
  • <br>No difference.
    <br>Both talk nonsense.
    <br>God help those who help themselves.
    <br>So ..... if you believe in yourself and help yourself, why let God take the credit?
    <br>God is not going to farm the land for you nor face the tons of problems you are facing everyday. You earn your daily bread so why do we have to thank god for the daily bread.
    <br>Believe in god and you'll be saved!
    <br>Believe in yourself, you are just as safe.
    <br>I will believe there is god when the world is peaceful, there is no Bush and no Iraqi war and whatever war, and there are no more disaster to hurt any man.
    <br>god cant even get rid of Bush.
    <br>god loves bush more than you and me.
    <br>........... and bush is praying to god everyday.
    <br>we dislike donald tsang.
    <br>god help donald because donald make every effort to help himself.
    <br>god did not save me from donald.
    <br>Just earn your living and who cares what is the diff between christians and catholics. They are just the same. You and me wont fight. The christians, catholics and muslims are fighting like hell.

  • 信主的人是有福的, no matter he is christian/catholics

  • This is not your choice for choosing god as your religious, it should be god selecting you as his sons/daughters

  • Christians and Catholics both are kind and friendly, they believe there is only one god in the world.

  • God let us have freedom to do anything, but bad guys will have final judgement by the God. There is no guarantee that all Christians and Catholics will have good personality, but God always remind us to love peoples all around us, this is people's freedom to follow/not follow our God's says, our God will let us have our rewards may be soon/in heaven.

  • 我感謝天主時刻眷顧, 從黑暗中把我拯救出來, 我信了主之後, 我覺得自己比以前更愛近人, 更會幫助別人, 心裡故然多了一份平安, 我連煙也誡掉, 只要你夠信德, 天主一定會允許你所求
    <br>天主教與基督教沒有什麼大的分別, 大家都應相親相愛, 就如天主愛世人一樣, 無分種族

  • <br>no diff about catholics and christians because they all know how to BS about god.

  • 天主教刻意制造一個崇高教宗給信眾敬拜

  • 釘書機釘佢十字架啦

  • o個d 劣質基督徒又可嘗唔係認為自己高高在上唔尊重其他宗教同無信仰o既人不斷踐踏同挑釁其他人呢, o個d 人說到底o係度拜自己認為合乎自己心願o既神, 仲哀過人地拜關公

  • 基督教要將薪金十一奉獻,

  • 今晚有親人離開了,上了天父家,請大家祝福他,為他祈禱,他係'王慶鴻'

  • 王先生現在已去到另一個更快樂的地方是值得高興的

  • <br>
    <br>'王慶鴻' is very lonely up there. Didnt you hear him asking "what the HE LL are you doing down there?" when he see us having happy party.

  • 十誡只說欽崇一天主在萬有之上,
    <br>聖經只說不可敬拜別的神/偶像, 所以天主教和基督教都只敬拜天主
    <br>我信從基督, 不是只說而不實行, 基督聖言時刻提醒我們要愛天主及愛近人, 雖然天主教和基督教都信同一個天主, 但兩方對聖言解釋有些不同, 所以我只信從宗徙傳下來的教會, 唔想有太多個人情感或理解令聖經原意有所偏差, 天主教對基督教, 甚至所有導人向善的宗教都不會有任何批評, 人應該互相尊重及愛護, 天主教的確很注重禮儀/聖事, 這是天主把無形的愛用有形的標記來彰顯給我們, 我們亦很常從彌撒中, 歌頌及讃美上主, 從聖經上看到耶穌建立聖體聖事, 牠亦分咐宗徒必須跟隨, 所以每個禮儀/聖事都有意思, 其實每個宗教都會用他們不同的禮儀/方式去表達, 不會因為儀式隆重或簡單去批評別人的宗教信仰, 愛, 包容, 寬恕是每個善教的理念, 何況天主教徒和基督教徒都是天父兒女, 更加以愛相代, 如果信同一天主的人都內鬨, 互相攻擊, 我們怎能宣揚基督的愛, 只會令天主蒙羞
    <br>我好欣賞陳樞機, 他為人公義, 為弱勢社群勇敢發言, 他甘願放棄主教一職返回大陸當教師, 實在令人尊敬, 教會是不談政治, 但要爭取公義, 如果社會冇敢言的人, 相信國家不會文明進步, 人民只好由政府及有財有勢的人管治, 冇民主, 冇自由
    <br>當日如果冇北京學生擋担克車, 中央政府今日都不見文明, 更加不會聽人民訴求, 這些不是挑戰, 而是爭取公平合理, 更加不是愚蠢行為, 只是一般人的懦弱及自私才不站出來說句公道話

  • 點解基督教要將薪金十一奉獻? 規定的嗎?

