有冇人試過同醫生做到朋友 ?

  • 你係咪指仲係醫生病人關係而做到朋友呀?

    如果係, 我諗都好難.

  • 獸醫算唔算呀?

  • All professional have a code of ethics, if there is a doctor/ patient relationship then it has to stop the relationship then they can do things or else it can be a big problem ( cha bo lor)

    So if you know the dr. thru fnds and not from his office as a patient then is OK.

  • There was a joke

    This dr. ponders about having another relationship with his patient, he thought he had done it many many times.

    But dr. Smith is a Vet though.

  • 只係忽發奇想, 究竟醫生同病人之間, 有冇機會做到朋友呢 ?

  • mia

    nothing is impossible, if u 2 like each other, it can happen too.

    good luck

  • 呢兩年我成日出入醫院接觸唔少醫生,

    我個人認為啦.........公立醫院醫生會好難囉, (私家醫院醫生或家庭醫生我就唔知)


    醫生同病人所講都係講病情, 講完就下一個,


    不過我都遇到一個醫生, 佢真係會花時間同病人講道理,



    同呢一個醫生又幾好傾, 又好講得笑咁,


    做朋友就.........冇乜可能囉! (更何況佢已經都唔係我主診醫生, 連打招呼 say 個 hi 都難)

  • 最近遇到一個醫生, 佢比我感覺係好專業, 好有學識同埋會花時間同病人講道理, 唔係來去匆匆果種, 算係我接觸咁多個醫生裡面最好的一個, 佢唔係頭痛醫頭, 腳痛醫腳, 會顧及病人心理的一個好醫生, 我心裡想, 如果同呢個醫生可以做到朋友就好了, 可能我個人諗野較卑觀, 需要一個比到我正面想法的朋友 (並非男女朋友果種) !

  • 我諗我都明你既意思想同醫生做朋友並唔係男女朋友果種, 嘻嘻................因我同你都係一樣想法, 只係當交個普通朋友咁就得, 同埋我再有咩病都希望佢可以跟番我, 因對佢絕對有信心嘛, 只可惜係我呢種情況真係唔係咁容易做朋友, 係啦, 你個醫生係咪私家醫生? 會唔會比我呢個公立醫院醫生更困難去做朋友?

  • blue rain,

    你講出左我心聲啊, 我在想只係當交個普通朋友咁就得, 同埋我再有咩病都希望佢可以跟番我, 因對佢絕對有信心嘛, 對醫生有信心係好重要的 ! 我呢個係私家醫院的醫生, 佢好耐心去聽症同埋診症, 真的很不錯 ! 聽你咁講, 你想做朋友的那位醫生應該是公立醫院的醫生吧 ? 真係好難得, 公立醫院醫生一向比我感覺係來去匆匆, 連講多一句都唔想果種 ! 好難得會遇上一個又好又細心的 !

  • 係呀, 正是係公立醫院醫生, 係高級醫生黎既, 不過, 而家主診醫生係顧問醫生, 呢一個都非常好, 醫術高明, 又係好細心既醫生, 但俾我感覺上, 硬係高級醫生呢個會好傾一 d, 好似可以無所不談咁, 可能係人夾人緣呱, 呀.........又可能係當時我受左嚴重創傷住院時, 佢日日黎巡房睇下我傾幾句, 俾我有種並肩作戰同親切感感覺, 仲會講道理激勵下我添, 到而家佢對我講每一句說話我都記得好清楚.

    咁你而家仲有冇睇緊私家醫院醫生? 或者當病好番時會唔會送番小小禮物或感謝咔俾佢以示多謝呀?

  • yea, that's possible and I am one of the example.

    I made fds with a doctor working in public hospital. ^___^

    we just contact and talk like normal fds.

  • 我只看過那位醫生兩次, 0黎緊都有機會再去見佢 !


    好希望好似你咁, 可以同我呢個好醫生做到朋友啊 !

  • haha

    你係點樣識到醫生而成為朋友? 我好有興趣知喎! 講黎聽下啦!


