我成日買野買唔停手,就算明知入不敷出仍會簽咭買.買完又會好後悔.擔心自己係購物狂. 想問下有冇人是購物狂,或曾經是購物狂,話比我知應該點樣做?

  • Hi Lammafan,

    I was a little like that before. But after I move out from my parents (I rent a small apartment nearby my place of work), I realize that I cannot have enough space to put all my clothes. And as I will have to wash and iron my clothes by myself, I started to buy lesser and lesser clothes.

    And I have to study part-time and have been very busy - so no time and no money to buy.

    So the bottom line is, engage yourself in other activities other than shopping. There are so many interesting activities to do, like: studying, playing tennis, table tennis, badminton, swimming, going out with friends for a good chitchat....etc. Don't just spend your pastime with shopping.

    Hope this will be of help to you. If you want to share more about "quitting shopping", pls do share with me or other girls.

    By the way, I am a tourism student studying in PolyU. Can I invite you to fill out my online spa questionnaire?

    Here is the URL:

    http://www.my3q.com/go.php? url=tourism_researcher/58874

    (You will have to delete the space after "?" because they won't allow me to paste the link without any space)

    Thanks a million!!! 十分感謝!!

  • 你去睇家庭醫生,轉介你去睇專科

  • thanks~

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