阿 仔 買 樓 父 母 畀 首 期

  • 一生兒女債


  • To: 中坑

    五年儲350K,即一年七萬,兩個人一齊儲每個月都係三千蚊 ~ 錯!

    五年儲350K,即一年七十萬, 唔係每個月三千蚊。兩個人一齊儲每個月六萬蚊。

  • 350k = 35萬

  • 五年儲350K,即一年七萬,兩個人一齊儲每個月都係三千蚊


  • 350k=35萬


  • yes, 350k=35萬


    =$2916.6 per person per month

  • 父母個個都為兒為女,想子女好,所以寧願自己食少d使少d,儲埋d錢比子女


    by yy


  • Think twice (or even more) before having a baby!!

  • what a burden to raise a kid!

  • 遲早份身家都係留俾個仔, 只不過早D俾住D個仔先麻...........

    by Z.Z - 12/15/06 13:45

    父母搵錢, 仔女享福, 天經地義.

    by ↑↑ - 12/15/06 18:43

    真係好自私, 佢地父母好慘

    by 慘痛 - 12/15/06 23:10

    How come our new generation is like this? No responsibility and take things for granted.

  • "我e+讀緊大專...有時聽到有d同學連交學費都要借loan自己比...我覺得佢地父母好過份law連仔女讀書都唔供...佢地學咩人生仔??(比我如果無$養,比唔倒最好ge生活仔女就唔會生)

    ~幾年後...就可能又要結婚...咁攪法...真係好難儲$ law
    ~無$結婚都唔奇!! "

    by 女 - 12/16/06 15:41


    我都係24, 但我並不認同...............

    ............可能真係3 年一個gap...................


    父母唔供仔女讀大專唧, 唔洗話唔準生卦??

  • 睇見"父母搵錢, 仔女享福, 天經地義" 呢d說話, 真係唔想生.

    做仔女既有無諗過父母係節衣縮食咁儲起d錢架??? 其實仔女養父母都係天經地義架, 點解唔試下掉轉係仔女節衣縮食去養父母?

  • 養父母都係天經地義架! 100% agreed.

  • 父母份身家遲早都係留俾仔女, 現在只不過是提早D俾住仔女, 有什麼問題 ?

  • 我覺得下代的問題和首期問題不應該掛鈎.

  • 父母的錢唔係一定要留俾仔女, 仔女有依個想法係好唔正確.

    不過有人幫, 首先你都要個品值得人幫才可以. 有時父母都可能係有心無力, 有能力又想幫仔女咪幫囉.... 自己人, 人地幫一把, 好快返到身, 做咩要俾錢銀行賺???

    我阿公都有幫我父母, 起碼父母無捱貴息, 但係父母都還曬俾公公, 人情係還唔到的, 所以好錫公公. 咁樣就係雙贏了....

  • 所以話, 香港地, 生女有九成機會賺, 等錢駛生多幾個. 生仔等於買左八號仔, 冇錢唔生好過. 基哥就生多幾個仔都唔怕, 反正家誠都叫佢做老豆, 大有錢佬.

  • 依家d後生一代,其實都幾自私,淨係諗自己夠唔夠錢使,唔夠就靠父母,抱怨是別人對自己不夠好,不夠$比自己用,無責任,無承擔


    by yy - 12/17/06 15:01


  • 其實父母生你將你養育成人,供書教學養到21歲成年都好辛苦.如果已出黎社會做事既,就算唔可以比錢父母.都好應該自己為自己打算學儲錢.唔好要佢地繼續養你,要佢地咁辛苦,都過意唔去啦!!!!有好多人響呢個年齡仲コ讀緊大學,但自己已有搵錢能力就應該盡量減輕父母既負擔.起碼做下part time自己搵零用唔好下下攤大手板都已經分擔唔少.

    我見樓上好多人認為洗父母幾\既錢好似好應份咁!!你有無諗過叫佢地留返d錢傍身?佢地辛苦大半世你要佢地d辛苦錢,你要唔要得落手?你慚唔慚愧醜唔醜?無錢結婚?咪一切從簡囉!!!註冊唔洗好多錢o者!無錢買樓咪兩公婆自己儲錢買囉!!租屋住唔得咩? 乜租屋好失禮唔住得人既咩?凡事應量力而為下下依靠父母有乜意思?比你得到又有乜味道?

