
  • 明知人地有老婆都肯,搞到自己不能自拔,又辛苦,又心痛

  • siu-wing, my case is a bit similar to you.
    <br>I met a guy almost 3 years ago. He has already had a gf when we knew each other but we still fell in love. His gf was more like his wife as they have been together for more than 10 years and they live together. But he said he would break up with his gf and stay with me.
    <br>Now, I have waited for almost 3 years and still waiting.

  • 八卦佬
    <br>(你唔係蠢, 只係自甘墮落啫.. )咁仲唔夠咩,但係真係抽唔返隻腳出嚟

  • 真係好多野都知,好多野都明........但又無可奈何不知怎樣放手!!!!!

  • XXX,
    <br>he never said he will break up with his wife,
    <br>so, may be i no need to wait

  • 如果你可以輕輕咁抽身,
    <br>你就唔會開呢條thread啦, 係唔係?
    <br>你就叮一聲醒番, 又唔會喎..
    <br>放輕鬆一d, 識多d唔同既男仔,
    <br>多d人追你, 你自然走得甩架啦...
    <br>最最最緊要就係, 你抽唔到身, 都唔好愈沉愈底.. 死既/蝕既/傷心既.. 都係自己..

  • 好多野都知,好多野都明........但又無可奈何不懂怎樣放手!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • mm,咪係囉,隻杯用得耐,打爛咗都會唔開心,何況係自己鐘意嘅人

  • 八卦佬,
    <br>有佢係個心度,任何一個人,你都不會看在眼裡, 身邊唔係冇其他人出現過,但係容不下其他人

  • siu-wing, you may be better as you don't need to wait and have expectation on him.
    <br>How long have you been with him?

  • siu-wing
    <br>八卦佬講得好正確, 千萬唔好愈沉愈底.
    <br>我唔係好明, 你識佢已經知佢結左婚, 佢又冇話會離婚同你係埋一齊, 你點會比自己甘鍾意佢? 就為左幾個sms, 日日一個電話?

  • Hi siu wing,
    <br>I am back.

  • 其實八卦佬講d野都好啱聽........有機會可以遇到另一位.......或者可以減輕現在的傷痛.希望你可以找到一個能令你忘記不快樂的人.到時呢個一定係你嘅真愛.

  • 我除左可以係度講,我根本唔敢比人知呀,因為我始終係第三者,我點好,都係唔底可憐

  • 對妳好少少就中招
    <br>妳係咪做佢地男朋友先 ?

  • goodday,

  • 我可以講你夠膽係度講,你實可以抽到身,當然時間係個問題!你還有機會去選擇另一半,除非你想永遠都係自己一個!

  • xxx,

  • siu-wing, after waiting for more than 2 years, I have became insane.
    <br>I don't think I am a 第三者 and I told my friends he is my bf. I am very angry with the woman living in his home (I don't call that woman his "gf" as I think I am his only gf). I get frustrated and irritated easily. And I always argue with him.
    <br>He told me that he doesn't sleep in the same bedroom with that woman and I believe. He told me that he doesn't make love with that woman and I believe again. He extends the deadline to break up with that woman over and over again and I force myself to believe again.
    <br>Just wanna let you know how awful it will be if you let the relationship to continue endlessly ...

  • 唔底可憐係真既..
    <br>分散下自己, 自己真正既男友,
    <br>人地有一億又點, 你又control唔到既,

  • 不如你地鬧下我,鬧醒我算啦,

  • 感同身受, 我點解要鬧妳...我都係想幫妳脫苦海...但我唔係成日可以係妳身邊, 最終都要妳下定決心放棄佢.

  • I also have lots of happy time with him. We just had a wonderful holiday. We went to ski, hot spring ... It's excellent. But when we returned to HK, I need to face the fact that there is another woman living in his home. My heart is so painful when staying at home alone.

  • xxx,

  • xxx
    <br>the feeling is same with u

  • xxx,
    <br>then y u still waiting for him...he will not totally with you until her gf dump him, and he gets nothing, but only you...and then he find another one again, but still keep you beside him...u know what I mean?

