑輕吹
    <br> 天空裡雲偶遇 難忘是當天你
    <br> 那默然的相醉
    <br> #心 印下微笑的影
    <br> 天天去回味 迷人是一剎那
    <br> 再回頭已是沒法追
    <br> +看著看著你來來去去
    <br> 彷似彷似彩雲散聚
    <br> 哪日才可 哪日才�
    <br> 再共你相遇
    <br> %要是以後有緣能見你
    <br> 今天一切都成往事
    <br> 會是如歌 會是如詩
    <br> 怕沒法遇
    <br> 重唱 *,#,+,%

  • thanks
    <br>我都鐘意 蘇打綠 d 歌 正!!
    <br>不過主音靚仔得嚟又好靚女 哈哈 !!
    <br>但佢把聲真你好聽 好靚

  • 來一首志歌醒醒神先
    <br>达明一派 >
    <br>曲/编:刘以达 词:陈少琪
    <br>空的心 当中满是裂痕
    <br>忧郁中 给伤感掩盖我的心
    <br>一颗心 不想再有别人
    <br>想可否 孤单中走过这一生
    <br>前路满是疑问 但觉急风阵阵
    <br>沿路满是迷惑 没有指引
    <br>( MUSIC )
    <br>得知心 可补救我裂痕
    <br>漆黑中 伸出手广阔我胸襟
    <br>能尽破灭疑问 令我深感幸运
    <br>能遇你在途上 为我指引
    <br>回復我热诚 前路看清
    <br>祈望你在旁 同渡困境
    <br>凭着笑声 流露我热情
    <br>长路远征 疲倦也未停
    <br>( MUSIC )
    <br>回復我热诚 前路看清
    <br>祈望你在旁 同渡困境
    <br>凭着笑声 流露我热情
    <br>长路远征 疲倦也未停
    <br>一颗心 今天再没下沉
    <br>都只因 悲伤中得了关心
    <br>途上你願行近 令我抚心自问
    <br>明白昨日愚笨 自我拘禁。
    <br>回復我热诚 前路看清
    <br>祈望你在旁 同渡困境
    <br>凭着笑声 流露我热情
    <br>长路远征 疲倦也未停
    <br>回復我热诚 前路看清
    <br>祈望你在旁 同渡困境
    <br>凭着笑声 流露我热情
    <br>长路远征 疲倦也未停
    <br>回復我热诚 前路看清
    <br>祈望你在旁 同渡困境
    <br>凭着笑声 流露我热情
    <br>长路远征 疲倦也未停

  • <br>
    <br>作詞:莎莎 作曲:施盈偉
    <br>編曲:郭小霖 演唱:張棟樑
    <br>你的心情總在飛 什麼事都想去追
    <br>你的心那麼脆 一碰就會碎
    <br>但是天總會黑 人總要離別
    <br>而孤單的滋味 誰都要面對
    <br>你的快樂傷悲 只有我能體會

  • <br>
    <br>我真的以為 歌詞` [主唱 :張 棟樑]
    <br>*你 在我身邊不再怕黑 每個晚上睡得甜美
    <br> 多曖昧 你卻不是我的誰
    <br>(而)我 在你面前變得謙卑
    <br>不敢要求你的一點回饋 擔心這種完美瞬間枯萎
    <br>☆我真的以為 愛給雙倍 過去就會倒退
    <br> 但他製造的回憶也珍貴 你的房間裡
    <br> 殘留他的氣味 說遺忘卻不乾脆
    <br> 我真的以為 愛給雙倍 未來不管錯對
    <br> 但你說愛我卻不夠堅決 還會想見他
    <br> 卻還要我跟隨 告訴我 愛怎麼能這樣的分配

  • <br>
    <br>唐禹哲 - 只欠一句我爱你
    <br>你微微的笑 溫暖我心
    <br>讓我有了 衝勁動力
    <br>千千萬萬的愛意 等不及
    <br>涼風徐徐的提醒 我和你
    <br>只欠一句 我愛你 沒膽親口告訴你
    <br>想要照顧你 好好疼你
    <br>只差一句 你答應 點頭說你也願意
    <br>和我在一起 手牽著你 緊緊抱著你
    <br>千千萬萬的愛意 等不及
    <br>涼風徐徐的提醒 我和你
    <br>只欠一句 我愛你 沒膽親口告訴你
    <br>想要照顧你 好好疼你
    <br>只差一句 你答應 點頭說你也願意
    <br>和我在一起 手牽著你 緊緊抱著你
    <br>盛夏的回憶 在偷偷想起 你就是剩下的唯一
    <br>我站在這裡 用最真的心 想對你說 請相信
    <br>只欠一句 我愛你 沒膽親口告訴你
    <br>想要照顧你 好好疼你
    <br>只差一句 你答應 點頭說你也願意
    <br>和我在一起 手牽著你 緊緊抱著你
    <br>手牽著你 緊緊抱著你

