
  • 咁你仲乜唔做野?你唔悶架咩?

  • 你地d男友/老公對你地結左婚唔做愛會唔會有意見?

  • 家陣唔係佢有意見, 係我有意見~!!!

  • 我個hus就對我冇意見

  • 我未結婚...
    <br>但係我唔鍾意自己唔做野... 每日gum多個鐘實在太得閒la...

  • If your husband makes more-than-enough money to support the whole family, he wouldn't care whether you work or not.
    <br>If your husband does not make enough money, YOU DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE AND HOW CAN HE HAVE ANY 意見?
    <br>Besides, this is your own life and you should be the only one to decide what you want to do with yourself.

  • 係佢吾想我做野!

  • <br>Looks like your topic is not very clear wor!
    <br>唔做野 ..... 會唔會有意見 ??
    <br>so, do you wish to continue working?
    <br>or ......
    <br>you are happy not working at all after marriage?

  • <br>係佢吾想我做野!
    <br>very dangerous wor!
    <br>These days nothing last forever.
    <br>If he has an affair somewhere, there is no way you could get out of his five-finger-hill because your legs are made of dofu. You are not independent and you dont have any confidence to leave him lor. What about the kids?
    <br>Anyway, it might be too early to think of so many unhappy things to happen. Still, you have to expect the unexpected, right?
    <br>All the best to your everlasting marriage.

  • 你係想繼續工作, 你咪繼續打工囉
    <br>你係唔想工作, 你老公又肯, 而你又信得過你;老公, 你咪唔好做囉

  • 會有好多意見~

  • <br>do as you wish as long as your family life is not affected.
    <br>Is he doing his own business that he doesnt wish you to work at all?
    <br>Regardless of sales or clerical job, you are still in the 'market'. Once you stop for 3-5 yrs, your chance of returning will be very remote. This is what happened to most see-lai. Worst hit when they become so helpless, divorced and no alimony. Sorry to sound so 'gray'.

  • 我有時係咁意提下話結左婚唔做野,
    <br>同埋我bf 月入二萬左右,(但佢ot 錢已經係我成份人工)所以在我黎講呢樣係絕無可能,我而家只希望婚後佢負責大部份屋企開支,我果份夠我洗又有多少儲下就好了..

  • 係佢唔想我做野...另外我都唔想返工...

  • 吾.. 大部份男人同得你一齊, 都預左經濟上support自己個女人, 你話唔想做, 男人實話冇問題, 除非成個家等你份糧開飯, 頂得住d男人都唔出聲冇意見啦, 你咁大個人點迫.
    <br>係最怕奶奶煩, 但家陣好多奶奶都仔大仔世界, 嗌你做都嗌唔陏啦多.
    <br>作為你個人, 有手有腳, 計未有bb果d, 後生世女唔做野, 就算你另一半唔話你, 佢身邊始終有人會覺得你大食懶, 寄生蟲, 差在d人唔會講出口. 不過而家好多女仔都好醒目, 有冇另一半都堅持有自己事業, 咁咪仲好, 就算你個佬肯養你, 久而久之佢都會厭你大食懶, 飯來張口, 不勞而獲, 幾難睇.

  • <br>寄生蟲 ...... 大食懶, 飯來張口, 不勞而獲, ........
    <br>Agree. I feel it that way. I've seen cases like this and when their husbands have another woman, they couldnt leave him because her very special reason is: I dont want my child to grow up in a broken home
    <br>I dont want my child to grow up w/o a father.
    <br>I love him too much that I couldnt leave him.
    <br>So they dig their own grave day by day.
    <br>all because they cannot stand on their own two feet. They are so used to being
    <br>寄生蟲 ...... 大食懶, 飯來張口, 不勞而獲, ........

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