    我諗我冇機會見佢 lu, 同埋我個病差不多好番就黎唔洗覆診, 但我會送張感謝咔俾佢多謝下佢.

  • haha

    你係點樣識到醫生而成為朋友? 我好有興趣知喎! 我都有諗過不如問醫生攞個email address, 不過又好像有點兒怪怪咁 !

  • mia

    email address 我都有諗過喎, 不過唔係直接問醫生攞, 我覺得問醫生通常都唔會俾亦都幾怪下都唔知點開口好, 而係我俾佢, 我就係諗住送卡時寫埋 email address, 不過, 我都係預左都唔會有咩回覆架啦, 雖然係咁, 但好過唔寫, 唔寫的話我怕會後悔, 後悔得黎又再冇補救方法, 冇理由 send 兩次 thank you card 嘛!

  • he gives me his calling card with mobile phone no. email and qualification ....

    I have been live in hospital for a good period of time and he is one of the doctors responsible for my case.

    We just getting along quite well and then make fds ........haha, nothing special. Doctors are human too. I made friends with other staff working in hospital too.

    But there's a rule that doctors cannot have relationship with patients other than "doctor-patient relationship" ---------it DO exits. So if you wanna make fds with Dr.s ask him /her secretly ^^ ....hehe

  • blue rain,

    係呀, 我就係有諗過如果直接問醫生攞email, 佢通常都唔會俾, 而且都幾怪怪地咁, 仲有, 有姑娘0向旁邊就更加難了, 我只係見過佢兩次咁多, 其實我連佢個樣的印像都唔係好深刻, send card 比佢佢都未必記得我係邊個 ! 講起, 第一次睇佢果陣, 個姑娘有比埋佢張卡片我, 因為我要去覆診, 卡片上有佢個pager no., 但冇email address ! 如果有email address, 我諗我會send e-card 比佢多謝佢0既細心 ! 我心裡面真係好希望好多醫生都好似佢咁好, 咁細心 !

  • haha

    嘩! 你個醫生咁好既, 俾埋手提電話你, 係你主動問佢攞定佢主動俾你架?

    我個 case 真係好難開到口問佢攞聯絡方法喎!

    咁你住左幾耐醫院? 有冇幾個月? 係咪住得耐左已經日日對住醫生先至有少少熟落, 所以咁輕易同醫生做到朋友?

    其實上次巡房, 有好多醫生圍埋張病床, 我都有見到佢, 臨走時我真想叫住佢傾一兩句架, 但最後都冇叫到因怕阻到佢地巡房嘛! 但呢一次之後, 我諗都冇機會再見到佢囉!

  • mia

    見左兩次咁少呀, 咁佢可能未必對你有印像喎, 佢一日見咁多個病人, 唔緊要啦, 你仲有覆診嘛, 咁你真係要好好珍惜機會啦, 或者你覺得會係最後一次覆診的話, 親手送張卡或禮物俾佢, 卡上面寫自己 email address, 我諗會對你有印像呱! 咁當然佢能夠俾 email address 俾你咁更好啦!

  • blue rain :

    The doctor gives me his calling card on his own initiative.........

    咁你住左幾耐醫院? 有冇幾個月? 係咪住得耐左已經日日對住醫生先至有少少熟落, 所以咁輕易同醫生做到朋友?<==== yea, you are right

    Somehow I think you are a bit .........fancy the doctor ? You keeping your eyes on him everytime ? haha ~ ^^

  • But actually I am not seeing him EVERYDAY so as to get familiar with .........

    because he's not my host examines doctor.

    However he would come and visit me when he having time and passing by my ward. 可能係緣份吧!

  • haha

    "Somehow I think you are a bit .........fancy the doctor ? You keeping your eyes on him everytime ? haha ~ ^^"

    哈哈哈))))))) 梗係唔係啦.......佢大我咁多, 分分鐘結埋婚有埋仔都未定呀! 純粹想交朋友咋, 可能佢能夠洞悉年輕人溝通模式(我試過同其他醫生傾計係冇乜反應同比較木獨架), 同佢講野好 relax 唔拘謹, 同埋我最欣賞佢會花時間同 patient 講道理, 如果 patient 肯聽的話, 從中係會有得著, 都係個句人夾人緣啦, 以我所知, 有 patient 係唔鍾意俾佢睇症架, 嫌佢講野太直喎.