  • <br>
    <br>愛情瑪奇朵 - 棒棒堂
    <br>我知道妳心裡有個人 但誰是哪個人
    <br>有時候真的很想問 想從你的眼神
    <br>是不是妳心裡的人 當然你不用明白承認
    <br>其實我 好幾次 想要開口對妳說
    <br>愛情的滋味 就好像瑪琪朵
    <br>甜蜜的烙印在我心口 雖然他只拉了妳的手
    <br>只是摸摸妳的頭 悸動卻一直跟著我
    <br>雨剛下過 這一個夏天顯得特別悶熱 當你微笑看著我
    <br>那時候 世界突然間靜止一分多鐘 那一個moment怎麼去形容

  • <br>
    <br>SHE & 飛輪海 - 謝謝你的溫柔
    <br>SELINA:我會把你 種在我心中
    <br>儒:明明是想靠近 卻孤單到黎明
    <br>儒:拿愛情的距離 總是在孤單裡
    <br>ELLA:我會把你 種在我心中
    <br>HEBE:也許某天會終於再次長出一個夢 WO OH~
    <br>儒:明明是想靠近 卻孤單到黎明
    <br>儒:拿愛情的距離 總是在孤單裡
    <br>飛:不知道不明暸我想要為什麼 我的心
    <br>儒+尊:明明是想靠近 卻孤單到黎明
    <br>飛:不知道不明暸我想要為什麼 我的心
    <br>儒+尊:拿愛情的距離 總是在孤單裡

  • <br>
    <br>王力宏 + SELINA - 你是我心內的一首歌
    <br>王:你是我心內的一首歌 心間開啟花一朵
    <br>S:你是我生命的一首歌(Hello Selina) 想念匯成一條河
    <br>王:惦在我心內的一首歌 不要只是個過客
    <br>S:在我生命留下一首歌 不論結局會如何
    <br>合:好想問你 對我到底有沒有動心 沉默太久
    <br>S:惦在我心內的一首歌 不要只是個過客
    <br>王:在我生命留下一首歌 不論結局會如何
    <br>合:你是我心內的一首歌 心間開啟花一朵 你是我生命的一首歌
    <br>合:惦在我心內的一首歌 不要只是個過客
    <br>  在我生命留下一首歌 不論結局會如何

  • <br>
    <br>Casablanca - Bertie Higgins
    <br>I fell in love with you watching Casablanca
    <br>Back row of the drive-in show in the flickering light
    <br>Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars
    <br>Became champagne and caviar
    <br>Making love on a long hot summers night
    <br>I thought you fell in love with me watching Casablanca
    <br>Holding hands 'neath the paddle fans in Rick's candlelit cafe
    <br>Hiding in the shadows from the spots
    <br>Moroccan moonlight in your eyes
    <br>Making magic at the movies in my old Chevrolet
    <br>Oh! A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
    <br>But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
    <br>Please come back to me in Casablanca
    <br>I love you more and more each day as time goes by
    <br>I guess there're many broken hearts in Casablanca
    <br>You know I've never really been there
    <br>So, I don't know
    <br>I guess our love story will never be seen on the big wide silver screen
    <br>But it hurt just as bad when I had to watch you go
    <br>I love you more and more each day as time goes by

  • <br>
    <br>Eternal Flame : Bangles
    <br>Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
    <br>Do you feel my heart beating
    <br>Do you understand
    <br>Do you feel the same
    <br>Am I only dreaming
    <br>Is this burning an eternal flame
    <br>I believe it's meant to be, darling
    <br>I watch you when you are sleeping
    <br>You belong with me
    <br>Do you feel the same
    <br>Am I only dreaming
    <br>Or is this burning an eternal flame
    <br>Say my name, sun shines through the rain
    <br>A whole life so lonely
    <br>And then you come and ease the pain
    <br>I don't want to lose this feeling ...ooooohhhh....
    <br>repeat bridge
    <br>Close your eyes, give me your hand
    <br>Do you feel my heart beating
    <br>Do you understand
    <br>Do you feel the same
    <br>Am I only dreaming
    <br>Is this burning an eternal flame
    <br>Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
    <br>Do you feel my heart beating
    <br>Do you understand
    <br>Do you feel the same
    <br>Am I only dreaming
    <br>Is this burning an eternal flame
    <br>Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
    <br>Do you feel my heart beating
    <br>Do you understand
    <br>Do you feel the same
    <br>Am I only dreaming
    <br>An eternal flame
    <br>Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
    <br>Do you feel my heart beating
    <br>Do you understand
    <br>Do you feel the same
    <br>Am I only dreaming
    <br>Is this burning an eternal flame
    <br>[[fade out]]

