
  • 死~~~ 分左身 tim~~~
    <br>依家合番體先 :p

  • 如果你覺得他會回心轉意, 等他吧.
    <br>如果你覺得他會令你傷心, 你獨個傷心吧. Even you are 40.

  • 等男人比無男人更寂寞...

  • piggyboo: 之前唔見左你一排, 都想問你最近情況.
    <br>我都唔知講乜好...既然你選擇左這條路, 任何既既野你自己要承擔返. 明白你在最難挨時很需要依靠, 妳回頭我大約都估到.
    <br>記得很久之前曾同一個朋友講 (她都是同一個已婚男人一齊):
    <br>"路是妳自己選擇的, 我尊重妳決定, 你可以同我呻, 但我係唔會安慰妳的, 因好多野妳自己預左, 會有好多壓力同不快樂..但妳覺得同他一齊是值得, then 你自己一定要承受返, 因無人會可憐妳的; 作為你的好朋友, 我當然希望妳幸福快樂, 已幫妳分析左2條路, 選擇權始終在妳自己手中"
    <br>piggyboo, 妳明白我講乜嗎?

  • tulip replied @ 2007-08-07 2:56 pm
    <br>==> totally agreed!

  • Hi all
    <br>Havent written for a long time, I am still the same, sometimes happy, sometimes sad but he is always by my side but it is not possible to forget the incident cos only 4 months after I knew.
    <br>In my opinion, it takes a lot of courages for a man to divorce his wife and most men wont choose this path as they are afraid of changing.

  • 老婆係某d人
    <br>有幾多個好似我果件咁, 玩得咁"放"呀? XDDD
    <br>不過, 我都覺得做情人比較好. 至少有d嘢, 個男人真係只同情人講~
    <br>唔好怪我打擊士氣, 我只講我體會 =)

  • nic: then enjoy the happy moment!

  • 嗯, nic, 你捱過第日回頭看, 你會覺得自己好叻~~~

  • .....原來, 我傷呢個男人傷得好深....唉~

  • tulip, 你竟然傷人... :P

  • 十幾年前既事

  • Hey Teddy,
    <br>how to pass yr 敏感月份 ? me too....><"
    <br>心情又 down 過 tim....

  • Suki, 我諗我無資格教妳...因我最近都成日喊 :~~ (
    <br>不過這個星期好少少, 就係盡量叫自己唔好諗, 整到自己好忙. 同埋我的friend 好好, 知我唔開心, 成日都抽時間陪我. 希望過埋今個月會好的, 大家都要加油啊!!!

  • teddy..... me too, I cry too and not only in the 敏感月份, the impact is too great for me....
    <br>For those who are being unfaithful to your partners, please consider others feelings as this is one of the most hurtful things in the world. It is not easy to get over, even when I go to church, I hear the priest prays for husbands & wives in the world to be faithful to each other, I would cry......

  • Nic, 你已經好叻女架啦! 始終仲係一段短時間, 叫妳完全唔諗係無可能. 從妳的posts 都覺得妳老公都知錯, 對妳好好..比我好好多. ( 雖然 le 的野係無得比較)..唔開心上黎發洩下, 我地會一直支持妳架!

  • Teddy, thanks for your compliment ah....你已經好叻女架啦, but I dont feel I am that good cos my emotion is still like riding on roller coaster most of the time. It's really hard....

  • 各位姐妺好,

  • singleparent
    <br>我都有o係單親果條thread同你傾過架啦~ 睇你有無咁叻估唔估到我係邊個
    <br>都係果句啦, 我地點叫你唔好搵佢唔好打俾佢你唔會聽架啦, 你打到佢煩, 佢點對你你自己知, 到你醒時, 自然唔會再忍, 唔會再搵佢.
    <br>萬事都係講----底線. =)

  • Tulip 原來你就是姐妹呀?我有無估錯呀?多謝你一直的support,我都知自己的弱點,其實我已兩個月沒找他,今日因小朋友及經濟上的事找他,到頭來弄到自己整晚情緒低落,所以上來訴一訴。希望你唔好怪我煩啦。

  • 我唔係姐妹, 姐妹好幸福快樂, 我都想係佢 =)
    <br>心煩就上黎啦, 講多d好快無事
    <br>當對一個人無愛, 你自然唔會在意佢既事, 俾多少少時間自己, 無回報, 你遲早唔會再愛佢.

