請 問 有 沒 有 朋 友 知 道 去 日 本 新 宿 酒 店 方 法, 謝 謝 幫 忙 !

  • 我有以下問題, 請幫忙解決 : <br />1. 如果在淺袋坐 JR 到新宿站到太子酒店, 會在什麼出口出呀 <br />2. 出口後向什麼方向行呀...<br />3. 如果想問日本人去太子酒店, 日文點寫呀.....<br /><br />謝謝幫忙!<br /><br />

    1. JR山手線9MINS、東口
      <br>2)東口直行。 東口also has many exits. Go to the biggest exit facing the 大馬路, not the exit with glass doors facing the electronics store. (you will find electronic stores on your right hand side, you have to face the little gathering place in front of the exit. Cross the 大馬路. You will see 百果園。Keep on going straight then you will see a bigger 大馬路. Cross the road and you will find a taller brown building with a clock on your left.

    1. 太子酒店係邊?新宿 プリンス ホテル は どこですか?OR 西武新宿線駅はどこ?because the hotel is on top of the 西武新宿線駅

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