Thank you so much for sharing all your experience here, it has been help me a lot, especially a sister called "cywong" ...congratulation on your baby girl.

  • I have listened to you all and finally "Bingo", but the baby didn't grow, so I didn't the D & C last week, poor me!

  • lala,

    你唔好唔開心呀, 我上次個個都有問題, 不過好快又有第二個, 你好好調埋身體就會再有架啦, 我今次都做咗好多嘢先去有架

  • cywong,

    Thank you so much for your encouragement, but the thing is I am not living in HK, so I can't see the chinese doctor to 調埋, do you have any idea that I can do something by myself, I will start to have "Seng Far Tong" today, what do you think???

  • lala,

    我唔係好明"Seng Far Tong"係咩意思, 不過我可以話比你聽, 我當時點做, 不過未必個個有用架, 我頭一個月洗頭用薑水, 我唔知你有無做挖宮, 如果有的話, 食下木耳, 等d血流清咗, 開始補身, 未留清之前可以飲下天麻煲雞, 媽咪話可以驅風, 留清之後飲下冬蟲草, 因為個時我有睇中醫, 中醫再比藥我調理, 加埋食下高麗參, 花旗參, 鹿茸, 但係唔同人的體質有唔同的份量, 你住係邊個國家架? 真係無中醫可以把下脈??? 把咗脈知道你欠缺咩, 可以補番下嘛

    如果可以, 你再解釋下"Seng Far Tong", 睇下我可唔可以幫到你

  • cywong

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience, and giving me advise, this is very kind of you.

    "Seng Far Tong" is the soup from taiwan that is for mother after who has given birth to baby for helping 血流清. As I am living in a small town in USA, there is no china town , etc.... But I am think to go back to HK to 調埋, if I do so, may be I will go to your ec, I think he can help me. Is your ec in HK side or Kowloon side???

  • cy wong

    Here is the info of "Seng Far Tong":



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