  • Singleparent, 我覺得你不應該受到這樣的對待, 正如Tulip所說, 很難叫你不打電話給他, 不過從現實的角度去看, 他已經和這個女人在一起了, 而且你們都辦理了離婚的手續, 如果我是你的話, 我會帶埋對子女搬走, 重新過生活, 不過現在你的經濟是獨立的嗎?

  • 早晨
    <br>亦唔好諗佢哋點快樂, 我可以話你聽, 佢哋係十分快樂(現階段), 咁你可以點? 好殘忍, 但呢個係事實!
    <br>有時間, 諗吓點樣令自己同對仔女快樂, 會實在好多~

  • morning dear sisters!!!
    <br>long time no talk, glad that everyone is still in 1 piece. heheee....
    <br>to be loved, one must love one-self first!!!

  • singleparent: 既然已成定局 (離婚書已簽), 你再搵他, 佢只會覺得煩.
    <br>為自己, 為2個小朋友快的企返起身, 加油啊!

  • Having problem in marriage is the very frequently excuse men have. For us how much we can tolerate is what matters most. I guess the basic question is whether you feel better without him, or you can accept the current situation. I guess it is probably best that you find out what you want, then tell him directly and demand an answer from him. Letting the matter just go away will only make things worse

  • Tulip, 我估錯左呀!對!我還需少少時間忘記他,我相信我得的。

  • Tulip, 讓我估多一次,你是否sinmon?

  • 叻!

  • Thanks.

  • Singleparent, 孤枕獨眠的感覺很難受, 相信這個過程亦不容易渡過, 為了一對兒女, 你要振作起來呀.

  • 傷心的紫羅蘭,

  • seems like most of the victims here are female.. but i recently found out that my wife cheated on me! and we are newly weds for less than a yr!
    <br>i don't think it's only guys who cheats, there are alot of gals who r cheating these days! i think ppl in this world just don't have ethics and respect anymore. don't give any chance to those who cheats! make them pay!
    <br>btw, do u gals know how to proceed with divorce ?
    <br>hope i am not interrupting you gals here. cheer up and look forward to a fresh start

  • 早晨~
    <br>我大果個9月上小學, 我好擔心呀, 驚佢唔適應, 又怕佢跟唔上. :p
    <br>嘩, 你哋真係嘥酒, 如果我飲一支紅酒, 一定係好開心既時候. 一班朋友嘻嘻哈哈時飲. 開心死我~
    <br>唔好飲悶酒啦, 愈飲愈愁!

  • Singleparent, 謝謝你的鼓勵, 現在我將視線轉移, 努力學習一些新的知識, 故此減少了喝紅酒.
    <br>Tulip, 你的女兒長大不少, 原來九月就入讀小學了, 現在應該預備好了校服和書簿, 對嗎?
    <br>PG, 結婚還未夠一年, 情況就這樣子, 其實我見議你和太太應該好好的談一談, 如果事情可以轉變的, 暫時仍不要選擇這一步.

  • 紫羅蘭
    <br>但我都好緊張, 唔知點解我細個渾渾吓咪去讀囉, 都唔緊張. 依家到自己個女就真係知驚 :p
    <br>大部份婚外情都係結婚頭1-2年發生, 之前有research講過. 我諗之後情況會更嚴重, 因為現代人少了份堅持同忍讓. 唔妥協自然易分開~

  • Tulip, 以家唔同以前, 細個既時候有媽媽照顧, 以家倒轉你去照顧小朋友, 心情一定會好緊張.
    <br>你唔講我真係唔知, 原來結婚頭一兩年最易離婚, 看來一百對夫妻都冇一半可以白頭到老.