  • 天主教冇規定要捐獻, 多少隨自己能力及心意, 唔捐都不是問題, 最重要是信重天主, 愛人如己

  • 我並不太認識mr.釘書機

  • 宗教是導人向善

  • 908

  • <br>宗教是導人向善
    <br>totally agree.
    <br>For whatever reasons, some christian groups were appearing on tv being interviewed regarding the recent Donald vs Alan election. What's that for?
    <br>Religion should not have involvement in how a country is run or politics.
    <br>If the people are suffering, religious organizations are there to help and relief. But, definitely not rolling up their sleeves involving with any sort of confrontation.
    <br>Somehow, catholics and christians in HK are just human beings. We all grew up in " 多 少 都 是 看 電 視 Variety Show 長 大 的 一 代 ". There is this deperate need and hunger to appear on the tv screen, shoff the mike up the nose and say something. They have completely forgotten their roles in the community.
    <br>for sure
    <br>天主教(and other christians) 意圖以宗教既影嚮力干預政治 其野心大家有眼見

  • 有主教唔做, 番大陸教書, 何來野心?
    <br>是非黑白不分, 反智的港人已被大陸洗腦

  • 政治同公義你知是什麼嗎?

  • 天主教徒已被佢地既教主洗腦

  • 世界主要宗教-天主教,回教,基督教,佛教,只有天主教是會參與及批評政治

  • 點解要干預政治? 有何得益? 可否舉些實質例子?

  • 我從沒興趣干預政治, 但我都好關心時事, 我都好贊成香港人能普選特首, 因為我覺得這才公平, 合理, 我唔會針對人只針對事
    <br>爭取公義同干預政治是兩回事, 但有很多愚昧的人不能接受其他聲音/意見, 只會視他人為反對派, 其實社會每日都有好多人為我們爭取福利, 民主, 公平, 公正, 好似23條, 我都唔知係咩, 但我見到咁多人上街反對, 我只覺他們都很有心都是為香港好, 為市民權益, 這例子正好解說什麼是爭取公義, 什麼是干預政治

  • religions is the only reason which cause wars

  • 陳主教個人如果要批評政治應以個人身份

  • 如果我有幸有這樣的社會地位, 我也會為人民爭取權益, 有能力之人幫冇能力的人發聲, 這樣便為之公義
    <br>其實陳樞機一直以來都好幫弱勢社群, 只不過他未成為主教時, 傅媒及社會不太留意他, 正因現在的身份及地位, 才有那麼多傅媒注視他, 所以他更應多為弱勢社群發聲, 為社會公義爭取, 我反覺得既然天主選了他, 他亦須負此重任, 為人民爭取公義, 天主一定會眷顧正義的人

  • 我真係鄧陳樞機唔底, 佢咁為市民, 咁愛國, 偏偏有咁多人唔理解, 仲反過來指責佢, 佢什麼得益也沒有, 不斷無條付出, 我真係覺得香港有好多人好反智, 把好人當衰人, 試想如果社會再沒陳樞機, 民主黨, 長毛, 民運學生向政府表達及爭取人民訴求, 我們真的成為一隻食狗餅的狗, 任由擺佈

  • 基督教要將薪金十一奉獻,
    <br>by $$ - 03/28/07 03:23
    <br>Yup, 一盤好好做嘅business!

  • 好老實, 你冇身份, 政府都唔會聽唔會理你嘅批評
    <br>不論甚麼場合陳樞機以香港主教身份發表任何言論都是應該的, 因為主教身份是事實, 唔會因為佢行出聖堂主教身份便消失, 正如校長就是校長, 學生在街上碰見校長也會稱他為校長, 不會叫他亞John, Mary, 陳大文
    <br>正如你覺得陳樞機在公開場合以天主教教區最高領導人身份, 就因為你認識他是誰
    <br>身為唯一的中國人樞機替羅馬教延向中國教會/政府交涉及對不合理事情表達不滿是他的義務, 當然羅馬教延升任陳日君亦是希望值他為溝通及表達訊息的橋樑

  • ff:
    <br>I disagree with U, I think it should be "GAS"

  • <br>wonder how much did our Donald Tsang contributed to prove his devotion to his religion or is he better off holding a bunch of $5.00 joss sticks and praying to gwan-yee-gor??

  • 回歸10年, 好多人已被大陸思維勳途, 視爭取公義, 公平, 民主的人為破壞和諧社會的罪人, 個個高官/商人都只懂刷大陸鞋, 口只會說中央政府喜歡聽的言論, 一個不公平沒民主的國家不會受其他各國尊重, 單靠低廉的勞工成為世界工廠便自滿, 其實距離文明發達的大國還相差很遠, 真正文明大國着重人民權利及福利, 在醫療, 教育, 司法制度, 扶助弱勢政策及經濟都有完善的制度, 連人命都咁賤的國家又怎會富強?
    <br>回歸10年, 香港醫療服務差了很多, 公營醫院不再發貴價藥給病人, 連急症所都要付錢, 付錢都唔緊要, 就連生仔也冇床位; 教育方面, 中英文水平越來越差, 睇番80年代中五會考past paper比起現在大學水平還要深, 品行方面大家亦有眼見, 時下年青人大多好食懶飛, 廿幾歲都要攤大手板向父母要錢, 小的亂攪男女關係, 中年的北上包二奶, 老的北上娶少妻; 亦因為大陸人沒有衛生常識, 食盡珍禽異獸, 才會產生世紀病菌, 我們身在隔鄰的香港實在避無可避; 自有自由行以來街頭爬手及丐幫急升, 我真係覺得回歸後的香港沒一樣比得上97前, 點解有咁多人覺得拍住大陸會好, 我反而覺得拍住大陸死梗

