
  • 呢條thread好有潛質繼「63.8」之後,


  • 仲有機會成為潮文添∼∼∼

  • 樓上呀!!不如將依件事改成潮文貼出來

  • 現時港女都流行全包宴麼??



  • Hi Kitty:

    I see where you are coming from..... I think you and your family have this reacation, is due to a lack of security, which is normal.

    However, if you can foresee both youself and your BF have the same goals, same values and walking on similar path and your BF is working hard towards it, you should give it another try. I think that shows that he really cares for both and hope to make things work. On the other hand, at all times you to upgrade yourself in all ways (Academic-wise, personal skill-wise, work-wise). As woman starts aging, they can still be pretty, but it's from self-confidence. Once you feel good about yourself and are knowledalbe. All good things evolve around you. You will eventually attract good quality guys, and will be at your discretion to choose and not wait to be choosed. If your BF is not up to par and he loves you, he knows what 's best for you.

    From a 30 year-old lady, but still full of confidence that "Life is good".

  • Do you love him?

  • 我细路都係甘,佢ex想同佢結婚,但我細路冇錢,最後分左手

  • 最後識左第2個,問屋企幫先结得成婚咋.

  • 我覺得旅行结婚都okay la

  • kitty lam~(錢)對你黎講真係咁重要?!





    對你黎講...應該係[老公?洗乜自己搵架!媽咪幫我搵咪得囉~我要嘅係錢咋嘛~no money no talk la!]

  • Silly for 7 yrs, better than silly for life. Assuming you have got 70 yrs, you still have 6/7 of your time left.

    "Return and the bank is out there"

  • 板主都無再浦頭 . 仲有咩好講?

  • kitty_kam

    member since : 05 Aug, 2007

    last post : 9 months ago (1 posts so far)

    last reply : 9 months ago (13 replies so far)


    睇下版主 05 Aug, 2007 註冊呢一個名,跟住就用個名開左呢條線,之前之後都無再用呢個名喇!


  • 又係作故線 replied @ 2008-05-21 5:31 pm


    member since : 05 Aug, 2007

    last post : 9 months ago (1 posts so far)

    last reply : 9 months ago (13 replies so far)


    睇下版主 05 Aug, 2007 註冊呢一個名,跟住就用個名開左呢條線,之前之後都無再用呢個名喇!



  • 純粹睇野.......你咁睇人(板主); 唔多準 ????

  • 唔係我講架......小b,唔該睇清楚先出字pls

  • You cannot blame your boy friend. Both your boy friend and you do not have any financial planning.

    You said you are stupid to get along with a poor bf for 7 years, if you think so you are really stupid.

    No one can guarantee your living after marriage, if you dont have a stable finance, please do not get marriage and plan for your marriage.

    If you want a rich husband, just find another man. There is no right or wrong but at least you have to know what you really want.

    You have no financial planning for marriage, not to mention you are planning to have kids.

    You are not mature enough to talk about marriage. Who tell you that you can at least marry in 2 - 3 years if you find another man ?

    What your mum told you is also nonsense. If you mum did not find a rich husband, you would not have money to study abroad. I would say, if you mum found another man, you may not be born too. Silly enough !

  • Hi Kitty

    Reading your thoughts, I think u dont love your bf, u seems to want "marriage" to improve your quality of life.

    Finding someone to match your dream is not a fault, but "quality of life" is really a "ming" = fate.

    If u hv the fate to be rich, u will be rich, If u dont, u will not.

  • Even u "fly" him, how can u guanrantee u can marry with someone of yr dream (with house, pay all marriage expenses) in 2 years as u have said?

    Love hunting has no gurantee.

    But with your thoughts now, even if u get married u will not be good to your bf and both will end up not happy.

    Having 7 years of relationship with someone is a gift, having a sincere man who wants to marry u is hard in nowadays.

    Anyways, good luck u can find a rich man (who wants to marry u) next time.

