我終於鼓起勇氣同佢分手, 希望新一年有新既開始!

  • 再諗多d ~咪自然諗開d^^"~呵

  • hi all


    Any other reason behind for the breakup?


    u are not weak la, its normal la. As ppl get mature, more motion is paid for a true relationship. You are sad because you have so serious for the relationship. But u should look forward ne.

  • 我同佢分開左7年~ 而家搭車睇風景個時都仲有諗下佢~ 聽下d情歌又諗番起感動下~ 真真實實咁感受過去一生 ^^ 呵呵

  • 你今日難過傷心透,將來就知道如何快樂一點....

  • kero

    thank you for telling me i m not weak, u are right, i m so serious to the relationship as it was my 1st time, i put all my effort, but those were the days.. i know i should look forward now


    希望我過左一排, 回想之前會少一份傷感

  • 傷心係正常既,呢個都係你鐘意過佢既證明,我都會諗起佢,但我知道佢會生活得更好...咁已經好好

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