
  • 想問心的人

    Shall get ready to go now.

    all of a sudden you have just evaporated.!

  • 我以前覺得愛情好重要,不過依家錢係更重要,你搵份長工實際d喎,你幾多歲呀,唔好咁天真啦~

  • oj,

    how's ur flirtatious business?? good or boring??

  • 想問心的人,


  • morning all

    another dull day.

  • muimui

    It didn't go well!

  • Are you reading this silent all along?

    How could you be so crude to drop out of my life without even saying a word or giving me a good enough excuse?

    I am not doing fine. I will not be OK as you might have thought in mind. I am also paying the price for the happy time we had!

    Are you listening? Are you there? Why...why... eradicate me as a dog does to the fleas, am I such a terrible person to be associated with? It was you who believed getting back together is the right thing to do for us, it was you who suggested a second chance should be given to each others, it was you who asked me to forget what you have done while you spend the months with your companion as i sobbed. It was you who convinced me to forget the history of your mattress and who had been spending their sleepy nights on it............

    It was you)))))))))))). You educated me, you resurrected my heart but now leaving it to rot.... Where are you))))))))))))))))

  • oj

    Have read some of your mails, just curious is your ex-SL married?

  • bebe


    anyway. She is single at present.

  • sorry, must be out of mind. Mails => refer to your post messages.

    thanks for your reply anyway.

    i can't remember exactly, i think you have mentioned about the balance between supply & demand in a relationship, and the time you two get together? Is this one of the reason that makes you two split up?

  • bebe

    Demand and supply..yes indeed.

    I am aggreviated because I have no clue on what i have committed to justify for this sudden "death"...

    Sure I do think she is doing the right thing but ....at least we could do it in a more democratice manner and allow each others to have a say.

  • I just dont understand. If you love/need her so much, but with your family status, you cant commit anything, what do you expect her to do?

  • Umum..what i think when a lady decide to leave, whatelse wanna say. It is just as you said demoncratic manner, nothing else, but what for? good impressions? If the relationship doesnt matter anymore, why bother?

    Just a lady's thought. 如有雷同, 實屬巧合 :)

  • bebe

    I love her rather than need her. I don't need anything from anyone, I don't need a companion nor a sex partner, as far as physically is concerned. I guess thats why I never have any hope in seeing net friend. Its just outside my parameters of desire.

    Probably this is where our foundamental difference arises. She is alone and always stuck lonley in that small dwelling of hers. Its quite understandable on how she desire to have someone in her life. Having said that, I honestly think she needs a real boyfriend.

    I know what i am on about. I moaned, not because she has dumped me and found someone else better, in fact its quite the opposite. I moaned simply becase of her absence.

    What do i expect her to do? I expect she tell me that she wanted a quit frankly, I expect her to go away similingly. I expect her to talk, to act and to live happier, if by leaving me she can achieve.

  • If the relationship doesnt matter anymore, why bother?<-------- No.

    It does matter because we are not talking about a job we ended, we are talking a relatinship with someone whom we once loved, someone whom we used to shared all the secrets. Be democratic is the least we should do in respect of the once sincere relationship towards the one we did make some promises.

  • is it bebe or dede I am talking to?

  • ha, actually i visit SHE not that often, and didnt post any messages for months. But while i am free from work, i read some of interesting thread, and did read some of your messages that interests me.

    But how come you are so stubborn in your ex-relationship! My lady's instinct is she of course lives happier, doesn't matter she find someone else or not, if she is the one to decide to leave, she must have her reason. If you have been with her for quite some years, how come you don't respect her, and respect how she wants to end of the relationship in her ways, not yours?

  • bebe

    thanks for your comments which include;

    some of my craps are interesting;

    I am stubborn.

    Yes I am so so so stubborn. It doesn;t take a long friendship to realize my merit. Even my daily life on what I do, what i eat, how i spend my time, its all routine and stubborn.

    My ex never said; Lets call it a quit. She simply won't call me anymore, simply talk in such a most casual and lack of interest manner when i did try to call her. If I am not sure her life is any happier, I won't who is.

  • i agree some of your thoughts, indeed. I also sometimes query how come a relationship especially those divorce couples, why they treat each other like enemies? How come the years they spent together do not count any foundation of love? even cant be friends anymore. I dont mean that is a manner of demoncracy, but at least love was there before, right?

    It is too complicated in lesson of relationship.

  • bebe

    Look. Its been 3 yrs? Do I not deserve an answer when she decided to call a quit or at least a statement in saying; " Sorry, I have decided to move on without you."? As simple as that. I am naive; I believe in equal treating.

  • 沒有男女愛, 倒應當有3年感情.

    Even people treat their pet better.

  • oj,

    honestly speaking, my guess is your lady does love you. As she can't handle if she talks to you face to face. However, the life is cruel, she has to face the reality, if she decides to leave, what she could do is just disappeared, and act casually pretending no feelings towards you at all. That will make her life easier.

