我公司打算1月8號叫我過去新加坡training,但宜家我先發現唔見左本BNO,我想問如果聽日去做快証(特區護照),有無機會1月8號前可以攞到呢?同埋我宜家唔見左本BNO,需唔需要先去警署報失呢?如果有人遇過依d情況或者知道應該點做,請幫幫我解答啦!thank you!

  • Don't worry.

    You can't imagine how efficient our HK Immigration Dept can be. My passport dropped into the shredding machine at work one morning (i.e just one day before I was flying to BKK!). I took all the necessary document plus photo to their office in Wanchai in the early afternoon. and yipees they got me a new SAR passport before 5pm the same day.

  • 如果你要做快証, 你一定攞齊足夠文件: 相兩張, 身份證影印本, 有關你何時出發到外地的文件, 到灣仔辦事署辦理就可以, 你最好申請特區護照, 因為我都係咁, 起飛前發現BNO 沒有半年効期, 即刻申請, 不消三天就辦妥了

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