    "咁你住左幾耐醫院? 有冇幾個月? 係咪住得耐左已經日日對住醫生先至有少少熟落, 所以咁輕易同醫生做到朋友?<==== yea, you are right "

    我住四個禮拜院, 尾兩個禮拜佢日日黎巡房係有少少熟落感覺既, 但又好似未至於會交到朋友的地步咁.

    你介唔介意講我聽你係男定女? 會唔會男醫生同男病人交朋友會方便過女病人? 你知啦, 男醫生想識女病人的話, 怕會俾人覺得有特別野, 唔知係咪咁呢?

  • 若是交不成朋友, 至少有個聯絡方法......我怕若干年後佢唔再係公立醫院做, 轉去私家醫院或私人執業我都可以知道, 講真, 我呢個病後生時可能會冇乜野, 但十年後有乜問題我可以搵番佢睇嘛, 正所謂睇生不如睇熟, 最緊要係佢俾到我信心.

  • 我細個果陣, 爸爸有肝病, 要成日出入醫院, 我仲記得佢果陣識得有一對做醫生的夫婦朋友, 從媽咪口中得知, 這對夫婦朋友都是在公立醫院裡認識的, 我諗大概係因為爸爸經常出入醫院, 而佢又係我爸爸的主診醫生, 所以才熟絡吧 ! 不過我爸爸都走左好多年了, 而家都冇在聯絡呢對做醫生的夫婦朋友了 ~

  • I am a girl and actually a young girl when I meet my fd ( the doctor ) in hospital .

    It sounds you are a girl and your doctor is male , right ? DO you mind telling me how old are you ?

    I don't think sex would be a barrier of making fds anyhow ....... The barrier actually is your realtionship , you are a patient and he is a doctor and, you two meeting in front of his collegues and boss and , of course, the other patients.

    我受左嚴重創傷住院時, 佢日日黎巡房睇下我傾幾句, ===> and you mentioned that the doctor moving in a team ? Oh~~ are you at ORTH ward ? ^^

    By the way, why you always online so late at night ? 2/3am ...=.="

  • It is unethical and immoral to make fds with patients.

  • It is unethical and immoral to make fds with patients.by psychiatrist07 - 02/24/07 16:06 ===> I won't say it's immoral , but it's not appropriate indeed.

    若是交不成朋友, 至少有個聯絡方法......我怕若干年後佢唔再係公立醫院做, 轉去私家醫院或私人執業我都可以知道, 講真, 我呢個病後生時可能會冇乜野, 但十年後有乜問題我可以搵番佢睇嘛, 正所謂睇生不如睇熟, 最緊要係佢俾到我信心.

    by blue rain - 02/24/07 02:27

    ====> when you two become friends, you would be embrrass to treat him as a doctor........so , actually what you]'re thinking is not feasible indeed..........

    And that's why I said it's inappropriate for patients to make fds with doctors.

    I have to clarify that in my case, I am not my fd's patient since we become fds. And we just pure fds now.

  • "It sounds you are a girl and your doctor is male , right ? DO you mind telling me how old are you ? "

    yes, bingo!!! (我諗唔知係咪只有女仔先咁感情用事, 換左男仔睇完醫生就係睇完醫生, 冇其他野 lu) 我廿幾啦!

    不過, 其實唔單止想識醫生, 而家同我做治療既治療師, 住院時 d 姑娘我都想同佢地交朋友, 當然唔係全部啦, 有數位真係好好傾架, 可能大家係後生仔女同埋我都係既鍾意交朋友既人.

    "我受左嚴重創傷住院時, 佢日日黎巡房睇下我傾幾句, ===> and you mentioned that the doctor moving in a team ? Oh~~ are you at ORTH ward ? ^^ "

    哈哈哈))))))))你又 bingo!!! 你點解咁叻一估就估到既??? 嚴重創傷都可以係其他 ward 如外科.

