做香港女人一d 都唔易....

  • 啊.我都enjoy sl關係啊 後生個陣

  • yes cadra, i agree with you?
    <br>so i enjoy the life is much better

  • ..SL
    <br>有SL又待表真係可以填補那份空墟咩?~非也.......一殺那光輝唔待表永��.,哈,可能後果係一生不能承受嘅精神虐待!who know?

  • yes cadra, but what that sex for then???
    <br>just becos guy & girl wanna be happy??

  • yes...exactly 女人....
    <br>i agree what u said....

  • actually i am married, but i find that i don't love my husband
    <br>as much as before....so i want to find a SL, so that maybe i might get some love again, and feel happier, so i might be nicer to my husband and i might love him again more....

  • 唔,都係啊
    <br>by Rainboo - 04/07/07 01:04

  • 坦白講我都有過一個SL
    <br>關係 ~~~~~是一對真的真人, 二人都愛大家, 但到最終, 都是方不下自己的家庭. 現在不像以前的經常見面, 但一年總見三四次的, 二人可以靜靜的, 享受私人時間

  • cadra,
    <br>so do u success finally?

  • Cadra, yes~that the real of SL relationship~ and thats why the people will enjoy it

  • 未結婚前都唔好同男朋友有錢銀瓜葛
    <br>賺得多過佢 又話你孤寒

  • Male,
    <br>由兩個不相識d 人變成一對互愛的人...最終既結果都係離唔開自己既另一半..

  • now, i have only began searching....

  • samsam

  • Hi Cadra~~~ actually im the same with you ~~~~

  • 但試問宜家呢個年代又有幾多個年青人真係珍惜個九年免費教育呢...
    <br>by samsam - 04/07/07 01:07
    <br>I mean 係関係上,非智識上...或者無福利的國家長成既人比較壯,不苛求施與太多,相對亦學懂爭取,盟生出來又可能較有心計內藏不顯現,更立心志在必得嘅行為,更不可想像,針無兩頭利,自己諗喇!

  • actually i am married, but i find that i don't love my husband
    <br>as much as before....so i want to find a SL, so that maybe i might get some love again, and feel happier, so i might be nicer to my husband and i might love him again more....
    <br>by cadra - 04/07/07 01:16
    <br>係 love him more again ..........

  • cadra, male,
    <br>I did got the same feeling as u 2 do before, and i did really think the same way as u 2 do too, but fianlly, i can't 放低道德枷鎖

  • 點解婚姻關係會變得咁薄弱

  • 哎~一係凡人貪得無厭
    <br>定係愛需要程式管制呢?SL好似申請左一張VISA 咭咁....還唔惦就左借一筆又借一筆,補d 失落咁....理財不善

  • I mean 係関係上,非智識上...或者無福利的國家長成既人比較壯,不苛求施與太多,相對亦學懂爭取,盟生出來又可能較有心計內藏不顯現,更立心志在必得嘅行為,更不可想像,針無兩頭利,自己諗喇!
    <br>我明你既意思, 其實一個人係點係好取決於既成長歷程

  • samsam,

  • 好似忘記左為甚麼要兩人走在一起咁.....

  • 女人
    <br>長期咁借, 到最終未會無曬信譽

  • 哎~一係凡人貪得無厭
    <br>定係愛需要程式管制呢?SL好似申請左一張VISA 咭咁....還唔惦就左借一筆又借一筆,補d 失落咁....理財不善
    <br>你咁講係讚同sl 還是否定呢?

  • 我明你既意思, 其實一個人係點係好取決於既成長歷程
    <br>by samsam - 04/07/07 01:32

  • samsam: actually, it's becos of 道德, i hesitated for so long...but i think that as long as i will not hurt my husband, he will never know, and i will be nicer to him too...so logically speaking, if i find a good SL, it will be good for him too....but i just have to make sure that i play the game smart, and won't ever let him find out!

  • 長期咁借, 到最終未會無曬信譽
    <br>by dave - 04/07/07 01:34
    <br>長期咁借, 到最終未會無曬信譽
    <br>對呀!so ,令願捱!都唔再借!

  • male
    <br>既然要多一點浪漫, 為何這個浪漫不是發生在自己跟另一半中 ??
    <br>既然能用心去接受多一段愛情, 那為何你不用哪裸心去對待你的另一半呢??

  • cadra
    <br>do u think u are a little bit selfish?

  • 女人
    <br>繼續儲多d啦, 會本行歸還

  • 你咁講係讚同sl 還是否定呢?
    <br>by samsam - 04/07/07 01:35
    <br>so 就算我幾想貪心去戀戀心情,亦要寫上休止符!

  • cadra
    <br>yea...play the game smart, that's the most critical pts, as what Male mentioned before, u mighy fall in love with your SL if u can found a good SL., then what will it be?? is that mean u won't ever hurted your husband in the sense that he doesn't know what's going on?

  • 人本身就是這樣~~愛的是自己, 說愛男人~只是氹人的話

  • Yes Cadra~~~~ smart is the most important for this game

  • i have to stay in this marriage,
    <br>just becos there are problems,
    <br>that doesn't mean that i should just go ahead and get divorced,
    <br>marriage is a commitment, not just to him, but also to myself, and to my son. i have a lot of responsibility, that's why i can't just walk away and leave. But on the other hand, i want to be happy, i also need to find a balance in life. that's why i want to find a SL....
    <br>that's why i don't think that i am selfish at all,
    <br>in fact, i am doing my husband good, also to my son too!
    <br>i don't want my son to grow up without a family and a father.

  • cadra

  • 喇~我唔可以老公同人分用
    <br>so 就算我幾想貪心去戀戀心情,亦要寫上休止符!
    <br>by 女人
    <br>yes..that's the pt.... cadra & male
    <br>係你地想令自己開心點而去尋找sl 既同時, 你又有無為你既另一半諗下呢??

  • samsam: who knoww about the future.....no garantee...
    <br> but i really want my son to grow up in a healthy family with mother and father...cos i know that no one else will treat my son as good as my husband. So i think that i have a clear mind of what i should do and what i shouldn't do, and where i should stop and my limits...

  • Yes~~~~ actually we can say SL is personally and not related to the family. All depends on how enjoy and happy you stay with you SL.
    <br>That should not be a problem

  • cadra
    <br>if one of the family without the love feeling, how can your son feel that, quite ridicuous wor

  • cadra

  • 女人: yes, i am afraid, that's why i hestitated until now....
    <br>but sometimes i really want to find someone else when my husband makes me angry

  • male
    <br>the problem is u are betray to your wife, u get marry with her since u love her, if not, why u get marry with her?

  • 女人: i dont have a SL yet.
    <br>Dave: i am a very good actor in front of my son, I always pretend to be so loving with my husband. cos i want him to see love.

  • that's why i know 女人一d 都唔易做

  • 分了心比多一個男/女

  • samsam & 女人,
    <br>我哋唔可以控制別人, 也不知別人所想的是什麼, 所以要有 SL 就要有低線. agree the rules.

  • cadra
    <br>u can pretend good when he is small, as long as he is growing up, he will be doubt of u

  • yes, i am afraid, that's why i hestitated until now....
    <br>but sometimes i really want to find someone else when my husband makes me angry
    <br>by cadra - 04/07/07 01:49
    <br>小心d 這種関係,我唔評論你對或錯,只係真的知道,What are U doing ~就okay 喇~

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