  • 又係一個貪錢既八婆

  • 其实都唔明,點解成人鬧D港女乜乜物物. 其实港女要錢等如港男要性,港女要男友氹等如港男要女友温柔, 各取所需之痲. 都唔要有乜好鬧.

    老实講, 有能力的男人一般唔太計較錢, 而遇到有能力男友的女人, 一般亦善解人意大方得體, 都係睇自己條件啦!

    男人, 努力揾錢咪唔駛係網上鬧港女lor.

  • 7年先知?

  • it s fair.., not to late to pull out..not stupid..u just brave and honest to your need..

  • 呢條thread好有潛質繼「63.8」之後,

    << a funny thread? anyone can share the link of this?

  • funny..hi CarlChung...where and how u can find this old thread ?

  • 其實個post係咪假架, 我自己係女仔都未聽過d女仔咁講野既既? 我似專登講到自己好貪$咁等d人又位入d香港女仔

  • Agree with 女人, 邊有女人成30都咁唔理智, 拍拖7年咩都唔知﹐明知男朋友無錢, 咪大家計掂條數law, 點解要分手wor。冇錢買樓咪租樓住law﹐婚後生活更要一人一份﹐都無計係自己選擇。

    又可能, 你男朋友係唔係最近輸好多股票呀?輸咗d老婆本?

  • kitty

    don't be say

    if u have 70 ages will be died,

    now u just 30 ages only, then (70-30)= 40 year

    u will with your bf living together 40 year

    now is unhappy with him too much, pls leave him asap

    I guess u will unhappy a while or some mths only

    good more then with him unhappy 40 years

    u get it or not

  • 拍拖7年,都唔係短時間.訂得酒席,都唔會咁易散的.

    我有個朋友都係同佢BR拍7年拖,先結婚,事間幾年到依架都不知幾sweet sweet.

  • 你同佢分手,就真係蠢啦, 唉..錢真係甘重要咩, 錯過左一個真心愛你既人, 有機會一世都搵唔返, 你醒下啦

  • 在facebook見到再有人提這個post.好想由男人既方向遘下.

    I am 38 year old now. income is 1.3 million per year. my wife and i have 3 kids. 6yrs, 5 yrs and 1yrs. my wife is running a business which we started 7 years ago. she has 0.5 million per year from this business. we are living in a 2,000 ft house now. i can say we are not very rich but quite okay now.

    however, when i married my wife, i was 28 yr old. my income then is 360,000 per year. seem not bad. but had many expenses. so, no saving. we rent a small apartment and it was only 500 ft, no wedding banquet. when we decided to form our family. i asked she whether she is okay to marry me as i have no money then. she said she really didn't mind. I think God sends a very very good wife to me. After we got married, my career, our business are going very well. even our situation become better, she never spends money on any luxury stuff and she didn't keep money under her own account. i love her very much so i always buy these luxury stuff to her but she never looks for this kind of stuff. she is not only a good wife but also a good mother. she take care the kids very much. always review their homework after work. each time my salary is increased, i will tell her and give her more money for the family but she never asks me to increase.

    When look back, if i met a girl who only cares whether i have/have no money, i honestly won't marry her(although i was worse than the boy she mentioned. at least he could pay half and i couldn't).man's career always start at early 30. if you expect your boy friend has a lot of saving before 30, in hk it is not very realistic.

    Sometimes, love should not be calculated. if you calculate too much, somebody will caculate on you.

    i hope the owner of this thread now is married. i guess she is also 37/38 now.

  • 唔係對老公好,唔計較,肯犧牲,老公就會錫你,娶咗之後就好理想當言咁,點對個老婆都得!所以睇錢重啲都唔出奇!

  • ...

  • //佢都好錫我﹐比得到我的都會比﹐但我真係唔知佢既經濟情況。咁樣等了他7年﹐先覺得自己蠢。


  • 女仔 replied at 2009-04-03 11:31 pm


    其實個post係咪假架, 我自己係女仔都未聽過d女仔咁講野既既? 我似專登講到自己好貪$咁等d人又位入d香港女仔



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