想問有無試過 係養和 或浸會做過 面既磨皮 or 彩光

  • hi all,<br /><br />我塊面有 好多暗瘡印 同黑頭,   我問過價   養和係 5000 搞一次   , 浸會 醫院就 8000 搞3 次 ...個 價好似相差好一段 , 唔知 邊去過 其中一間 呢, 個 效果好唔好 , 謝謝

  • I have a friend did the 彩光 in 浸會醫院 last month and she said it's quite effective. As I know, 養和 specialises in plastic surgery and 浸會 specialises in advanced facial treatment; I think you can try 浸會 as they have just opened a '' beauty clinic '' right, I think everything is fairly new there.

  • 唔該o西 !!

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