
  • hk side唔該預算若$380-$500一次

  • wow, so expensive.

    maybe i do it in china la.

    Or perhaps....... I buy a better brand of facial wash and diy.

    Did u not check ur email? hum?

  • 300-500??? <--- Chi sin !!! Who will pay that much and expect to see some possible result only after 2 and 1/2 mths

  • 唔明,之前曾經遇過,曾經傾過?

  • U talking to me? I dont get it?

  • thought u went to sleep as usual

  • 你e-mail所講的,我唔係好明

  • $300-500在我那時工作環境,這個最平的couse

  • lunch

  • 我出去,晚上見

  • well, its Friday again.

    I shalln't be able to read or log in she.com at home, so i guess won't be seeing ya till Monday when i am back to office

  • oj

  • why can't log in she.com at home?if i send e-mail , can you see that?

  • 你有否車的?

  • oj


  • 你能確實講我聽,你是誰嗎?

  • morning.

    Fisrt day of the week and first day back to the office in HK.

    Feel quite strange! Not sure what's the difference but.. Let me put it this way, I came early, I cleared all the old stuff which I left scattered around my desk 7 months ago before I headed up to PRC and ..what's more I wiped clean my desk/. Seems like a ritual to demark my return to the office on a more permanent basis.

  • 想問心的人

    Morning, my friend.

    Have we met in she.com before? Well, I would say probably not because it had been a long time since I last visited here and to those people whom I knew and bumped into so far, they are still using the same alias as before.

    Do I know you? Guess not either! No one seems to match your background as far as scratching my head helps is concerned. Do I appears to be similar to someone you know of? Do tell me in the mail then.

  • 想問心的人

    I have no idea why the PC at home cannot access she.com. I can browse as visitor alright but not to log in or post any comment. For access to other web sites, I have no problem with it, so I can still open and send emails as usual.

    I do have a car and it is like a family member to us because wherever we go on the weekend, we always travel in it.

  • 想問心的人

    My weekend went ok except the part about ... u know what / who i am trying to refer to, right?

    And how is yours? Suppose he has acted in line with his promise and yours should have been all right too.

    I have said so much about myself. Y dont you tell me how your weekend went?

  • 想問心的人

    btw.. I missed one of your question.

    Who am I? I have been using the alias oldjac for god knows how long and no long after i got here (she), they started referring me as "oj", so thats me. Is that the question you were asking?

  • 我常覺恐懼中,我知他愛我,我也很愛他,但每當睡醒,都怕他離開我,這個是我的感覺

  • 昨晚去舊朋友婚姻,常和他日聚聚,但感覺已不同了,大家只好像互相比較誰過得好,誰家老公賺錢多,誰不用返工,做少奶奶,唉~~~~

  • 真心朋友,在現今好越來越少,我應同你為什麼無朋友,唉~

  • 我常唔恨下心去找一份長工,是我更擔心離他遠,更不知會怎樣,我返part-time時,滿腦子都是他,根本心不在公司,投入唔倒,很難在工作上得到慰藉!只想快D放工,完成自己的任務,一D都唔enjoy!

  • 想問心的人

    I think the bride whose wedding banquet you attended will be the last time you wish to see her again. Hate big headed people. Why can't they be nice and shut their mouth.

    Good job that most "frds" i do see aren't quite the same as how u describe.

  • 想問心的人

    How many times do i have to tell you????

    You know he loves you and you know he treasure the marriage, so what else do you expect him to do in order to make you feel more secure? Do you wish him to return home after work at once? Do you wish him to lose all his friend and not in touch with anybody?

  • 想問心的人

    Let me tell you what it is that I wish for my wife.

    I wish she has a job, a job which she enjoys no matter how little the earning is because I am supposed to be the one who take care of the $$ worries.

    I wish she has her own circle of social ife, go out, buy stuff, have fun, as long as "we" work out the house duties and how the kids are to be taken care of.

    I wish she cares about how she looks no matter on days of her work or if she is a full time housewif because women has the right to make themselves look good and make themselves confident.

    I wish she hug and cuddle me as if we just fallen in love yesterday.

    I trust you hubby will have more or less the same wish as I do.

    Now go out and get yourself something to do. get your lazy ass up and out... (not to shopping)

  • 我明,我明,我明啦!



  • 想問心的人

    Go to sex thread and have xrazy talks with them instead. am sure you will have a great time

  • 想問心的人

    Y did you ask "你能確實講我聽,你是誰嗎?"??

  • oj,


  • 想問心的人,

    你好, 第二次入來, 有無阻你地傾計



  • muimui

    Do u wish me to tell you how long I had been expecting for your return?

  • muimui

    do u still apply lip gloss?? umum

  • muimui

    How am I. Do you know that she has left me again? Well, couldn't imagine the days can be sunny again without her.

  • 其實我應為每個人都應該有佢既秘密, 如果唔係咪浪費左呢兩個字。

    至於我覺得兩個人既相處係應該有一些善意既大話, 你tum下我, 我tum下你, 不過唔知係唔係兩個人耐左對對方就唔同左。比你地簡, 你地鐘意相敬如賓定你熟不拘禮?

  • oj,

    hahahaha...of course i want to know la...i know you miss me so much...as you said i'm so charming ar ma...hahahahahaha

  • oj,

    i know she left you again...sorry to hear about that...actually you know it will be happened in one day...but i can understand what do you feel...it's really really hurt to break with the one you love soooooooooooo much....

  • lip gloss?? yes...of course...this is my logo...if not, i'm afraid you won't recongize me...hahahahahaha

  • muimui

    sorry to disappoint you. It is your lip gloss which remains in my mind. Whereas the charm you claimed.. well.... yes..yes.. yes.. I should be polite, right?

  • muimui

    At the beginning, I came here to find a soft shoulder to lean against and cry out my sorrow, but then, .... after a month or so, it didn;t help to get me anywhere. So, what do I do? I bloody flirt, thats what I shall do now.

    Are you still single? Oh never mind that, single or not is not important. Are you available?

    Why she has to dump me twice and do only after I learnt to love her deeply.

    Separating is a must? I am not exactly sure!

  • muimui

    where did u pick up that message about our separation? U won't lie to me, right? Better tell me the source and what was the message? Else....Eh Huh.. u know how cruel I can be

  • oj,

    no...disappointed..this is more than enough right?

  • muimui

    no.. as in?

  • wow...you have so many questions..ok..give me some times to answer ur question...be patient...

    yes, i'm still single...but not available...:)

    same as i said...when you lost something/someone then you will treasure something/someone...this is kind of lesson we should learn...

    of course...separating is not a must...BUT...under one condition...this is LOVE...to be honest...according to what did i see...both of you love yourself more than the other...so how can keep lei???

  • muimui


    I thought it was me who is the sole sinner and being selfish over the relationship, yet it appears that you have given me another insight by telling me somthing I never knew; some hidden agenda.!!

  • muimui

    Like u said, relationship doesn;t suit me!

    I should have known. So.. I mean anyway, I have started another approach, just like when she left me last Jan... So far, I do appear to have the talent of a flirt. Hohoho.. another hidden talent of mine.

  • i have to go...may chat tonight...bye

  • muimui

    can't chat tonite ar.. shall go for some more flirtatious business


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