
  • 我現時的工作與法律也有點關係, 需要經常翻看法律文件, 但看中文法律條文, 我可說已經習慣了. 但是英文法律很深, 我想轉行重返校園唸法律, 但係擔心自己應付不來. 請問唸法律的朋友, 是否覺得過程很艱深? 

  • Depends what kind of background u have.

    There is London Univ Extern program, can do it by corresopndence.

    Many yrs of hard work though.

    One of the movie star Wong KS got his LLB through there.

    U get what u put in.

  • Depends what kind of background u have.

    There is London Univ Extern program, can do it by corresopndence.

    Many yrs of hard work though.

    One of the movie star Wong KS got his LLB through there.

    U get what u put in.

    Quite often is look up the new words too. A lot of them in Latin.

    Buy a Laq dictionary helps, or on line search will do.

    You know when you 're finnished when they label u as Persona non grata

  • if you are not ready for LLB, you could try LE (legal exccetive). Two years part time course.

  • 如今香港法律已死



  • 好過你買乜都冇人吼

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