    Only my guess, but i think i am also the same kind of person. i always said, if i still love that guy, how can we be friends? that is so cruel for a lady to stay with the guy you love, but with distance. That might be the one of the differences between men and women.

  • Do I not deserve an answer when she decided to call a quit or at least a statement in saying; " Sorry, I have decided to move on without you."? ==>>> look, you are so stubborn. She did treat you much much better. Without fighting, quarelling, argueing, just simple disappear..! understand?

  • beb

    agree with your way ahead approach once an end has called upon. But not on other statement.

    Her approach to end it, as i assumed and agreed by you is no difference from a single mother leaving her new born at a dark alley , wrapped in thick blanket and left with a note asking for some kind soul to take care of it.

    No one will argue the point that the child will have a better future than stuck in a poor family with a single parent but hey.... does anyone ever ask the child what his preference is? Is her action called love or irresponsible?

  • People's thinking is based on their own values and belief. What you want doesnt mean what she wants. But to achieve effective communcations, people has to tell honestly, not to cater.

    In your case, you two hv been together for such a long time, at least you two understand each other well...you don't need to ask the reason why she leaves you, you should ask yourself, the answers should be there in your heart.

  • the closing episode don't have to be a disaster, leaving each others headed home as if just finished from a heart broken movie.

    It could be as passionate and memorable as the fisrt date to mark how special each others really is

  • bebe

    sorry. I don't have a clue, just like how she left before.

    She thought I should know, and in confessing I don't, we simply said " I thought you do know me". How unfair. Things aren't as simple as black against white. If there is no pattern on how she behaved before, how could i guess. besides, I don;t believe important issue as this should be left to guesing

  • ha ha..OJ, you are so funny, that you are so stubborn.

    You felt so hurt, uh? the feeling just like the baby you describe? the story totally reveal your heart-feeling.

    But that is not the fact. dun push yourself into the corner!

  • "i though you do know me" ==>>no, no, this is a very dangerous communciation. To my knowledge, within a relationship, there is never guessing.

    have to drop from here, as i gonna go. let see will we have chance to chat again. sorry if i have said anything disturbing you. :)

  • bebe

    thx for dropping by to viist me at the corner of the alley

  • I have stopped counting the days on how long we have gone separate ways and the number of days seems to be as vague as how the parting started. I only became aware of her intention after a long period of without contact. How silly I am, such a crying baby! Still brabbling on this can’t be true, resting hope on waken up one morning and find her calling me in a Mary Cherry tone. The chance of my illusion happening is just as impossible as if asking a mummy to tell me a bedtime story. Am I being pessimistic? No, too optimistic instead.

    People said; no matter what happens, life rolls on, unless one is dead of course. And I am not dead yet, so life indeed has rolled on as usual. Superficially, the only noted difference in me since her drifted off is my laughter has disappeared along with her. Well, as I don’t giggle that much, so I guess my laughter won’t be missed. Other than that, loads of chemical reaction has happened inside me which goes undetected by anyone. I tried to manage it, aimed to contain those changes within me, leave the whole wide world unaffected, but my Dear, do excuse me for brabbling here and there at times because I am only human after all, life without this is already a bumpy ride and I can bear no more.

  • I am the most stupid brain dead son of the bitch in the whole wide world. Fallen for the same bloody trick twice. Silly, brain dead, deserve to be played about dirt bag

  • f u c k

  • bloody hell.. life could get so bloody low. When I thought life sxxks, I am being further bullied by the bloody work load

  • so i see, who you are!!!

  • oj


  • 有一日喇...日子過得很快, 今天已經係十號


    where's OJ??? i miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  • oj,

    人生苦短, 唔好唔開心喇....

  • hi hi

    I am here

  • Hell

    Before u know it.

    Spring is here.

    Rain is it!!!

    here comes the sticky days

  • Hi

    Pls check email, I am now heading out of office. Let see if we may chat tomorrow

  • 想問心的人 ,



  • KRIS

    Thats life, thats fact. Just because people are husband and wife, it doesn;t mean they are exempted from outside influence? We bound to bump into someone who will make our heart shoot out of our mouth one day, regardless if we were married or not

  • oj,

    hi, 好耐冇上黎, 之前同佢分手, 忍唔住又一齊番, 但, 我真係冇男人咁叻, 我唔可以同時愛兩個人, 一齊番, 佢既佔有慾好似又大左, 見我同男友出街, 話唔會阻住人發達........真係好傷我心!



    其實有時睇番自己既日記, 都唔明當時點解會咁諗, 自己都會好似唔認識自己, 又可況人地呢!我睇番d日記先覺得恐怖~!

  • unhappy.

    Do u know whats the most frustrating part in love? It is that we never learn from our mistake.!!!

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