  • 我覺得男人99% 都唔會選擇俾多次機會太太的.
    <br>PG: 打開很多分類小廣告, 大把律師/事務所會幫到你..打電話去問下啦!
    <br>看到你開的 thread, 雖然係你太太唔岩, 但都不必要用那些不雅詞彙去形容她吧! 不竟她都是你曾經深愛過的人. (如不岩聽, 請ignore 我)

  • PG
    <br>如果雙方同意, 無咩執拗, 可以上家事法庭
    <br>13xx就搞掂, 唔使俾錢律師賺.
    <br>但真係希望你諗清楚, 婚姻包含忍耐包容, 如果佢知錯, 你又愛佢的話, 俾個機會大家喇~

  • Tulip,我個女也是今年上小學,我都檐心她適應問題。到時大家交流下。
    <br>PG,can u elaborate her cheating?

  • here is my sad story.
    <br>i noticed that she has been talking on the phone with a guy quite frequently a few months back, she claimed that he was a friend that i know. At that time, i trusted her. Then things started to get more fishy, she started to go out more and more by herself, and won't let me join her (which i always do before). Then she claimed to go to Thailand with some friends, one of the guy which i know. I started to get more suspicious, so I checked her phone and saw many sms between them. She admitted to me that she likes that guy (3rd party) and she went on the trip with him, but she said there is nth between them. Come on, this is total bullshxt, she thinks I am stupid or sth?
    <br>Fine, I still gave her a second chance, but she wanted to move out to cool down. I even lend her money to rent a place!! I tried to talk to her after that to save our marriage, but she won't even come out most of the time for whatever reasons she made up. Even when we talk on the phone, she would only speak a few sentence and hang up. She would always say that she wants more time alone and will talk about us later. I asked her whether she is still seeing this guy, she said she is not, sth which turns out to be a big lie. Furthermore, she won't even let me know her new address, all she does is come back to my place and picks up her stuff. she basically moved most of her things out. I guess I was really stupid.
    <br>Then just a wk ago, I ran into her and the 3rd party and they were holding hands. I was furious, and that was it, I just kicked that guy's ass right there and I asked how she can do that to me.. All she can say was she was sorry. I told her in her face that she is just like a hooker.
    <br>I think I have done all I can to salvage this , but she won't give us any chance. She lied to me more than once, I cannot tolerate sth like this. i don't think i know this person anymore. she just changed so much. plus, I don't want to live under suspicion all the time. I think I will live a better live without her.

  • Teddy, it was her that won't give us a chance, not me. I know it doesn't sound nice, but that's how I really feel. sorry if it costed any bad feelings after you read it.
    <br>Tulip, what is 家事法庭? how can I contact them. I also heard that I can't apply for divorce if the marriage has been less than 1 yr, is that true?
    <br>tks all.

  • PG,
    <br>Sad to hear your story. I have been unfaithful to my husband with a man for years. In fact, I should say I have been unfaithful to my husband my lover since I had sex with other men during the years I was with the man.
    <br>Luckily my husband never found out and the man did forgive me. After some years, I decided to end the relationship with the man for good since he was getting more and more sticky and annoyed me much.
    <br>Women who are unfaithful are not without reasons. Me, I was bored with my husband. And eventually bored with my man though we were sort of on and off during those years.
    <br>Now approaching middle century and having lots of women's problem, decided to stay out of fooling around. But can't guarantee will not do so again, say just for a few months with one then move on.
    <br>Good luck to you. Life would be more wonderful without finding out what's going on with your wife.

