
  • hi 茄子,
    <br>sorry....i am stupid that don't know chinese typing.
    <br>yea, it's so hot outside.
    <br>I just finish "soup rice", it's more easy for me in summer.
    <br>what's your hobbies?

  • any insider new from stock market? haah
    <br>i m @ home, the fans's wind like hot hot feeling, poor..haha

  • 我想搵人傾下計 ...
    <br>我見你條thread都唔係好多人入黎 ... 點解你都重咁堅持既 ...

  • 茄子...
    <br>your wording.......it's so hurt...
    <br>as you know no one come in to chat with me..
    <br>i just keep waiting for someone...who is interested.
    <br>anyway...you join now......i need to say thank you to you

  • hi hongkongnetfriends....
    <br>i dont have any insider news in stock market.
    <br>but ...today the hk stock which is decline....
    <br>i guess u get a long in these two weeks...
    <br>right ?

  • insider, 我唔係咁既意思, 我只係諗同一個咁有堅持既人做朋友都係一件唔錯既事 ... 如果你唔介意既, 我地可以做個朋友囉

  • hi 茄子...
    <br>well...the life..will make u mature and train you to face to any difficulties situation...
    <br>so ...堅持....it's important to human being..
    <br>as you know i haven't update this thread a long time.
    <br>it's because i just finish my exam few weeks.....
    <br>and just take summer holiday now....but i still need to go to work -_-

  • 嗯 ... 我都知, 好多野都好需要"堅持" ... 但係唔係個個都係咁諗

  • insider,
    <br>sorry what does it meant "get a long" ? :)
    <br>yeah, insist is all about to the success road..:) no matter on the stock market or do anything from our life..:)
    <br>i m insist building up my site & help someone they needed..:)

  • hknetfds, 你好

  • hi 茄子
    <br>茄子 sound a young gal/guy name..:)
    <br>how are you today?

  • 茄子...
    <br>yup...as i am lazy to learn chinese typing..
    <br>how old are you?
    <br>i m 29 lu .....
    <br>what's your hobbies ?

  • hi hknetfriends.
    <br>sorry .typo
    <br>i guess you get a lot in stock market recently.
    <br>so...could you please briefly tell me your web's content?
    <br>I am interested in that.......

  • 我係gal, 但一d都唔young

  • 茄子
    <br>haha..young in mind..it's fine enough.....
    <br>what do u do there ?

  • 心不在焉, 咩都做唔到

  • insider,
    <br>my site name : www.hongkongnetfriends.com
    <br>i m take this one bcos i hope it will be easy let those ppl understand it is what kind of website base on the url..:)
    <br>it is a social network website for friend making, kinda of similar to friendster.com, myspace.com, etc my target now mainly for HK user & of cos it is free of charge for all services ( ie email/instant chat/msgboard,etc etc )..:)

  • insider/茄子
    <br>what do u do for life? no need to work in the office now? snacking? haha

  • 係呀 .. 無心機做野 ...

  • 茄子...
    <br>why? u are thinking someone right now...??

  • 總之就係游雲咁囉

  • hknetfds,
    <br>cool......ur web likes to be acquire by the other after a years...
    <br>it has a potential to growth in this market, but all depends on your strategy.....
    <br>seems you are an expert of internet....
    <br>all functions of the web, you make a code yourself?

  • insider,
    <br>thanks for your comments la..:)
    <br>startegy is one of my headache now, beside she.com, i have not much idea where can target my potential user ..
    <br>i m home office for my work, just spare time to setup my site..:) yes, the core system all coded myself, some out of my knowledge one ask someone help..:)
    <br>2 issues..
    <br>1) startegy to target user
    <br>2) special feature to retain user & keep them back..:)

  • i m setup this site mainly help my brother to see any chance meet some good friends & properly if can be further more..:) and also can help all other ppl.
    <br>as nowadays ppl really busy at all, even from the real world hardly meet some good fds and even talk about their other half la, so i believed net is a alternative ( good ) way help them for it.
    <br>i m just finished the feature of messageboard ( althought still need enchance for it ), the next target is going to have a chatroom feature..and some more very special one..

  • insider, 今晚返屋企先add你

  • 茄子
    <br>please send me email and then i will reply you with my msn.
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>Many thanks....

