我婚後從未試過同我老公以外的男人XX, 好緊張呀!

  • 版主,有懷疑就唔好搏啦

  • 婚外性與情

  • 婚外性與情, can you msn long enough to get my phone number?^^ [email protected]

  • 婚外性與情, in the beginning, I believe sl/sp need to maintain some sense of barrier about themselves.. it's the way to detach from each other when they are not together, after all, it's not a full time/full on relationship ma.. and also even if you started having XX with the man you can still discover if his heart is true b4, during, and after he seexed with you.. But if you sl/sp day one with a man who's known you for such a long time.. he could tie you down and make a mes of your life with or without photos if it turns out that he is not a good man, not a gentleman...

  • ... good guy / bad guy ....
    <br>sl, sorry la... It is no need to get mad... I am silly lady.
    <br>joe, he is chosen because I don't know him much.
    <br>man_alone, can you make it more clear? I don't get it..

  • 版主,點都好啦,我都係果一句,如果,你同你先生冇咩問題o既,唔好貪一時之快,破壞左大好家庭

  • 婚外性與情, icic, I thought you guys had know each other a long time tim^^ in that case, your choices are still wide open, pick the ones to know more about.. find the one(or two kakaa) you are most comfortable with.. don't have to sex gar, just come out for a coffee.. see if there is a chemistry in person, don't give yourself the pressure that you must seex with the guy, make it spontaneous and enjoyable..

  • 婚外性與情, you can log on using web messenger gar.. hahaa.. [email protected]..:P

  • 第1次有sl/sp關係真係要好小心, r版真係好多負面例子

  • 我祇可以講,你要有心理準備,就係,你同佢做完之後,佢有一半機會會消失

  • 我覺得版主應唔應該有婚多情唔太合主題o應該傾佢要點去安排同應付呢個dating

  • 版主,點都好啦,我都係果一句,如果,你同你先生冇咩問題o既,唔好貪一時之快,破壞左大好家庭
    <br>Your statement is hurting me... [Crying...!!]

  • 婚外性與情, I am thoughtful, playful, retrospective, well travelled, enjoyable, gastronomical, all at the same time^-^ Kind of like a Kinda Chocolate Egg, hahaa.. can we chat on msn or phone? [email protected] to chat or pass phone number la..

  • 婚外性與情
    <br>can we chat further?
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>wanna share more with u

  • sorry,我祇係提一句o者.唔好意思,阻住大家approaching

  • 版主,
    <br>假如你覺得sex係呢段關係係其中一個環節, 你記得去享受
    <br>假如你覺得sex係去肯定你地呢段關係, 當然你自己要小心
    <br>但係你都決定咗同佢xx, 我地會唔會太多事, 壞你好事呢? ^^
    <br>而且你個佢都或者睇緊我地講乜, 大家都叫so-called 兄弟, 再講就真係無義氣, 攪破壞^^

  • 婚外性與情
    <br>you surely will regret once u have tried this kind of relationship....this is more than xxx...you better think and know what really you are looking for.

  • 我覺得版主應唔應該有婚多情唔太合主題o應該傾佢要點去安排同應付呢個dating
    <br>by Rio - 12/08/07 12:15

  • I am sorry guys.. my mood just down to the hell.
    <br>My tears have been dried up for long time.. No crying now.

  • 版主,
    <br>不如咁啦, 我地傾下你enjoy XX 邊個過程?

  • 婚外性與情, there are some real and serious reasons why you wanted to find release this way, and given you are a mature, reasonable, and intelligent woman, you have surely thought out the who, what, when, where, why, how of this all. a lot of us understanfding your feelings, needing excitement in our lives, who doesn't?! sometimes it's the only way we can survive this crazy world...^^

    <br>試過一次, 妳會再試第二次, 第三次 .........
    <br>一直咁落去, 永無休止
    <br>唔好行出第一步, 否則就返唔到轉頭

  • 其實, 妳只係心靈空虛
    <br>想搵人關心, 同埋要有精神寄託 ge
    <br>搵朋友傾下計, 行下街會好 d

  • 好同意隨風講,有一次就會再有第2次,第3次.你會一步一步咁沉淪落去,最後變成人地o既發洩工具

  • man_alone,
    <br>對"是", 唔對人.
    <br>I don't know how to type "matter" in chinese.

  • 版主,講真,我地並唔知道你真實個案,大家祇係俾到d片面意見俾你,最緊要一樣野,你一定要知道你自己做緊乜,為乜咁做,咁做值唔值得,咁做會唔會傷害人

  • 妳似乎未清楚自己到底想要 d 乜
    <br>係真實需要? 定係想報復妳的丈夫呢?