  • <br>
    <br>悲秋 - 陳艾玲
    <br> 曲︰黃國倫
    <br> 詞︰黃國倫
    <br> 男獨白︰
    <br> 我不知道妳是怎樣離去
    <br> 是悲傷無奈還是哭泣
    <br> 終於 我真的失去了你
    <br> 該來的還是躲不及
    <br> 女獨白︰
    <br> 你說分離不需要原因
    <br> 一如相愛沒有道理
    <br> 我說你真的天真的可以啊
    <br> 我們相愛何需要分離
    <br> *我在過去中尋找你 我在未來中等待你
    <br> 但是現在 你在那裡 你在那裡
    <br> 我在記憶中尋找你 我在盼望中等待你
    <br> 告訴我你不會變心 不會離去
    <br> 男獨白︰
    <br> 突然一切都變得清晰
    <br> 迷夢一場終於驚醒
    <br> 現在我才真正的知道
    <br> 我是多麼愛你
    <br> 我們的命運早已註定
    <br> 你我都無法抗拒
    <br> 就像美麗的故事都是悲劇
    <br> 花好終需凋零

  • 今晚比較喜歡的是 林志美 的 偶遇 還是 Casablanca - Bertie Higgins 呢
    <br>Oh! A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
    <br>But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh

  • No you hang up

    <br>歌手:Shayne Ward
    <br>You got my attention at hello
    <br>We had this connection that wouldn’t let go
    <br>There was something sexy ‘bout your voice
    <br>Anything you say makes a beautiful noise
    <br>And now we break up to make up right away
    <br>(We make up right away)
    <br>Just an excuse to lay in bed all day
    <br>(We lay in bed all day)
    <br>I know that this thing we have won’t ever change
    <br>And that’s why I have the confidence to say
    <br>A lot of girls are sexy
    <br>But you know how to use it
    <br>You can keep me up on the phone all night
    <br>We say lets hang up on three but we don’t ever do it
    <br>Ain’t it crazy how after all this time
    <br>We got that you hang up, no you hang up kinda love
    <br>We got that you hang up, no you hang up kinda love
    <br>Every time you call me, I won’t lie
    <br>I still get the goosebumps I felt the first time
    <br>That I saw you walk into a room
    <br>Girl you had me hooked on that beautiful view
    <br>And now we break up
    <br>And now we break up to make up right away
    <br>Just an excuse to lay in bed all day
    <br>I know that this thing we have won’t ever change
    <br>And that’s why I have the confidence to say
    <br>And baby you still know just how to blow my mind
    <br>And after everything that we’ve been through
    <br>It still feels right
    <br>And I know that I can’t
    <br>Picture living my life without you
    <br>Yeah yeah
    <br>CHORUS X2
    <br>We got that you hang up no you hang up kinda love
    <br>We got that you hang up no you hang up kinda love

  • Breathless.

    <br>歌手:Shayne Ward
    <br>If our love was a fairy tale
    <br>I would charge in and rescue you
    <br>On a yacht baby we would sail
    <br>To an island where we’d say I do
    <br>And if we had babies they would look like you
    <br>It’d be so beautiful if that came true
    <br>You don’t even know how very special you are
    <br>You leave me breathless. You’re everything good in my life
    <br>You leave me breathless. I still can’t believe that you’re mine
    <br>You just walked out of one of my dreams. So beautiful you’re leaving me
    <br>And if our love was a story book
    <br>We would meet on the very first page
    <br>The last chapter would be about
    <br>How I’m thankful for the life we’ve made
    <br>And if we had babies they would have your eyes
    <br>I would fall deeper watching you give life
    <br>You don’t even know how very special you are
    <br>You leave me breathless. You’re everything good in my life
    <br>You leave me breathless. I still can’t believe that you’re mine
    <br>You just walked out of one of my dreams. So beautiful you’re leaving me
    <br>You must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me
    <br>You’re like an angel
    <br>The thing that I feel is stronger than love believe me
    <br>You’re something special
    <br>I only hope that I’ll one day deserve what you’ve given me
    <br>But all I can do is try
    <br>Every day of my life
    <br>Chorus x 2
    <br>You leave me breathless. You’re everything good in my life
    <br>You leave me breathless. I still can’t believe that you’re mine
    <br>You just walked out of one of my dreams.
    <br>So beautiful you’re leaving me

  • I Miss You(我認為至Lum love song)

