
  • 我個BF在同我以前有女朋友 (我都識)﹐佢無意中被前女友傳染到性病﹐同我在一起後才發現有抗體。雖然不致命﹐對身體沒有大影響﹐但現在的醫學卻無法根治﹐而且有機會會傳染。<br /><br />我相信佢是無辜的﹐因為佢的性格好靜好直﹐根本不會出去蒲﹐莫講話落D﹐連唱K都興趣欠奉﹐不煙不酒﹐女性朋友都無幾個﹐只是埋頭工作果種人﹐我在未同佢一起就很清楚他的為人(識左佢六年啦)。以前U搞情人節PARTY﹐他亦不願意同不是自己女友的女仔跳舞(當時佢女朋友系香港)。<br /><br />佢而家知道這件事後成個人謝曬﹐我又唔知點算﹐尤其係了解到無法根治﹐我真係無知點算﹐父母叫我同佢分開﹐但我又好中意佢。<br /><br />我想知道妳地點睇﹖我是否應該放棄佢。。。

  • y your father knows this ? You tell him ?

  • coz I don't know what to do...

  • ... well I just... I just really upset & can see a way out

  • DreamDust: I feel very sorry for him in some way, but as an adult we should be responsible for our own mistakes. He could had taken certain precaustions in efforts of protecting himself as well as others. I am not sure what type of STD he has, and I do know it is a very wide spred problem in a lot of major cities, especially in U.S. Please don't be frustrated, there are medical alternatives or preventions for the behalf. There might not a permenant cure nor treatments but there are treatments which do contains it. If you need more information, you may contact me via msn [email protected] I can give you the medication informations if he needs.

  • I think the name of that virus is "herpes", Im not so certain of that since Im not a Dr. According the Dr, this virus would not cause great damage if he is healthy. However, this virus can not be cleansed completely, and there is a huge risk to spread to other ppl, and also, there is a chance the virus will spred the baby aswell.
    <br>There is no sign of he was infected til he ran the blood testing, he is a nice guy, always happy and postive, love his job and take good care of me, if he is such a "flower heart" man, I would just dump him straight away. But now, I really don't know what to do... we both suffering from a lot of pressure atm, from parents...

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