
  • 最傷心的人,
    <br>You are so brave....My husband also got another girl outside but he do not know I found out this matter...acturally he have been move out 5 months...he said to me he need a year single life and then he will be back to me.......now everyday is just like in the hell...no mood to work, no mood to go out with fds, no mood to do anything.......I can not do what you did....coz I can't live without him....I really love him so much...so I will keep waiting for his back!

  • Hi Mil_Mil
    <br>I am so sorry that another terrible story happened on you.
    <br>But do you have contact with your husband? He left 5 months and start his single life? Does he contact with the old girl?
    <br>Don't trust him. If you really treasure him, check chasing him and don't let go. If so, you will lost him for sure.
    <br>Sam Sam

  • 最慯心的人
    <br>因為對眼腫到外星人咁, 屋企人見到以為我對眼有事, 叫我睇醫生...我咁樣點見人呢...今日連工都返唔到, 有重要o既會都唔出席. 我好無用...
    <br>我朋友唔多, 一直都依賴�
    <br>而家我地唔係因為第3者, 而係佢想抖下
    <br>佢話個心未定, 想去玩下, 但係唔想對我唔住

  • 外星人
    <br>唔好傷心, 佢咁講都好過佢又拖住你, 但係又成日出去玩 ......
    <br>我成日都話, 未定o既唔好拍拖, 更加唔好話結婚

  • 我明白所有人唔係因為第三者分手,而想自己一個人既心情......
    <br>我曾經都有咁既諗法....唔係唔愛對方..而係中間可能有些問題,佢唔知點去解決而選擇逃避!! 佢要走...我由佢走....我留又留過...要做既野都做完.我有我既底線.我唔可以同人share一個男人! 佢可以無咗我...我都可以唔需要佢而過活~!
    <br>我都好愛佢...我為佢付出一齊,身邊任何一個人都知~! 佢唔珍惜我...佢要離棄我....我都要面對現實. 任何人都有懦弱既時候...最重要係識得企返起身! 重新做人... 我地大家都要努力~好好愛錫自己!

  • 日子會很難過.
    <br>想哭就放聲大哭, 想恨就恨.
    <br>一分 傷心失落的愛, 要流很多很多眼淚來補賞. 來憮蔚自己.
    <br>你的故事不是唯一,so U are not alone .
    <br>take care of yourself

  • passby
    <br>但係咁樣我仲難過, 大家唔係唔錫大家. 我寧願佢係因為第2個而要求分開, 可以有借口俾我憎佢.
    <br>多謝你...我唔知點面對身邊o既人, 一提佢我就喊, 個人好亂, 聽日唔知點返工...
    <br>多謝你o既解釋, 你咁講我明明地啦...
    <br>我一直以為2個人相愛, 相處無問題, 感情好就唔會分開...我同佢之間無問題, 不過可能人就係咁...安定o既時候就心思思想識第2個.

  • 最傷心的人

  • 日子會很難過.
    <br>愛情真係好高深既學問....好多問題係無答案架~! 只要你相信身邊個個..比D時間佢!

  • Chard,

  • 我已經斷斷續續咁喊左10幾個鐘. 好攰...但係d眼淚係咁流.
    <br>我都唔係細個喇, 而家咁樣已經唔知道有咩人係信得過. 見到你咁堅強, 我都要努力.

  • 最傷心的人
    <br>佢有你之後仲出去偷食, 大左肚就唔要你同人結婚

  • 情為何物??

  • Chard
    <br>"最傷心的人"已經好叻, 佢明你所講o既野, 不過點都會傷心痛心ga嘛

  • 無錯...我明白一齊既道理..但心情平伏唔到ma... 就算你好朋友出賣你..你都會嬲同唔開心啦...係咪?!

  • 最傷心的人
    <br>我整左成個鐘, 終於有返少少雙眼皮, 我唔想屋企人擔心

  • 外星人,
    <br>所以我都係夜晚先係房喊,再唔係出去飲酒..攬住D FD喊...等屋企人見唔到我囉.

  • 最傷心的人 ,
    <br>Firstly I trust at him that he really need to have some fresh air...so he said to have a year separated for a single life...I agreed with him...but last week one of my friend told me that she saw him holding another girl's hand in MK....I am so hurt!!! I know I need to pretend nothing so that he will come back after a year!!! But it really hard to pass this period!

  • 最傷心的人,
    <br>But don't you think your family don't know.... In fact, if I am your family member, I would like to know more about you and your real feeling. If you always hide from them, they must be more worry about you. Let your family member help you.
    <br>Sam Sam

  • Sam,
    <br>During these 5 months, he sometimes will back home and stay overnight....But after I found out he have another girl....he seem like not very hate me....Don't even let me call him.....he said if he want to see me he will call me. Now is passing almost 3 weeks la...He still not call me...All my girl friends said I should treat him in other way and let him and that girl know each other more than that girl may found out that he got nothing good at all then he will come back to me...I think I should wait and doing nothing...just crying everyday......