  • 其實.應不應.是由自己決定

  • 婚外性與情
    <br>this is not a place for you. you still have lot of things to do around you in the real life. this is not worthy to hang around here and hunt for unknown man. too many jerks here are pretending good guys in front of you. why wasting time here? i believe you have good family and good man behind you. dont do something stupid to disappoint your man or even you subsequently.

  • I am a "poor" lady who searchs for "different life".
    <br>Frankly, I am not very "poor"and I just want something different. I have been too good before therefore I want to be bad. That is all!

  • 婚外性與情
    <br>more crying comes

  • 唉,大家唔好講到版主好似去吸毒咁,男歡女愛邊個可以定對錯,我認為平常心面對,最重要自己知自己做緊咩事

  • 婚外性與情, hear and understand you. You have your rights! Definitely find your way to happiness "while you can" is soooo important.. we are not going to live forever you know?

  • 要做壞人 = 傷害自己
    <br>係度睇多 d cases 先啦

  • 其實,如果,你唔係有個家庭,你點bad有咩問題,係你o既自由,既然有個家,你就要保護個家,唔俾你o既家人受到傷害,你真係咁做,係傷害緊兩個家庭,傷害緊四個人o既感情

  • [better now]
    <br>Rio, have you got any drug with you now? I have not been "stone" for long long time. Maybe I need some now.
    <br>Thank you everybody. I am feeling better now.

  • 婚外性與情
    <br>worse come to worse. besides HIM, you are the only one who burden. you have no one to share with or talk to buy yself. it is not easy. this is what you also need to know too.... good luck.

  • Rio replied @ 2007-12-08 12:36 pm

  • 過去 replied @ 2007-12-08 12:41 pm
    <br>Rio replied @ 2007-12-08 12:36 pm

  • 一個人當感覺唔到有人關心, 關懷自己時
    <br>好多時都會胡思亂想, 甚至做出傷害自己的事
    <br>亂嗡一通, 嘻嘻哈哈咁, 好快就一日

  • 要做壞人 = 傷害自己
    <br>I have been asking myself too. Am I hurting myself and is he deserved it? or I am just doing something that I always want to do but not brave / ecourage enough to do? This question come to my mind all the time.

  • 婚外性與情
    <br>just go for it and enjoy every min when u r with him but never die for it

  • 過去,
    <br>曾經滄海難為水 ...

  • 婚外性與情 replied @ 2007-12-08 12:44 pm
    <br>要做壞人 = 傷害自己
    <br>I have been asking myself too. Am I hurting myself and is he deserved it? or I am just doing something that I always want to do but not brave / ecourage enough to do? This question come to my mind all the time.
    <br>你真係要認真諗下你自己做緊乜,傷害緊咩人? 會有咩後果,好多時,唔係話你真係貪一時之快,有好多野,會係你歡愉之後發生,可能後果會好嚴重..例如,你婚姻破裂,你會惹病

  • It is about lunch time now! Anyone who need to go shall go now. Anyone who want to stay can stay.
    <br>I will be in my office until 2:00 / 3:00.
    <br>Can we talk about something more fun/happy? e.g. where will you go tonight? where will you go for your lunch? etc.

  • 婚外性與情, understand your point.. I think you got the right logic, if you enjoy yourself carefully, then you would not hurt anyone while you can satisfy your needs.. at the same time maintain your lifestyles.. that's why finding a good man who is willing to understand and share this with you is important.. if he is selfish and cannot control himself there wil be a lot of troubles.. if he is just the right kind of sexy, playful, but not sticky then you'll have a wonderful time:D I am specking about myself of course, haahaa.. I am honest and upfront and not pretending anything.. [email protected] ^-^

  • 好多人一開始

  • 內心的掙扎, 好想去試, 但係又怕
    <br>妳之前所怕的並未夠嚴重, 下列情況, 妳有考慮過嗎?
    <br>1) 去開房時係入面碰到親戚?
    <br>2) 無意中俾報紙的狗仔隊影到妳同個男人去開房?
    <br>3) 警察查牌時, 妳講唔出對方的真名, 被懷疑妳賣淫, 帶返警署及通知妳家人
    <br>4) 性接觸感染性病, 甚至懷孕

  • 婚外性與情, can I hv lunch with you? maybe some coffee and chat? nothing will happen and everyone needs to eat lunch^-^ Kakaa..

  • 婚外性與情
    <br>What do you mena by drugs ? If you have special meaning, yes I do.
    <br>5 years already......

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