    <br>歌手:Darren Hayes
    <br>Gimme a reason
    <br>Why I'm feeling so blue
    <br>Everytime I close my eyes, all I see is you
    <br>Gimme a reason
    <br>Why I can't feel my heart
    <br>Everytime you leave my side, I just fall apart
    <br>And when you're fast asleep, I wonder where you go
    <br>Can you tell me, I wanna know
    <br>Because I miss you
    <br>And this is all I wanna say
    <br>I guess I miss you, beautiful
    <br>These three words have said it all
    <br>You know I miss you
    <br>I think about you when you're gone
    <br>I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
    <br>I don't need to carry on
    <br>Gimme a reason
    <br>Why I can't concentrate
    <br>The world is turning upside down
    <br>Spinning round and round
    <br>Gimme a reason
    <br>Why I now understand
    <br>The beauty and simplicity of everything surrounding me
    <br>You got a way of spreading magic everywhere
    <br>Anywhere I go, I know you're always there
    <br>It sounds ridiculous, but when you leave a room
    <br>There's a part of me that just wants to follow you too
    <br>Because I miss you
    <br>And this is all I wanna say
    <br>I guess I miss you, beautiful
    <br>These three words have said it all
    <br>You know I miss you
    <br>I think about you when you're gone
    <br>I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
    <br>I don't need to carry on
    <br>It's such a hard life in most of the time
    <br>I'm just surviving
    <br>That's why I want you to know
    <br>In the world where sincerity has lost its meaning
    <br>You fill my world with so much hope
    <br>And I miss you
    <br>This is all I wanna say
    <br>I guess I miss you, beautiful
    <br>These three words have said it all
    <br>You know I miss you
    <br>I think about you when you're gone
    <br>I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
    <br>I don't need to carry on
    <br>You know I miss you
    <br>And this all I wanna say
    <br>I guess I miss you, beautiful
    <br>These three words have said it all
    <br>You know I miss you
    <br>And this is all I wanna do
    <br>I know it doesn't sound too cool
    <br>But maybe I'm in love with you
    <br>You know I miss you
    <br>And this all I wanna say
    <br>I guess I miss you, nothing's wrong
    <br>I don't need to carry on
    <br>I just miss you
    <br>Yeah, it's true
    <br>I miss you, baby
    <br>And when you're walking out that door
    <br>I know I miss you
    <br>You make me wanna ask for more
    <br>I just miss you
    <br>Yeah, it's true
    <br>I miss you, baby

  • Don't Love You No More(I'm Sorry)
    <br>歌手:Craig David

    <br>For all the years that I've known you baby
    <br>I can't figure out the reason why lately
    <br>you've been acting so cold ( didn't you say )
    <br>If there's a problem we should work it out
    <br>So why you giving me the cold shoulder now
    <br>Like you don't even wanna talk to me girl ( tell me )
    <br>Ok I know I was late again
    <br>I made you mad and then it's throwing the pan
    <br>But why are you making this drag on so long ( i wanna know )
    <br>I'm sick and tired of this silly games ( silly games )
    <br>Don't figure that I'm the only one here to blame
    <br>It's not me here who's
    <br>been going round slamming doors
    <br>That's when you turned and said to me
    <br>I don't care babe who's right or wrong
    <br>I just don't love you no more.
    <br>Rain outside my window pouring down
    <br>What now, your gone, my fault, I'm sorry
    <br>Feeling like a fool cause I let you down
    <br>Now it's, too late, to turn it around
    <br>I'm sorry for the tears I made you cry
    <br>I guess this time it really is goodbye
    <br>You made it clear when you said
    <br>I just don't love you no more
    <br>I know that I made a few mistakes
    <br>But never thought that things would turn out this way
    <br>Cause I'm missing something now that your gone ( I see it all so clearly )
    <br>Me at the door with you inner state ( inner state )
    <br>Giving my reasons but as you look away
    <br>I can see a tear roll down your face
    <br>That's when you turned and said to me
    <br>I don't care babe who's right or wrong
    <br>I just don't love you no more.
    <br>Don't say those words it's so hard
    <br>They turn my whole world upside down
    <br>Girl you caught me completely off guard
    <br>On the night you said to me
    <br>I just don't love you more

  • Where Is The Love

    <br>歌手:Black Eyed Peas
    <br>Where is the Love
    <br>what's wrong with the world, mama?
    <br>這世界出了什麼錯, 媽媽?
    <br>people livin like they ain't got no mamas
    <br>I think the whole world's addicted to the drama
    <br>only attracted to the things that'll bring the trama
    <br>overseas ya we tryin to stop terrorism
    <br>but we still got terrorists here livin
    <br>in the U.S.A, the big C.I.A
    <br>在美國, 偉大的C.I.A(中央情報局)
    <br>the bloods & the crips, and the KKK
    <br>but if you only got love for your own ways
    <br>then you only leave space to discriminate
    <br>and to discriminate only generates hate
    <br>and when you hate, then you're bound to get irate
    <br>然後當你怨恨的時候, 你被憤怒給困住了
    <br>madness is what you demonstrate
    <br>and that's exactly how anger works and operates
    <br>man ya gotta have love, this'll set us straight
    <br>兄弟你必須擁有愛, 這將會讓我們回到正途
    <br>take control of your mind and meditate
    <br>let your soul gravitate, to the love ya'll
    <br>people killin
    <br>people dyin
    <br>children hurt and
    <br>u hear them cryin
    <br>when you practice what you preach
    <br>and could you turn the other cheek

