
  • 我係十一月尾識到一個男人,不過佢大我二十年,曾經離婚及有三個仔,最大個仔都成九歲,但我對佢有 feel,唔知點好,好唔好真係同佢係埋一齊?

  • 如果你想長久,又唔介意做人後母, 先好同人地一齊.

  • very hard to have romantic thing
    <br>esp he has to look after 3 kids
    <br>+ he has less energy

  • if u wouldn't mind
    <br>why not give yourself a chance?

  • 做得我亞爸既唔會囉,even有feel都係咁話,仲要曾經離婚及有三個仔,NO WAY!!! 比亞媽知道實鬧死.
    <br>大十至13年都可以接受, but not 20yr.
    <br>p.s. i'm female.

  • 如果佢好似梁錦松咁,有錢又有修養,咁都可以考慮架,你睇國寶小伏幾咁幸福

  • 佢個三個仔唔係同佢一齊住,由兩個工人去照顧佢地。我都知我同佢有段距離,但我真係對佢有 feel,我都 feel 到對方同我一樣唔敢試....只係噯味中...都唔知點。

  • if u are really with him, u hv to take care of him after 20 or 30 yrs as he is very old already. like he is 70 and u are 50, see....i dun think it works!!
    <br>such as my bf''s parents, his dad is older than his mum 17 yrs. they divorced 8 yrs ago. his mum has another guy.

  • To: 睇下

  • do u know why he divorced with his wife?
    <br>as i think it seems his family is quite healthy if he didnt divorce. 3 kids and good financial situation(由兩個工人去照顧佢地)
    <br>just curious why they divorced?! there should be a big problem. and u should know it before with him.

  • 佢有主動同我講點解同佢 ex-wife 離婚

  • because of these reasons "佢既條件唔差,係某國際公司既高層,有學識同收養", u are interested in him. haha...
    <br>i can bet if he doesnt have this background, u must not like him.
    <br>do u think u really like him?? if so, go ahead then.
    <br>or like his background only?

  • btw, the final deciion depends on u.
    <br>that's all i can tell.

  • 主動同你講點解佢同佢 ex-wife 離婚, 唔等於佢鍾意你, 而家好似版主一償情願咁話feel 到對方同我一樣唔敢試....只係噯味中...講真, 咁好條件, 大把女人la, 版主駛乜咁煩

  • 我真係鐘意佢,我唔明點解你地話我因為佢既 background 而 like him。to be honest,我自己本身都係 professional,有唔錯既收入,有自己既樓,唔駛男人養。我 ex-bf 無錢,佢無錢我都有 support 佢,只係大家分格兩地而分開。我明白香港大部份女仔都只係睇錢,你地唔好同我講你地唔 care 係 bf 無錢,我知好多女仔都只係識叫 bf 買名牌俾佢地。我開哩個 post 係問一下你地中肯既意問而唔係俾你地 challenge!

  • 其實叻有吸引力既男人有好既background好正常。話你聽鍾意�鱄茼n叻好有吸引力既男人但佢做份文員搵幾千蚊個月都冇人信啦。

  • 仲話唔係鍾意人地backgroud ! 如果佢變左窮, 你地仲會唔會一心一意咁為佢呀??自問做得到, 先好出聲!

  • 我開哩個 post 係問一下你地中肯既意問而唔係俾你地 challenge!
    <br>by Brandy -
    <br>don't worry, i am not challenge about yr life $$$ or whatever shxt
    <br>i am just worried about on his energy , when u reach to 30+ u will demand more... but he can't offer u....
    <br>will u stand for it ? or aganist it?
    <br>i feel that you have made the decision already, u just need someone to support you. Follow your heart. don't look back.
    <br>i support you ^^
    <br>cheers lady

  • by Brandy - 01/03/07 12:44
    <br>I agree you are fairly exceptional, but, its 2 exceptional to be with him, and mother of 3+ if you get married with him
    <br>there r lots of choices elsewhere

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