Ladies, do you want to share your experiences in she? E.g. who are the guys who always cheat here?

  • I have visited for a few months and met a couple of guys.  Some are saying that they are good looking but in fact they are not...some are saying that they are seious but in fact they have girlfriend..some are keep finding sl/sp in you want to share these experiences.  Perhaps this will also help other girls who really want to find serious boyfriend.

  • 其實不單在其他交友網站都有這個問題...我覺得d人上網識女仔係多數只想享受但唔想負責任...

  • i know some guys post some pictures but look different from their real person..this really makes me dissappointed.

  • over 90% female are dreamt to be fact they have big mental problem..e.g. fat, disorder, self-esteem, old , ugly and many trade chore too..those i met here are as above i mentioned!

  • totally agree!

  • guy replied @ 2007-08-25 11:24 pm
    <br>over 90% female are dreamt to be fact they have big mental problem..e.g. fat, disorder, self-esteem, old , ugly and many trade chore too..those i met here are as above i mentioned!

  • is just a steakhouse full of pork chops,
    <br>but they always think that they are pretty!

  • i don't really put an eye on a good or bad look, but the women i met are black-hearts..

  • guy replied @ 2007-08-25 11:24 pm
    <br>over 90% female are dreamt to be fact they have big mental problem..e.g. fat, disorder, self-esteem, old , ugly and many trade chore too..those i met here are as above i mentioned!
    <br>首先, 你知唔知什麼叫"mental problem"?......fat, old, ugly are the adjs used to describe or judge a person appearance. 唔該唔好拋錯書包.
    <br>第二, 人地一路都無用過任何形容詞去詆毀港男, 只是在分享自己向she.com既經歷, 而呢度又真有好多賤男揾食. 唔該積下口德

  • ka-yin,
    <br>if u r a real guy to meet real female here..u know what i mean!
    <br>yr words reflect yourself a 'little woman', cheers!

  • 我是男,我來了來了兩日,都覺得一開波就給人MSN的男仔無非都係騙人上床,要上網交流就一早預左公開的。君子坦蕩蕩呀!

  • guy replied @ 2007-08-25 11:44 pm
    <br>if u r a real guy to meet real female here..u know what i mean!
    <br>yr words reflect yourself a 'little woman', cheers!
    <br>I really dont know what you that a kind of " Chinghish"?
    <br>I be a macho man like you would like to critize ppl ? am I right?

  • 無用過任何形容詞去詆毀港男?

  • ka-yin,
    <br>you're just sososo stupid!

  • guy replied @ 2007-08-25 11:44 pm
    <br>if u r a real guy to meet real female here..u know what i mean!
    <br>yr words reflect yourself a 'little woman', cheers!
    <br>Maybe you are the one who have mental problem. I think you are better to visit or seeking advise from a psychiatrist

  • ka-yin,
    <br>okay, keep reply with yr bad attitude and this show you're the bbest sample of cheapy to be a frog in a small frog!

  • Truth replied @ 2007-08-25 11:49 pm
    <br>I cant see anything critizing men in HK in this thread. I dont know WHYsome guys are really over-reacted

  • ka-kin,
    <br>SHUT UP!
    <br>SHE>COM gals are so cheap!

  • 妳有無睇清楚我講乜?

  • Guy,the following no. is helful to you. pls keep it
    <br>tel.2456 7000
    <br>I think your mind is unstable will be very dangerous to ppl that are around you right now. Stay Calm

  • 唉呀,KAYIN,很多男仔被人傷害過,就會上岡上線怪責所有女性。

  • hi another guy,the following no. is helful to you as well. pls keep it
    <br>tel.2456 7000
    <br>I think your mind is unstable will be very dangerous to ppl that are around you right now. Stay Calm

  • Truth replied @ 2007-08-25 11:57 pm
    <br>that's correct! I dont know why some men are really over-reacted in this thread

  • rocky310,

  • ai:

  • rocky310 replied @ 2007-08-26 12:00 am
    <br>I know.......but they are really out of control.

  • okay ka-kin, goodbye you 8 woman, so cheap you're ,so disappointed to meet another female......


  • hahahah..ka-kin, shut up la!!!

  • ai ai replied @ 2007-08-26 12:02 am

  • last phase, rocky310 cheap guy, take this chance to meet another cheap woman, she fits you, stupid you!

  • guy replied @ 2007-08-26 12:04 am
    <br>okay ka-kin, goodbye you 8 woman, so cheap you're ,so disappointed to meet another female......
    <br>we got 8 women here? have counted? I think you have to improve your English

  • ka-kin, you're really 8! long mouth 8888!

  • ka-yin replied @ 2007-08-26 12:06 am

  • guy:

  • rocky310,
    <br>fxxk you cheap guy take advantage to 'cow' ka-kin here, cheap vs cheap!

  • woman:

  • >E.g. who are the guys who always cheat here?
    <br>it seems a lot of guys have very strong reaction to this.

  • ka yin, u said they r out of control ? i guess u r the same. u r so mean to them too.

  • 同一個男人chat得幾好 互有好感

  • guys,
    <br>if both are pork chop, why are you still staying here?

  • mike replied @ 2007-08-26 1:28 am
    <br>ka yin, u said they r out of control ? i guess u r the same. u r so mean to them too.
    <br>hI Mike, I didint want to argue. 我對搗蛋的人沒好感罷了

  • woman replied @ 2007-08-26 12:25 am
    <br>fxxk you cheap guy take advantage to 'cow' ka-kin here, cheap vs cheap!
    <br>Hi woman, I am not aim at meeting anyone in person here. As I told you all b4 in the first reply thread...... I know most ppl here dont want to bear the responsibility on love. Dont misunderstand!

  • james replied @ 2007-08-26 12:10 am
    <br>ka-kin, you're really 8! long mouth 8888!
    <br>真可惜為何這個人不為自己好好増值. 寫出來的英語全都是狗屁不通

  • When I look at this thread, I totally understand why some girl got some bad experieces in The guys here all have a bad altitute, and they are so mean.
    <br>And I think "Becareful" is only asking ladies to leave their message here. Can you guys read her thread carefully?? I guess the guys have some eyesight problem.

  • guy replied @ 2007-08-26 12:07 am
    <br>last phase, rocky310 cheap guy, take this chance to meet another cheap woman, she fits you, stupid you!

  • ka-kin,
    <br>just fxxk OFF you ugly shxt!

  • I think "passby" is a guy..
    <br>He is so mean, this is another proof why the guy in is so horrible.

  • passby replied @ 2007-08-26 1:24 pm
    <br>just fxxk OFF you ugly shxt!

  • When i first set up this thread, I have a feeling that some guys will leave some bad messages here. What i thought is right. My purpose is to have some ladies sharing their bad experiences. But ended up no ladies share their bad experiences, but some guys keep posting some "mo liu" messages here..Ai...

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