  • father father father, help us
    <br>神父神父神父, 幫幫我們吧~
    <br>need some guidance from above
    <br>these people got me got me questionin
    <br>where is the love?
    <br>(love) where is the love?
    <br>(愛) 愛在哪裡
    <br>(the love) where is the love?
    <br>(愛) 愛在哪裡
    <br>(the love) where is the love?
    <br>(愛) 愛在哪裡
    <br>(where is the love the love our love)
    <br>it just ain't the same
    <br>old ways have changed
    <br>new days are strange, is world insane?
    <br>新的生活是陌生的, 這世界不正常嗎?
    <br>if love and peace is so strong
    <br>why are there pieces of love that don't belong
    <br>nations droppin bombs
    <br>chemical gasses fillin lungs of little ones
    <br>with ongoin sufferin, as the youth die young
    <br>繼續遭受著苦難, 年輕人死於青春的時期
    <br>so ask yourself, is the lovin really gone
    <br>所以問問你自己, 愛是否真的已經消失
    <br>so I can ask myself, really what is going wrong
    <br>所以我可以問我自己, 說真的哪裡出了錯
    <br>with this world that we livin in, people keep on givin in
    <br>在我們所生存的世界上, 人們繼續退化著
    <br>makin wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends
    <br>不斷做出錯誤的決定, 映入眼簾的只有錢
    <br>not respectin eachother, deny thy brother
    <br>彼此不相互尊重, 否定自己的兄弟
    <br>a war is goin on but the reason's under cover
    <br>the truth is kept secret, and swept under the rug
    <br>真相要保守秘密, 而被掃到地毯下去
    <br>if you never know truth, then you never know love
    <br>假使你從不知道實情, 然後你永遠不會知道愛
    <br>where's the love ya'll? (i don't know)
    <br>你的愛在哪裡? (我不知道)
    <br>where's the truth ya'll? (i don't know)
    <br>你將有的愛在哪裡? (我不知道)
    <br>and where's the love ya'll?
    <br>people killin
    <br>people dyin
    <br>children hurt and
    <br>u hear them cryin
    <br>when you practice what you preach
    <br>and could you turn the other cheek

  • father father father, help us
    <br>神父神父神父, 幫幫我們吧~
    <br>need some guidance from above
    <br>these people got me got me questionin
    <br>where is the love?
    <br>(love) where is the love?
    <br>(愛) 愛在哪裡
    <br>(the love) where is the love?
    <br>(愛) 愛在哪裡
    <br>(the love) where is the love?
    <br>(愛) 愛在哪裡
    <br>(where is the love the love our love)
    <br>I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
    <br>as I'm getting older, ya'll people gets colder
    <br>當我年紀不斷增長, 人們變的越來越冷漠
    <br>most of us only care about money makin
    <br>selfishness got us followin the wrong direction
    <br>wrong information always shown by the media
    <br>negative images is the main criteria
    <br>infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
    <br>kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema
    <br>whatever happened to the values of humanity
    <br>whatever happened to the fairness and equality
    <br>instead of spreading love we spreadin animosity
    <br>lack of understandin leading us away from unity
    <br>that's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin under
    <br>that's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin down
    <br>It's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin under
    <br>gotta keep my faith alive till love is found
    <br>now ask yourself
    <br>people killin
    <br>people dyin
    <br>children hurt and
    <br>u hear them cryin
    <br>when you practice what you preach
    <br>and could you turn the other cheek
    <br>father father father, help us
    <br>神父神父神父, 幫幫我們吧~
    <br>need some guidance from above
    <br>these people got me got me questionin
    <br>where is the love?
    <br>(love) where is the love?
    <br>(愛) 愛在哪裡
    <br>(the love) where is the love?
    <br>(愛) 愛在哪裡
    <br>(the love) where is the love?
    <br>(愛) 愛在哪裡
    <br>(where is the love the love our love)