  • hknetfds...
    <br>maybe we can share the strategies..here..
    <br>1. your target group (HK ppl) age range? how's their behaviour?
    <br>2. how's your marketing campaign?
    <br>3. did you find any sponsors to be partnership?
    <br>4. retention program and promotion (request help from sponsors)

    1. your target group (HK ppl) age range? how's their behaviour?
      <br>my site aim is mainly help ppl meet new fds, it as a start point to be a social community, so some ppl really wanna make fds, some mainly look for other half, which meant there are no any specific age range.
      <br>2. how's your marketing campaign?
      <br>can say none.
      <br>3. did you find any sponsors to be partnership?
      <br>no. it is just a "baby" site, it is a good idea look for it, but i think it may toward this direction later on once have a stable database.
      <br>4. retention program and promotion (request help from sponsors)
      <br>no too. also a good idea in the future.
      <br>from the attractive point of view,
      <br>1) i think photo is everyone like to browse it, so one of the requirement for member can browse other's photo is..they have to upload their photo as well in order to do so..
      <br>2) interactive - i setup a instant messager, messageboard, post ad ( or whaterver ) feature, & some other game ( puzzle, guess question, etc )
      <br>the main reason is attract user back the site & invlove those activites, so the more attractive to a user, the more chance they will come back, that is the main direction i m thinking of..:)

  • hknetfds.
    <br>photo and interactive stuff, which is the main core functions and selling point of your web.
    <br>You may take a chance to have a full picture viewpoint that build your web to be business instead of community web funciton only.
    <br>go to make a deal with sponsors and prepare those sets of marketing plan to attract resources......

  • now is not the right time for a "baby" website to do so for your above suggestion..:)
    <br>but I do believed once the website have a reasonable no. of user database, it will be more easy for the above plan to be implemented at anytime..:)

  • hknetfds.
    <br>all the best, i will go to take a look of your baby after work .

  • r u working in IT or related field as well?

  • well..
    <br>nope..i work in finance field now.
    <br>but before SARS, I own my IT firm

  • cool
    <br>i think finance field are more good prospect than IT industry.
    <br>I am tired in this industry at all and start to "move" out of this field and looking for any other chance..:)

  • you mean you are in finance field too?

  • hknetfds,
    <br>how can i make friend after register to be member?

  • i meant i m tired in IT field..:) wanna quit..ha
    <br>once u became a member, u can setup your search criteria ( now got age range, country only..will be more later on ), then it will list those match criteria one in your login page, as well as u can browse using menu ( my match ) feature on the top of the right-hand screen, it got all menu there and left-hand got all site services/features.
    <br>you can contact member by email as well.

  • oh ..how can i find her email address???

  • all of the communication of member are happen within the website..:)
    <br>which meant you can send an email to any member, and they will only notice when they login the system.
    <br>i supposed should have a alert procedure to inform member once someone send them an email or kinda of ..but in this stage, i can't guaratee if using their registered email ( ie hotmail, yahoo, etc ) as an alert approach, it will reach their email or not..:)
    <br>there is a "email" iocn attach with each member, just click it & will prompt you a screen to let you send an email to them.

  • r u just the one registered using user name "...workxxxx"? :)

  • hknetfds,
    <br>yea..u are right..
    <br>maybe you can send me email then let me add u in my msn
    <br>i am happy to make friend with you and share business strategies.
    <br>[email protected]

  • just sent u an email inside the system..:)
    <br>you will notice it once login the sytem..
    <br>added u msn as well.

  • hihi
    <br>can I join ur chat??
    <br>I think u guys are very interesting as the topic is changed from finding someone to business sharing!!
    <br>I'm interested in both topics....hehe...

  • i guess the hoster here will welcome anyone, and me too..:)

  • being able to share with interesting and smart people is always pleasurable. I am a guy and building my business, too. we could chat here or via email and my email is [email protected]

  • Thx net fd...
    <br>so, do u hv any learning/ feeling for developing this website??

  • perhaps another thread in "career " messageboard should be opened la..

  • rout,
    <br>as i realized that startup/running a business is not such easy and it is a lonely way to go ..you have the patient with all of your energy focus on it..without any complain, just go ahead without look back..:)

  • i m not familiar with website stuff, althought i m in IT field.
    <br>i m feeling good once someone tell me if it can help them to meet any fds or even more..u know..

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