  • The unhappiness is much more than the happiness. It becomes more true when you love him more.
    <br>I did something to hurt myself to release my pain and to let him see how much I am suffering. In my memory, he cried twice for it. But it couldn't help. He is just unable to resolve the situation. He said he can't face his family and that woman.

  • 男人會認為你唔離開佢, 就係可以忍受呢種身份. 佢唔會考慮你既感受, 你所受既傷害.
    <br>自己就一直擔住第3者呢個名, 永遠都係破壞人地家庭幸福既凶手.

  • why women can't protect herself and be strong? you do not deserve to be like this.

  • siu-wing, how do you know that they are still sleeping in the same bedroom? In my case, I really don't know.

  • Maybe I love him too much ... maybe I don't have any other guys who have interest on me ... maybe ... I don't know.
    <br>It is so difficult to find someone you really love. I am so happy when staying with him. And I can't find anyone to replace him.

  • xxx:
    <br>我等過, 亦都等到. exbf同佢女朋友分手了, 他都有同我講佢地一早已無性關係, 但他exgf幫佢好多, 又一齊超10年以上. 同時他亦都有同我講會同exgf分手. 話對exgf已無感情, 只得責任.
    <br>多年來我都只係等, 第5年終於等到他exgf識到個新男朋友主動向我exbf提出分手.
    <br>但到左5.5年時, 我地都分手了, 原因係我exbf話同我唔夾. 實情佢又識左第2個.
    <br>我明白你感受, 我同exbf後期(他未同exgf分手), 佢有電話/sms我都已經發曬顛, 成日疑神疑鬼. 真係好辛苦.
    <br>現在分手後我想通, 唔明點解果時要咁辛苦自己.

  • we were together for more than 2 years, but I know we would not get marry at the first time, but I always told myself it would be changed in one day...and times go by...I must wake up from the dream...It is the good memory for me and not regret at all...

  • 搵我玩好過啦......66212313 忠

  • a, I don't think that woman will get another bf. Sometimes I think she is 鬥長命 with me.
    <br>Thanks for your sharing. Yes, I also 成日疑神疑鬼. 真係好辛苦!
    <br>How old are you now? Do you have a new bf and better life now?

  • xxx:
    <br>離開佢喇, 你會開心d.
    <br>我以前成日都好似你咁想,識到第2個就走. 我都好鍾意exbf, 不過我真係想marry. 果時成日想, 叫做好過無. 有個所謂男朋友, 或者有一日佢真係可以同女朋友分到手呢
    <br>又我都好怕寂寞, 都好驚無人要所以都仲同佢一齊
    <br>不過過程太痛苦. 我現在好後悔咁遲先走. 雖然我果時真係好愛佢, 但人總要為自己打算一下. 我呢家年紀大左. 如果早幾年走都仲可以識到個好男人, 現在, 我想太難了.
    <br>但我都比以前開心, 最少個人放鬆左. 我以前成日買野比exbf, 唔貴唔買. 佢成身都係我比錢. 自己就死慳. 現在我可以留番錢錢比自己用. 樣樣事都比之前開心左.
    <br>雖然我會有寂寞時候, 但總比以前開心得多.

  • XXX
    <br>(siu-wing, how do you know that they are still sleeping in the same bedroom? In my case, I really don't know. )
    <br>i know, when ml, u can feel

  • xxx,
    <br>i agree, It is so difficult to find someone you really love. I am so happy when staying with him. And I can't find anyone to replace him.

  • a, I don't think that woman will get another bf. Sometimes I think she is 鬥長命 with me.
    <br>Thanks for your sharing. Yes, I also 成日疑神疑鬼. 真係好辛苦!
    <br>by xxx - 01/31/07 16:23
    <br>why you still stay in that relationship?

  • I am totally agree with a.
    <br>Not only suggest to xxx, but also to siu wing. You will discovery the world is still beautiful, of course yourself too. Make yourself busy (but not work) when you feel alone, take some interest courses and upgrade yourself...