  • Truly madly deeply

    <br>歌手:Savage Garden
    <br>I'll be your dream
    <br>I'll be your wish
    <br>I'll be your fantasy.
    <br>I'll be your hope
    <br>I'll be your love
    <br>Be everything that you need.
    <br>I love you more with every breath
    <br>Truly madly deeply do..
    <br>I will be strong I will be faithful
    <br>'Cos I'm counting on a new beginning.
    <br>A reason for living.
    <br>A deeper meaning.
    <br>I want to stand with you on a mountain.
    <br>I want to bathe with you in the sea.
    <br>I want to lay like this forever.
    <br>Until the sky falls down on me...
    <br>And when the stars are shining brightly
    <br>In the velvet sky,
    <br>I'll make a wish
    <br>Send it to heaven
    <br>Then make you want to cry..
    <br>The tears of joy
    <br>For all the pleasure and the certainty.
    <br>That we're surrounded
    <br>By the comfort and protection of..
    <br>The highest power.
    <br>In lonely hours.
    <br>The tears devour you..
    <br>I want to stand with you on a mountain,
    <br>I want to bathe with you in the sea.
    <br>I want to lay like this forever,
    <br>Until the sky falls down on me...
    <br>Oh can't you see it baby?
    <br>You don't have to close your eyes
    <br>'Cos it's standing right before you.
    <br>All that you need will surely come...
    <br>I'll be your dream
    <br>I'll be your wish
    <br>I'll be your fantasy.
    <br>I'll be your hope
    <br>I'll be your love
    <br>Be everything that you need.
    <br>I'll love you more with every breath
    <br>Truly madly deeply do...

  • I knew I loved you

    <br>歌手:savage garden
    <br>Maybe it’s intuition
    <br>But some things you just don’t question
    <br>Like in your eyes
    <br>I see my future in an instant
    <br>And there it goes
    <br>I think I’ve found my best friend
    <br>I know that it might sound more than a little crazy but I believe
    <br>I knew I loved you before I met you
    <br>I think I dreamed you into life
    <br>I knew I loved you before I met you
    <br>I have been waiting all my life
    <br>There’s just no rhyme or reason
    <br>Only this sense of completion
    <br>And in your eyes
    <br>I see the missing pieces
    <br>I’m searching for
    <br>I think I found my way home
    <br>I know that it might sound more than a little crazy but I believe
    <br>I knew I loved you before I met you
    <br>I think I dreamed you into life
    <br>I knew I loved you before I met you
    <br>I have been waiting all my life
    <br>A thousand angels dance around you
    <br>I am complete now that I found you
    <br>I knew I loved you before I met you
    <br>I think I dreamed you into life
    <br>I knew I loved you before I met you
    <br>I have been waiting all my life
    <br>I knew I loved you before I met you
    <br>I think I dreamed you into life
    <br>I knew I loved you before I met you
    <br>I have been waiting all my life

  • Walking Away

    <br>歌手 Craig David
    <br>I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
    <br>I'm walking away oh to find a better day
    <br>I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
    <br>I'm walking away oh to find a better day
    <br>I'm walking away
    <br>sometimes some people get me wrong
    <br>when it's something I've said or done
    <br>sometimes you feel there is no fun
    <br>that's why you turn and run
    <br>but now I truly realise
    <br>some people don't wanna compromise
    <br>well I saw them with my own eyes spreading those lies
    <br>and well I don't wanna live a lie, too many sleepless nights
    <br>not mentioning the fights, I'm sorry to say lady
    <br>I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
    <br>I'm walking away oh to find a better day
    <br>I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
    <br>I'm walking away oh to find a better day
    <br>I'm walking away
    <br>Well I'm so tired baby
    <br>things you say you're driving me away
    <br>whispers in the powder room baby
    <br>don't listen to the games they play
    <br>girl I thought you'd realise
    <br>I'm not like them other guys
    <br>coz I saw them with my own eyes
    <br>you should've been more wise
    <br>and well I don't wanna live a lie, too many sleepless nights
    <br>not mentioning the fights, I'm sorry to say lady
    <br>I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
    <br>I'm walking away oh to find a better day
    <br>I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
    <br>I'm walking away oh to find a better day
    <br>I'm walking away

  • Hot Stuff(Let's Dance)

    <br>歌手:Craig David
    <br>I don't know about you
    <br>But if your feeling the groove
    <br>You know what you gotta do
    <br>It's got to be fire!
    <br>Let's Dance
    <br>Get on the floor
    <br>No need to hold back
    <br>Sexy thong, mini-skirt, stilletos
    <br>And shakin' all that
    <br>What you doin' to me
    <br>Girl I can't hold back
    <br>Some Hot Stuff
    <br>Is all that I need
    <br>So why we waitin'
    <br>Let's Dance
    <br>[Verse 1:]
    <br>Hit the floor
    <br>Show me what you workin'
    <br>Sequins on your skirt
    <br>Insentuates all of your curves and
    <br>Girl you know I'm likin'
    <br>All the things your doin'
    <br>Specially when them other girls
    <br>Be checkin' out your moves and
    <br>Girl I want in
    <br>The way you turnin me on
    <br>I can't even begin
    <br>You so hot like you come
    <br>Straight out of the kitchen
    <br>When you dip it down low
    <br>Cause we trippin'
    <br>Cause now other guys be lookin'
    <br>At you cause your so damn fine
    <br>Really blows my mind
    <br>Girl it's all about you
    <br>So what we gonna do
    <br>Let's Dance
    <br>Get on the floor
    <br>No need to hold back
    <br>Sexy thong, mini-skirt, stilletos
    <br>And shakin' all that
    <br>What you doin' to me
    <br>Girl I can't hold back
    <br>Some Hot Stuff
    <br>Is all that I need
    <br>So why we waitin'
    <br>Let's Dance