  • 最傷心的人,
    <br>Yes, you should let your family members know more about that....you is better then me...my family is not in HK....at least you still have family at home to take care you..

  • Sam,
    <br>Sorry, typing error....He seem like very hate me....

  • Personally I think it is wrong.
    <br>First, you are now being taken control by him. I don't think you can let him to do this but you stay at home and cry. If he is really care about you, he will not do it absolutely.
    <br>Second, I am quite sure that when you are crying at home. He is hugging with other girls outside. What for? You like that.
    <br>Third, if you give him a chance, I am sure he will fully utilize this change and your allowance to do. You will be the one who suffer most. You can think think why the time line is one year, after one year , he may find this life workable and another terrible year is following up. Just think. ( from his point of view ). May be he will return to your side provided that 1) He feel bored afte a couple of years 2) your criteria is better than all other girls he met in this years. Just think think, if one of the girl he met during this year can provide him more money, more stable life, better sex relationship. Then what's your value?
    <br>Fourth, in this connection, you not only hurt yourself, but ( may be ) others.
    <br>More and more........
    <br>Sam Sam

  • mil_mil,
    <br>我都好肯定佢個心已經無咗你. 以前我都經歷過呢個階段. 我日喊夜喊...一個月廋咗40磅都係咁過...佢理都無理過我~! 我都係掙扎咗好耐,,我辛苦先捱得過! 所以你要努力...你要活得比佢好....

  • Sam Sam,
    <br>Can you let me know your SMS so that we can talk more details. Thanks.

  • Mil MIl
    <br>I am not threatening you but that is the truth. I see many many case happened before.
    <br>Sam Sam

  • Mil Mil,
    <br>You sent me a mail.
    <br>[email protected]
    <br>Sam Sam

  • SamSam,
    <br>Sorry , I mean MSN.

  • Sorry ar. Actullay I seldom play MSN.
    <br>May be you can sent me a mail and then I can talk to you over the phone.
    <br>Sam Sam

  • I have a meeting at 3:00pm . Talk to you later. Bye Bye
    <br>Sam Sam

  • Sam Sam,
    <br>I sent you an e-mail la. please check after meeting...Thanks.

  • 最傷心的人 ,
    <br>Thanks for your advise. I will try to keep myself stay up and forget about him...but I really sometime. I would like to talk to you sometimes by e-mail. Do you mind to give me your e-mail account? I think you and me are almost the same age...should be easiler to talk with. Thanks.

  • [email protected]

  • 個point係---你比左最青春個八年佢,所以打擊咁大!

  • don be 2 upset la...the thing that u need 2 to right now is to make yourself pretty, then u'll feel good soon ^_^

  • 心水清,
    <br>I'M OK NOW, 我仲有MARKET架!! 衰然唔係最TOP...但NOT TOO BAD 啦.

  • 最傷心的人,
    <br>So sorry to hear your story here!
    <br>S many people here to say sth to comfort you! I just read breifly about your story, two points to draw your attention:
    <br>1/ A man who you loved for 8 years was lying to you you. But I think the man who you loved is longer exist! You did not love your bf, you just loved an image, fanasty imagination, actually your bf is not the person you love!
    <br>2/ no matter what reasons he considered to marry with the lady, an unhealth starting together with a BB factors cause he has this decision. It is most likely that he will not get happiness from this marriage.
    <br>Re-start your life!

  • 最傷心的人,
    <br>Seems all chat with you on MSN....
    <br>Sam Sam

  • 最傷心的人,
    <br>Add Oil! Trust me, the worst will be over soon. Let time heal your wounds. And it's good to divert your attention to other activities.
    <br>Don't let your husband treat you like this. This is way too sad.
    <br>Why I know? I have similar experience. My ex husband had an affair and we divorced peacefully. Sometimes when people/things change, we cannot control too much. Hang on to people that don't love you or don't deserve your love is too painful.
    <br>It's been a few years now. And I am happily single. I have a bf who is really good to me. And more, my ex husband and I stay friends!

  • 最傷心的人,
    <br> OK, I will talk to you sometimes... Thanks.

  • 我相信﹐如果妳真係想忘記佢嘅話﹐就唔好再喺度傾佢嘅嘢。咁樣做淨係會令妳再次諗返起佢。何不傾其他嘢? :)

  • 我仲有MARKET架----嘩咁仲洗傷心?!

  • 點解個女仔無啦啦會有左你bf 個BB?
    <br>你bf 去偷食?

  • koko

  • 當然我ex-bf 出去偷食啦~!
    <br>我會係到同大家報告一個happy ending!~

  • 偷食妳都為他Hurt?

  • 心水清,
    <br>我唔係講外表,其實任何人都有機會..唔係靚先有market 架ma. 比d信心自己.咁先sharp架.

  • 雖然話一次不忠,百次不容.

  • 最傷心的人

  • 版主, 加油啊!!!

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