    "By the way, why you always online so late at night ? 2/3am ...=.=" "

    你都幾觀察力強喎, 我係一名夜鬼嘛, 而家仲放緊病假同埋新年假, 不過, 星期一開始返得工 lu.

  • "====> when you two become friends, you would be embrrass to treat him as a doctor........so , actually what you]'re thinking is not feasible indeed..........

    And that's why I said it's inappropriate for patients to make fds with doctors.

    I have to clarify that in my case, I am not my fd's patient since we become fds. And we just pure fds now. "

    細心諗諗, 我諗我開始有 d 明白你所講既野,

    同醫生交朋友就係朋友關係, 之間已不容許存在醫生同病人關係, 是嗎?

    我曾經聽過人講, 如果醫生屋企人健康有乜大問題的話, 如心臟病, 即使醫生都係心臟科都盡可能避免參與手術, 以免影響判斷力, 道理是否一樣? 呢........好似<妙手仁心>吳啟華醫蔡少芬咁.

  • ^^~ I am so glad that you know what I do mean ~

    I am now in my twenties too . But I am a student.

    Somehow I would guess.........weather the doctor you meet I know? .........that's weird !

    I feel a bit scared now ~~~~>__<

    May be we can talk in MSN if you like ( but I usually sleep at 12am =.=" )

  • haha

    咦............. 照你所講, 唔通你都係 ortho patient? 你邊間醫院呀? 我做物理治療時識到過女 patient, 幾好傾架, 傾傾下原來佢同我住過同一個 ward 架! 你會唔會係.................好呀, 你可以 add 我, [email protected]

    hehe.........我就番你 12:00am 前 online 咪得囉!!!

  • I added you la ~

    see you tonight at 11am

    OR if you can't see this message at the right time ,

    next night (TUE) 11am , MSN ^^ .

  • 我的情況係想同私家醫生做朋友,其實佢係替假的,好快就冇得再睇佢,咁係咪都有機會做朋友呢?(因為遲d就唔係dr-patient關係)

  • L

    But do you have his phone number, or any way that you can keep contact with him?

  • why do you find this doctor attractive?

    how old is he? what kind of doctor is he?

  • po,



  • L

    So he's a specialist doctor then . What kind of things you and yoour doctors talked about. Is there any nurse in side the same roon with you two?

    i also like my doctor . he also likes to talk ALOT, he jokes alot too very funny guy. I find him very charming because i never met any doctors like him who jokes alot.

    He's 40 something.我都覺得佢幾可愛.

    But i don't think we can be friends because he's my doctor and i'm he's patient. It just doesn't work out.

    What do you think?

  • po,



  • L,

    你地兩個都己得意wor!!!! hehehhe!!!!

    now i really want to know what kind of 專科醫生is he????

    Actually i think doctor's job is very boring , just sit inside his room and waiting for patients to visit and answering questions.

    So when they see someone 吸引 of course they will want to chat longer. We all humen.

    in my case my doctor was kind of 口花花.

    Do you think doctor shouldn't be like this?Maybe he was only joking. But i never meet a doctor like this too 感覺好得意...

    of course 冇左dr-patient的關係,會唔同好多!!!

    But do you have chance to ask him for his contact number or e-mail address?

    want to chat in e-mail? dipsy18_hotmail.com

  • po,

    Pls check e-mail~

  • hey all

    i believe there is alot of doctor is good, i had alot of friend is doctor too

    but i just got a friend who is really bad luck, she is rape by a public hospital doctor just 3 more weeks before and the case is now under investigation at the moment, so, has to be sure if they are lie like this guy

    this doctor, he married, but he lie to ALL people he didn't married, even friend knows him for few years also doesn't know he is married. and what is funny is, his wife married him just few months, already can date with another guy and move out and living with another MAN for 1.5 years, and then seems nothings happen, so funny couple

    take a look and be careful of this guy la TM Hospital doctor




  • 這個...係咪俾人整古咋...

  • how's everyone's story going?

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