  • PG
    <br>加油啦, 佢真係唔會返轉頭架喇
    <br>我以前上過政府網搵到家事法庭, 依家搵唔返, 但搵到下面條link講離婚, 希望幫到你
    <br>http://www.hkclic.org/ch/topics/ matrimonialMatters/ divorce/precondition/index.shtml
    <br>如果你搵到, 可以打電話去問係咪1年內唔離得婚(不過我無聽過)
    <br>但要兩人一齊上去交form (因為要宣誓) form要填贍養費安排(盡可能唔俾), 我自己果時無共同資產, 所以煩少一樣. 寫明離婚原因(你可以寫對方有第三者導致婚姻破裂無法挽回), 交錢13xx(3年前)咁就得, 如果無執拗, 分居1年就process離婚, 我估唔使2年可complete.
    <br>好殘忍咁講, 祝你早日重生. 唔係話佢好定唔好, 只係唔能夠一齊既人, 無謂留, 亦無謂傷心. =)

  • hi, 我想係度同你地傾下呀..
    <br>在我已有5個月身孕時(即係上月的今天) 發現我老公夜晚開工揸車時偷去同d朋友去玩, 同咗一個女人好親密(個女人兩手抱住我老公頸面貼面胸貼胸咁)用手機影咗一張相, 佢朝早返黎我偷睇佢手機發現到, 我發狂咁打佢, 問個女人係邊個, 發生咗咩事, 佢話d朋友飲大咗call 佢接, 佢上去接朋友時, d朋友話個女人生日一齊影張相啦, 於是佢就唸住影完就走,點知唔記得洗張相, 會比我發現到, 我依家好唔開心,好傷心, 我想唔要bb同佢一刀兩段.

  • Yen, 現在你有五個月的身孕, 如果要打掉BB的話, 好危險的呀, 我是你的話都好嬲, 不過暫時你先要顧住個胎, 其它事情慢慢去處理.

  • yen
    <br>你好~ 知你會好唔開心.
    <br>依家6個月, 無醫生會同你做手術, 對你對bb都係太殘忍, 太危險.
    <br>依家唔係賭氣時候, bb係概定, 一定要出世的, 再看老公表現, 抱觀望態度. 千其唔好拎bb黎出氣, 唔關佢事.
    <br>best wishes!

  • 咁醜事唔想身邊人知, 因為大家認為我係個算係好幸福女人, 我想係度有人同我唸下, 比d意識我, 我該如何做好....
    <br>佢同我解釋話佢絕對唔識個女人, 一直沒有做對我唔住事, 今次做錯咗只係影咗張, 無任何事發生過, 我個人本身我好追求完美, 我的東西唔可以比人掂, 我一直話過如果你有第二個我一定放手成全你, 但依家佢咁樣同我解釋要求我比一次機會佢, 聽哂我話會做到比返信心我, 唔可以無咗我同BB, 佢真係知錯咁話, 我因為唔知點好, 我當日無返工同佢去佢父母度比佢地睇下話佢做咗d咁事..

  • Yen,
    <br>Tulip講得對, 這件事跟BB仔無關, 我相信你的丈夫很少去偷食, 如果他是高明的人, 應該不會把照片放在手機裡, 不過拍攝這樣的照片, 叫人怎樣去相信他, 十個男人, 九個都會去偷食, 如果你的心還在他這裡, 為了BB, 就原諒他一次.

  • yen
    <br>我知你很氣. 但真不是賭氣時候.
    <br>婚姻有包容的, 感情亦唔可以計算, 唔係話覺得佢唔啱既人多, 佢就會就範(如果佢真係有出軌).
    <br>人唔敢勇於承認自己既違規(我唔敢話錯, 但婚姻中出軌, 係違規吧), 亦唔會可以clear cut話, ok, 你要出邊女人, 我成全你. 傻既都知老婆同出邊女人有分別, 唔係逼到埋牆, 佢又點會放你走?
    <br>再講~ 依家都未知佢係咪有第二個女人, 睇定d先, 唔好衝動, 一衝動你成盤棋就會行錯哂~ =)

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