l.a.x.機場如何搭的士??(錯手post左兩條問題. sorry sorry~) 我下星期要到美國l.a了, 但係無人接機, 想請教一下要響機埸搭的士點搭? 有無的士站架?定係要自己call定的士? 因為我要去santa anita, 唔知各位朋友知唔知要大約幾錢?

  • It's vvv expensive to call taxi there! I have no idea about Santa anita .... (is it Santa Monica??)

  • u can take shuttle bus

  • someone: santa monica 同santa anita係兩個地方黎.

    mike : 我應該去邊搭shuttle bus呀? 死啦, 好驚呀, 唔識路>_<

  • You can take the metrobus/metrolink/shuttle bus/taxi to Santa Anita. Depending on where exactly you are going, all these transportation can take you to that general area. Taxi and shuttle bus take you are door-to-door serivce and fast during the off-rush hours. You can find the shuttlebus stop right outside the baggage claim area under the blue sign next to the main road. You will have to cross over one traffic lane to the center island of the road. Bus and metrolink take a lot more time but cost a lot less ($50+ vs $3). You can easily find these information about transportation atLAX through the google search. Try LAX transportation.

  • About the shuttle bus, there will be someone from the supershuttle standing under the sign . You tell him/her where you are going and he/she will tell you when the next shuttle bus will arrive and see to it that you get on the right shuttle bus. The supershuttle will take you directly to where you want to get dropoff in Santa Anita.

    If you feel adventure enough and have the time , try the metrolink to Serria Madre Ave. and possible have someone to pick you up there or take a bus if possible at the station. It is not hard, just time-consuming. A word of wise, don't do this if you are going to arrive late at night. Take the supershuttle or taxi.

  • abc, thx a lot for yr help !!

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