清 酒 or 白酒 煮 蜆 or 煮螺

  • 其實你地講的白酒是 中國白酒 (米酒) , 還是white wine (白葡萄酒), 清 酒 係唔係日本米酒?

  • rite, 日本清酒係由米做成架! cook shell or orther seafood also is good

  • must put some black papper

  • Can we use white wine (白葡萄酒) to cook shell, I mean 煮 蜆 or 煮螺?
    <br>Or to use 日本 清 酒 is better? 我未買過清 酒, any brand is good?
    <br>Please share your experience, thanks

  • You can use white wine to cook clams but it has to be "dry". Usually one can find a small bottle (1/4 l)of white wine for cooking in some very big supermarket. For such a dish only about 1/2 cup to 1 cup is needed or even less. It varies with individual preference or recipes.
    <br>An open bottle of white wine can't be kept for long(around 3 days at most) if it's a table wine.
    <br>If you want to find something durable(say, more than a year) after opening, buy a bottle of "Noilly Prat"(dry = 18% alcohol). It goes extremely with seafood and fish.
    <br>Sake is good too and can be kept for some time after opening too. I forgot the name of the one I used to use. Anyway, it's in a green bottle and it's dry.

  • typo : It goes extremely "well"

  • is it still need add " WATER " or just 100 % wine/sake to cook ?

  • Is "Noilly Prat" a kind of liquor, like sherry, sake? Or it is a brand name.
    <br>Is "Noilly Prat" available in Hong Kong, where can I get it?
    <br>Many thanks.

  • To Artmon,
    <br>"Noilly Prat" is a dry French vermouth, can be used in cocktails and cooking. It's a registered name. (There are other vermouths from different countries.) From the website below you can see how a bottle of "Noilly Prat" looks like. Generally you can find it in super big Park'N or gweilo supermarket. If not, just have a bottle of dry vermouth. Though it may taste a bit different. Just like amaretto, I've tried 3 brands and I find "Disaronno amaretto" is the most delicious one.
    <br>To ko,
    <br>You need to add stock too to cook. FYI:
    <br>1 煲滾1公升清水,加入1/2茶匙鹽,放入天使幼麵煮2分鐘,然後過冷河,瀝乾水份備用。
    <br>2 洋蔥、蒜頭、芫茜切碎,檸檬榨汁,蜆洗淨。
    <br>3 燒熱橄欖油,爆香洋蔥,加入蜆及白酒,煮6-8分鐘至蜆熟,然後把蜆肉取出,留下少量蜆殼作裝飾之用,湯汁盛起備用。
    <br>4 煮溶牛油,爆香蒜蓉,加入生粉拌勻,倒入湯汁、忌廉煮2-3分鐘、再依次倒入蛋黃、檸檬汁、鹽、胡椒粉及蜆肉,煮至濃稠。
    <br>5 忌廉汁煮好後加入芫茜碎及天使幼麵,拌勻即可食用。
    <br>白酒煮花硯 Clams in White Wine Sauce
    <br>花硯 兩斤  
    <br>蒜茸 兩湯匙
    <br>牛油 兩湯匙
    <br>橄欖油 四湯匙
    <br>白酒 半杯
    <br>清雞湯 300毫升
    <br>水 300毫升
    <br>胡椒粉 少�
    <br>蕃茜 少�

  • typo
    <br>胡椒粉 少�
    <br>蕃茜 少�

  • Thanks rr

  • I bought a bottle of Sake yesterday, have not used it. Have a question, I am not be able to finish it once. Do I need to store in fridge after opening, and how long can I keep the sake after opening?
    <br>Thank you in advance.

  • 我將D清酒當紹酒一樣,放晌廚房陰涼地方,大半年都OK。

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