  • [Verse 2:]
    <br>On the floor
    <br>As I pull you close in
    <br>Hands all up my back
    <br>With my arms wrapped around your waist and
    <br>Temperature be risin'
    <br>Beat straight hypnotizin'
    <br>Ain't no time for talkin'
    <br>Girl let's keep this whole thing movin'
    <br>Know what I'm sayin'
    <br>I been away bein straight up misbehavin'
    <br>Girl you makin' me hard what I'm feelin'
    <br>Especially when you spin around
    <br>All up on my (beep)
    <br>I ain't even playin' (That's Right)
    <br>So many things I wanna do (Tonight)
    <br>You make we wanna go home with you (That's Right)
    <br>So maybe playa like to think through
    <br>But right now it's all about me and you so
    <br>Let's Dance
    <br>Get on the floor
    <br>No need to hold back
    <br>Sexy thong, mini-skirt, stilletos
    <br>And shakin' all that (I wanna know that)
    <br>What you doin' to me
    <br>Girl I can't hold back
    <br>Some Hot Stuff
    <br>Is all that I need (Oh)
    <br>So why we waitin'
    <br>Let's Dance
    <br>Get on the floor
    <br>No need to hold back
    <br>Sexy thong, mini-skirt, stilletos
    <br>And shakin' all that (Wanna know that)
    <br>What you doin' to me
    <br>Girl I can't hold back
    <br>Some Hot Stuff
    <br>Is all that I need
    <br>So why we waitin'
    <br>Let's Dance
    <br>The way that you move it's got me fiendin' for more
    <br>Clear up the strobe it's getting down on the floor
    <br>Send complete empty actions girl hope that so I do
    <br>But it ain't about me no
    <br>It's all about you
    <br>Don't want this to stop so let the record just play
    <br>Think the crowd wants the re-wind get it from the DJ
    <br>Girl I wish that we didn't have our clothes on at all
    <br>But before head to the door
    <br>Let's Dance
    <br>Get on the floor
    <br>No need to hold back
    <br>Sexy thong, mini-skirt, stilletos
    <br>And shakin' all that (I wanna know that)
    <br>What you doin' to me
    <br>Girl I can't hold back
    <br>Some Hot Stuff
    <br>Is all that I need (oh)
    <br>So why we waitin'
    <br>Let's Dance
    <br>Get on the floor
    <br>No need to hold back
    <br>Sexy thong, mini-skirt, stilletos
    <br>And shakin' all that (Wanna know that)
    <br>What you doin' to me
    <br>Girl I can't hold back
    <br>Some Hot Stuff
    <br>Is all that I need
    <br>So why we waitin'

