
  • anyone can tell, what would you do, if you were him?!

  • hihi,我有182cm高,性格好開朗,好多野講,同我一起多數妳都唔會覺悶,妳唔開心,我會想辦法令妳開心,仲係一個好識製造浪漫既情人,妳想搵人傾計,我會好樂意做妳既聆聽者,現想小姐妳俾機會我認識妳,如有興趣可以add我msn

    "[email protected]"

  • whocares / whoknows,

    So glad to hear about that - this is certainly a good thing for you as you could really feel that someone cares about you, and the fact that there's something MUCH BETTER than having sex.

    This person has done a heavenly work - saving someone from hell and bringing her to heaven. I am so grateful to hear that you could feel the care and warmth again.

    Trust me, go and find someone you love, and love him whole-heartedly. Love is certainly something more enjoyable than sex.

    Well this may mean that bad guys like us will have one less chance to know a good one here, but it's not a pity at all - i sincerely hope that you could have a good life from now on. Don't worry about the past - you have learnt the lesson already. Look forward and wish you good luck!

  • btw for your question - I believe that many people will actually do the same. I am confident that there are still good guys in this world.

  • whoknows, 都算是奇遇wor~~.

    轉捩點來的. 可能係件好事架.


  • 睇吓推唔推到

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