  • Donald Tsang事實唔夠信德, 因天主教/基督教徒絕不會信風水或手相, 但如果佢懺悔及以後不犯天主仍會寛恕他

  • 陳主教發表對國家,對社會既不滿不應以代表天主教既身份發言

  • 社會上有不同聲音是正常, 你唔喜歡陳日君可能你對佢認識唔深, 但我哋好欣賞佢正義的性格

  • 你唔喜歡陳日君..., 但我哋好欣賞佢正義的性格

  • 陳主教當然要用主教身份發言啦, 如果唔係點represent 羅馬教延?
    <br>點解天主教人多勢眾呢? 因為大部份人都有智慧, 有思想, 我們都認定牠是我們的天主, 天主亦愛我們成為牠的子民
    <br>濫用什麼勢力呢? 陳主教所發表的都是為着教會或市民權益, 而不是個人利益
    <br>所有都是你的偏見, 但願主能給你智慧及認識基督的聖言

  • 信主的人是有福的, 因為天主常提醒我們要做義人, 亦給予我們智慧去辨別是非

  • 所有都是你的偏見, 但願"真"主能給你智慧及認識基督的聖言

  • 陳樞機發言主要唔係為左表達及爭取人民訴求

  • 中國自北京學生擋担克車後, 有部份人生活水平提高, 但何來公義公理? 人民只由有財有勢的人管治, 一樣係冇民主, 冇自由, 冇法治, 每個人只會不擇手段去搵錢, 希望成為有財有勢的人, 可以呼風喚雨, 香港人亦受同化, 97後由大商家話事, 政府不聽市民訴求, 何人去爭取公平, 合理, 平等??? 官商亂港, 由天主教曾生做起, 反最低工支立法, 何以見得信主人仕對人相親相愛???

  • 908你好幼稚, 好可憐, 活於自己世界裡面, 希望天主光照你
    <br>陳樞機曾在網頁上特別撰寫了一封信給特首並呼籲教友一人一信寄給特首, 要求盡快為最低工支立法

  • <br>Monday, April 9, 2007
    <br>Live and let live
    <br> Talk about tolerance! Your correspondent Simon Appleby ("Denial of God is offensive", April 5) applauds the accepting nature of our community here in Hong Kong. But then he asks those who doubt God's existence to keep their opinions to themselves. Saying what you think is called free speech and is generally considered a good thing.
    <br>Let me ask Mr Appleby - you believe in a god (presumably), I do not; do you find that offensive? If you don't, why would you find my statement of the fact offensive? Live and let live, I say.
    <br>Brian Hart, Sai Kung
    <br> Monday, April 9, 2007
    <br>In denial
    <br> I don't know which planet letter writers Karen Lee ("Don't blame religion", April 5) and Simon Appleby ("Denial of God is offensive", April 5) live on when they deny religion's responsibility for "sectarian bloodshed" and admonish your writers for observing the same. Apparently, they are oblivious to the global conflicts between Christians and Islam, Christians and Christians (Protestant and Catholic) and Islam and Islam (Shiite and Sunni).
    <br>And while promoting religious tolerance, Mr Appleby admonishes your correspondents to "keep their progressive foreign opinions to themselves".
    <br>I hope that someday humans will grow up as a species and embrace not only freedom of religion but freedom from religion, tolerating belief and non-belief.
    <br>Gary Verstick, Kennedy Town
    <br> Thursday, April 5, 2007
    <br>Denial of God is offensive
    <br> The recent torrent of abuse against religion, including "We are born, we live, we die" (April 3), is sadly a common phenomenon in Europe, where many have abandoned traditional principles for do-it-yourself moral systems.
    <br>Despite the fact that people generally fight for resources and power, rather than philosophical differences, religion is an easy scapegoat.
    <br>In Hong Kong, we have a long-standing tradition of respect for each other's faiths and a desire to avoid insulting each other, perhaps due to our easy-going Buddhist and Taoist roots, the Chinese principles of maintaining harmony, and partly due to the prudence of the British in allowing local people to find quietly their own path to spiritual satisfaction.
    <br>In the Christian and Muslim religions, public denial of the existence of God is not seen as distasteful but as grossly offensive.
    <br>Given that more than 1 million Hongkongers are Christian or Muslim, perhaps your correspondents could keep their "progressive" foreign opinions to themselves and allow us to get along in peace?
    <br>Simon Appleby, Mid-Levels

  • 客觀怪仲幼稚,人講野你唔鐘意可以唔睇

  • 客觀怪你好幼稚, 好可憐, 活於自己世界裡面, 希望真主光照你,打救你全家

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