  • xxx:
    <br>我想佢地一齊10年有多, 講真, 真係好難會分開. 太耐了. 無愛情都有責任. 如果佢要分手, 一早就分左, 唔洗2年後你同佢都係咁o既關係.
    <br>我想我講幾多都無用. 我係在偶然一個機會下醒悟過來. 問下自己點解要咁對自己?你都有阿媽生? 比你mummy知道心痛死.
    <br>又, 睇下你好唔好彩, 好彩可能會比你等到, 但你要有心理準備過程一定好痛苦. 我exbf都唔預計佢exgf會識到第2個男朋友喇, 點知她又識到.
    <br>好快又2月14. 到時你又要點過呢? 傻女, 我係過來人, 好明白你感受, 但你總得要為自己打算一下.

  • a & goodday,

  • goodday,
    <br>i take some courses , but i still thinking about him...

  • goodday:
    <br>係, 世界真係好大, 我就係放眼世界令我明白到唔可以再咁落下.原來世界可以咁大. 我地只係好妙少. 只係我地張自己o既傷痛放大放大再放大.
    <br>我唔要再虐待自己. 我係mummy心肝寶, 點解我要咁苦對自己呢. 我承認有開心的時候, 但遠比不上痛苦的日子.
    <br>那時我受夠了. 其實我同exbf可以當無時照樣一齊, 但我已經覺悟, 係我唔想再玩了. 分手後佢有搵我, 不過我已經放低了.

  • It is your choice, but like a, you will break up with him finally, just don't want you to waste your time, your 青春...your life is not depends on him. Love yourself and love your parents, they don't want you to be like this....

  • siu-wing :
    <br>你要等, 無人可以阻你.
    <br>不過你知過程痛苦, 亦唔好complain咁多. 身邊朋友, 開頭都會聽下, 但聽得多, 無人會可憐你.
    <br>你要預左大時大節無你份. 大部份時間都係偷偷摸摸. 你同佢見面時間好快只會係係床上面. 做完人地老公急急腳返屋企交人.
    <br>你要記住. 佢係人地老公. 你想佢錫你/繼續同你一齊. 你就要識做人.
    <br>但日子耐左.你總會有要求, 到時argue or not就真係睇下你點handle囉

  • 我以前成日買野比exbf, 唔貴唔買. 佢成身都係我比錢. 自己就死慳.
    <br>This is very true to me. I buy him a lot of expensive gifts. But now he will be angry if I waste money to buy him expensive gifts. So I buy less la.
    <br>I think we will go to a 2-day trip at the coming Valentine's Day. He can do it as he can lie to that woman that he has a business trip.
    <br>But for the Chinese New Year, of course he needs to stay home. And of course, he will tell me that he needs to stay home because of his family.

  • goodday:
    <br>係呀. 100%同意你所講. 我就係要愛自己多d. 所以先離開, 個衰佬都好後悔.
    <br>我好少留言, 多數睇, 但我真唔希望有女仔好似自己咁傻, 浪費時間, 青春. 一個女人青春無幾年. 男人玩到60都仲得.
    <br>你現在仲後生. 個男人返屋企你咪搵朋友出去玩下囉. 過多幾年, 朋友大部份有自己家庭, 你到時仲係一個傻婆係度等等等等. 人地就攬住個老婆一家親. 到時後悔已經太遲了.
    <br>不過局外人講幾多都無用, 你自己一日唔醒, 真係無人可以幫到你, 我果時就正正係咁. 身邊每一個朋友都叫我分手,不過我無聽.

  • 唔好俾d男人覺得女人d尊嚴唔值錢, 妳都有選擇嘅權利, 趁妳仲青春, 離開佢, 唔一定要搵過個, 享受一下獨身的生活, 睇下d 有關嘅書.

  • 身邊朋友, 開頭都會聽下, 但聽得多, 無人會可憐你.
    <br>Quite true to me again. And as a matter of fact, I don't talk to my friends about my bad situation. No one will understand you. They just think you are stupid to waste time on such a man.

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