想請問有無媽媽試過無痛分娩?效果如何? 因為我就生, 唔知用唔用呢個方法好呢? Thanks!

  • 我仲有一個星期就生,我都諗住用無痛分娩,因為生第ニ胎,生第一胎已經令到我非常難忘,希望今次可以快D!

  • 我都就生, 都諗緊無痛分娩, 但又怕唔識用力, 所以都十五十六

    另一樣係, 我唔係私家生, 公立就要睇下阿b出世合唔合時, 如果係非辦公時間, 咁就無得做囉!

  • apple


  • 我都係下個星期日生, 17/2, 在廣華生, office hours內只有3 個quotas, 我都未諗到, 睇下到時點.

  • hello 婉君表妹,

    i am not a mother, but i just thought you might be interested to know that my birthday is also on 17th feb. i would like to wish your baby an early happy birthday, and i hope you and your baby will be happy and healthy! : )

  • 無痛分娩 - Epidural!!

    I highly recommend mami to try this method!! It just like pull pull in toilet! Whenever there is contraction, computer will show it.... & nurse will let u know how to push.... I am not sure how's HK hospital standard now.. like how's the nurse.... how's the computer they r using.... I suggest new mama should ask more to ur dr. or hospital to check!

    I don't feel any pain at all after using Epidural... and it is better to hv it as soon as possible whenever u feel little pain of contraction! My son is 2 wks old now! I love him so much ^_^ Good luck anyway...

  • i used epidural too, but i gave birth in the US. i highly recommend it. if i have to choose again, i will still use it.

    you still feel the contractions so you know when to push (the nurse and doctor also see it in the computer monitor too) i didn't feel any pain at all and the delivery was so easy. epidural is very very safe, sometimes people need to accept technology and be willing to try new things.

  • what other methods are there?

    kk, 我仲有一個星期就生,我都諗住用無痛分娩,因為生第ニ胎,生第一胎已經令到我非常難忘,希望今次可以快D! why is the first time unforgettable?

  • upsh

  • 多謝哂大家的意見, 總括黎講都係好的, 希望屆時大家都可以順順利利咁生亞b.

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