what should i do?? i was not happy when i was with my husband.for years..and now..

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    <td class="topic_title" align="left" width="440" bgcolor="#7a7f69"><font color="#ffffff">what should i do?? i was not happy when i was with my husband.for years..and now..</font></td>
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    <div style="OVERFLOW: hidden; WIDTH: 445px">i decided to leave him...and after leaving him..i was so happy..so happy with my new life...and met my recent bf....but....my husband..he still waiting for me to get back with him..i am so confused.......he loves me but we are not match for each other...we always argue...no matter what........but when we r not together..we can chat like friends...but when we are together...we have nothing to talk about and we cant share everything.....what should i do>??? should i go back to my unhappy life ? or i should just get divorce and stay with my recent bf??</div>

  • 我覺得你應該做你想做既事

  • hi JJ
    <br>i have the same as u few years ago,,and end up now.divorced,.. first,,marriage is LOVE+living together happily,,share happily..some one can be your lover but cant b ur life partner.. some one can b ur partner but..not that much loving feel...so..decide what u want first .Love or marriage is the giving any pity.
    <br>y dont let ur x-husband as your secretlover....try this

  • 唔好為人著想太多

  • divorced man
    <br>i am sure my ex husband will not want to be my sl..mrover.. i dont have the love feeling for him anymore..
    <br>i love my bf now..for sure..but i just dont know why..i still concern my ex hubby...and feel like he needs someone to care for also..

  • 如果係咁..你就應該恨心d 對你ex-husband 啦

  • jj'
    <br>first,... then forget ur x husband... just be a good friend with him and let him understand that..Love is over.. introduce him some nice woman.. make him.DEAD HEART...to this bf now.. just keep seeing how going on... sometime... living alone.. enjoy our own...is more better then find anyone...with U

  • i hope i chosed a right way..i am comparing....my hubby has better financial and background..my bf is divorced with a 8 yrs old daughter..his financial status.. just so so..with no properties yet...just started his own business...it is a bit confusing someties...but ..my bf treats me so well...and he is so match to me no matter what... he is so nice to me..

  • JJ..u greedy...lady
    <br>btw..... go a head enjoy it..... Y dont just live alone and enjoy BOTH man.... + ,.,,sl..sp... all together...

  • i cant be with someone if i dont have feeling for him..that is why i cant treat eithr them as sp or sl......i am now only have feeling to my bf......no feeling with my hubby
    <br>i hope there is someone has the same experiece with me that i can make friends with ...can leave me msn here so we can chat more and support each other whn there is the smae problem

  • 只要揀自己鐘意既路行就可以 ,
    <br>唔好做一 D 令自己唔開心既事 !

  • i will be so selfish if i choose my bf... my hubby will be alone

  • 憟賡��?�

  • pls
    <br>what did u write?

    1. 既然你而家咁愛你新男友, 雖然外在條件比唔上你前夫 (坦白講真係唔太好), 咪拍住扡先, 你地2個都結過婚, 無須要再急於再做呢樣野. 隨緣就得!
      <br>2. 男人通常都較長情, 女人都較絶情, 既然你己唔愛佢, 如果你想佢好, 更加唔好再返番佢身邊折磨佢, 佢條件又唔差, 一定會再遇到同佢夾既人. 但你要肯定你以後唔好後悔.

  • let's say you divorced your husband and stay with your new found love, what do you think might happen 10 years down the road? Same as now I suppose.

  • rpper
    <br>i dont know what will happened after 10 yrs later..but at least i try to find my happyness and new life... at least i try...how if we get worst after 10 yrs if i decide to stay with my hubbby? will i be so regret and wasted my another 10 yrs? i am now already35 ..my choice of finding somone aftr 10 years is very limited already..

  • zero
    <br>i dont kinow if i would regret or not but i am sure i am so afraid to get back to my old unhappy life...and the most important is..i donthave feel for him anymore

  • 我同你差唔多年紀, 明白你既感受, 如果係我, 我都會走.
    <br>我會選擇過返單身既生活, 有岩既人咪拍下扡先, 唔會咁快認定一個人住.
    <br>但我會較為擔心你而家個男友既條件, 講真你有無介意?

  • zero
    <br>sometimes i dont mind but smtimes i mind but not too much... he is now working hard to make more money for our future....about his daughter... i told him i dont want to have any kids or live with others ..his daughter is living with his mom..
    <br>we are now living togethr and happy with each other..u know.. i dont have much to choose as i am also a 35divorce woman..i dont have much choice also..

  • we cant guarantee that if we found a better quality guy..doesnt means that they will treat u well..
    <br>but for sure.. my present bf will treat me good till the end.Maybe bcoz he divorced..that is why he is now so appreciate and treasure me as his anther half.

  • 冇野係永遠
    <br>但最緊要係你開心 , 同埋知自己做緊乜

  • thankjs climactic
    <br>i think i will choose something that can makes me happy.life is too short

  • yes , you are right !!
    <br>如果你覺得同以前既開心既 , 你根本唔會搵 SL
    <br>但 ... 那個叫得做 SL / BF , 又有令一個
    <br>所以你要有決定 , 但 ..... 都祝你搵到合心水同快樂既未來 ! ^_^

  • jj,
    <br>你都講得好岩, 最重要就係有一個人對自己好, 對方條件好好只係一個Bonus.
    <br>不過我覺得感情係一樣好無保障既野, 我地可以控制到, 就係自己既事業, 千萬唔好將所有野賭曬係一個男人身上, 最重要係先對自已好, 就算無男朋友都可以生活得好開心. 我地真係唔細, 保養, keep fit 一定要做足, 保持吸引力, 自已先會有多D選擇.

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