  • Dilemma

    <br>歌手:Nelly feat.Kelly Rowland
    <br>I love and I need you
    <br>Nelly, I love you, I do
    <br>Need you
    <br>No matter what I do
    <br>All I think about is you
    <br>Even when I’m with my Boo
    <br>Boy, you know I’m crazy over you
    <br>No matter what I do
    <br>All I think about is you
    <br>Even when I’m with my Boo
    <br>You know I’m crazy over you
    <br>I met this chick and she just moved right up the block from me
    <br>And she got the hots for me, the finest thing I need to see
    <br>But oh, no, no, she got a man and a son, oh-oh, but that’s okay
    <br>‘Cause I wait for my cue and just listen, play my position
    <br>Like a shortstop, pick up e’rything mami hittin’
    <br>And in no time I better make this friend mine and that’s for sure
    <br>‘Cause I-I never been the type to break up a happy home
    <br>But there’s something ‘bout baby girl, I just can’t leave her ‘lone
    <br>So tell me, ma, what’s it gonna be
    <br>She said, “You don’t know what you mean to me,” come on
    <br>(Kelly Rowland)
    <br>No matter what I do
    <br>All I think about is you
    <br>Even when I’m with my Boo
    <br>Boy, you know I’m crazy over you
    <br>No matter what I do
    <br>All I think about is you
    <br>Even when I’m with my Boo
    <br>You know I’m crazy over you
    <br>I see a lot in your look and I never say a word
    <br>I know how n****s start actin’ trippin’ , and hate up all the girls
    <br>And there’s no way Nelly go for it
    <br>Ain’t fxxkin’ with no dame, as you could see
    <br>But I-I like your steeze, your style, your whole demeanor
    <br>The way you come through and holler, and swoop me in his two-seater
    <br>Now that’s gangsta and I got special ways to thank ya, don’t you forget it
    <br>But it ain’t that easy for you to back up and leave him
    <br>But you and me we got ties for different reasons
    <br>I respect that and right before I turned to leave
    <br>She said, (“You don’t know what you mean to me”), come on
    <br>(Kelly Rowland)
    <br>No matter what I do
    <br>All I think about is you
    <br>Even when I’m with my Boo
    <br>Boy, you know I’m crazy over you
    <br>No matter what I do
    <br>All I think about is you
    <br>Even when I’m with my Boo
    <br>You know I’m crazy over you
    <br>(Sing it for me, K)
    <br>I love and I need you
    <br>Nelly, I love you, I do
    <br>And it’s more than you’ll ever know
    <br>Boy, it’s for sure
    <br>You can always count on my love
    <br>Forever more, yeah, yeah
    <br>East coast, I know you’re shakin’ right
    <br>Down south, I know you’re bouncin’ right
    <br>West coast, I know you’re walkin’ right
    <br>(‘Cause you don’t know what you mean to me)
    <br>Midwest, I see you swingin’ right
    <br>(Kelly Rowland)
    <br>No matter what I do
    <br>All I think about is you
    <br>Even when I’m with my Boo
    <br>Boy, you know I’m crazy over you
    <br>No matter what I do
    <br>All I think about is you
    <br>Even when I’m with my Boo
    <br>You know I’m crazy over you

  • (Nelly)
    <br>East coast, I know you’re shakin’ right
    <br>Down south, I know you’re bouncin’ right
    <br>West coast, I know you’re walkin’ right
    <br>(You don’t know what you mean to me)
    <br>Midwest, I see you swingin’ right
    <br>East coast, you’re still shakin’ right
    <br>Down south, I know you’re bouncin’ right
    <br>West coast, I know you’re walkin’ right
    <br>(You don’t know what you mean to me)
    <br>Midwest, you’re still swingin’ right
    <br>(Kelly Rowland)
    <br>No matter what I do
    <br>All I think about is you
    <br>Even when I’m with my Boo
    <br>Boy, you know I’m crazy over you
    <br>No matter what I do
    <br>All I think about is you
    <br>Even when I’m with my Boo
    <br>You know I’m crazy over you
    <br>Yeah, yeah
    <br>East coast, I know you’re shakin’ right
    <br>Down south, I know you’re bouncin’ right
    <br>West coast, I know you’re walkin’ right
    <br>(You don’t know what you mean to me)
    <br>Midwest, I see you swingin’ right
    <br>East coast, you’re still shakin’ right
    <br>Down south, I know you’re bouncin’ right
    <br>West coast, I know you’re walkin’ right
    <br>(You don’t know what you mean to me)
    <br>Midwest, you’re still swingin’ right

  • Let me show you the way

    <br>歌手:Natasha Thomas
    <br>Let me show you the way
    <br>It's a game that we play
    <br>Oh everyday so easy
    <br>Let me show you the way
    <br>Oh just say what you say
    <br>So easily
    <br>(Verse 1)
    <br>The way of your touch is always heavenly
    <br>And I love the way that you are lovin' me
    <br>You wrapped me up in the colour of your love
    <br>You must be an angel high from above in the game of the heart
    <br>You know I know that you are mine
    <br>Let me show you the way
    <br>It's a game that we play
    <br>Oh everyday so easy
    <br>Let me show you the way
    <br>Oh just say what you say
    <br>So easily
    <br>(Verse 2)
    <br>Are you gonna be there when I need someone
    <br>And will I be always just the only one
    <br>I don't wanna have just another heartbreak
    <br>So tell me is your love true or fake in the game of the heart
    <br>You know I know that you are mine
    <br>Let me show you the way
    <br>It's a game that we play
    <br>Oh everyday so easy
    <br>Let me show you the way
    <br>Oh just say what you say
    <br>So easily
    <br>One kiss
    <br>One love
    <br>One word
    <br>One mouth with nothin' more
    <br>One life
    <br>One dream
    <br>You save it save it for me
    <br>Let me show you the way
    <br>It's a game that we play
    <br>Oh everyday so easy
    <br>Let me show you the way
    <br>Oh just say what you say
    <br>So easily
    <br>(Show you the way)
    <br>Show you the way
    <br>Game that we play
    <br>Everyday so easy
    <br>Let me show you the way
    <br>Oh just say what you say
    <br>So easily
    <br>Let me show you the way

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