  • that's why lots of couple change their mind.

    use $ to buy a second house, which can help to maintain their income after retire.

    and have some pets instead of baby.

  • 同意咁大個人應該自已搞掂買樓結婚的費用.... 事實上我同BF都係咁....無礙係有好多困難的, 但都要兩個人共同克服先BUILD UP到的經歷, 先更加珍惜擁有的野....

    我同BF兩年前買左層百多萬的樓, 儲左好多年的錢一次過比左首期, 依家又係度儲錢結婚..... 儲儲儲有時都幾氣餒, 人地廿多歲就結婚(屋企比錢), 我家陣三十幾都仲未嫁, 有時都會唔開心, 但從來無後悔過靠自已.

  • I have a friend who borrowed 1.2m from her mom for buying a flat together with her boyfriend (actually the boyfriend suggested my friend to borrow from her family). They sold the flat a few years later but they kept all the money (included the 1.2m) to themselves. As far as I know, her mom is a housewife for 30 years and the 1.2m is her own savings.

    I cannot understand how come my friend and her boyfriend 要得落手 and they both don't find anything wrong for not returning the money.

  • 阿仔洗老豆錢係褔黎架

    唔係人地買塊靚山地把鬼咩, 都係想為後代好遮

    阿仔第日變成二世祖, 乜鬼問題都搵人幫仲好, 我不知幾想呢d人快d自取滅亡, 咁個d實力派先可以有出頭天

    仔仔女女, 你老豆老母保你一世架, 放心fung錢啦, 祝福你們

  • 阿叔你一定冇仔女

  • 冇錯呀, 父母搵錢, 仔女享福

  • hi tiffany

    agree. my case is exactly the same as yours and i have to give quite some $$ to help to ease my parents' finance and therefore my bf and i dun have enough to get married ah...>_<

    Let's work hard and save $$$! u r not alone!! *o^

  • 我就係幫仔女俾首期買樓嘅人,我覺得一 D都冇問題。如果D 仔女結咗婚, 又要租屋住,又要儲首期,又要俾錢父母,的確好辛苦。我幫佢哋俾咗首期,佢哋即刻可以入伙住自己嘅屋,然後一面供屋,一面俾家用我,由於我自己亦有收入,就當佢哋還錢俾我, 過咗幾年,就還曬嘞。我覺得父母喺適當嘅時候,幫一幫仔女係好緊要嘅,好過死攬住 D 錢,或者攞住仔女俾嘅錢亂咁使。當然仔女又要識做,要還錢啦,當免息貸款啫。

  • cc




  • 父母同仔女邊有數計架, 唔通一家人飲茶都要 AA 制 ?

  • 唔通一家人飲茶都要 AA 制 ?


    我地年年一家人就埋D假期一齊去旅行,都係夾錢去,機票,車票,門票,買野自己俾,食野大家分(父母同仔女每一家),大家負擔冇咁重,可以去遠 D, 唔使就住就住使錢。我地呢個家庭旅行團,去咗幾年,日本,歐洲,美洲都係咁去,大家一齊準備資料,然後大仔做領隊,新抱做財政,雖然係貴D,玩得好開心。好過旅行團同D陌生人,又要俾貼士。

  • dd.... 好開心原來唔止我一個咁辛苦, 我每個月都係比家用屋企, 當年讀大學的學費由父母比, 但咁多年我每個月都會還固定金額的學費, 所以家陣都幾TIGHT...我父母都退曬休, 但有舊錢係身, 作為仔女真係唔好意思用佢的退休金, 另外亦覺得有責任每個月供養佢地....或者我的諗法已經OUT

    我BF父母就無乜錢喇, 佢地本來有幾十萬, 問過我地買樓幫我地比首期好無, 我地拒絕左, 過唔到自已用佢地的退休金, 同埋真係好想自已搞掂唔使人幫, 但最後, 佢哥哥就乘機攞左佢舊錢去買樓, 我地唔係覺得蝕底左, 係覺得佢哥哥好唔應該, 家陣佢兩老無得退休, 仲開緊士多仔....佢哥用舊錢買完樓好快賣左, 賺左幾十萬, 但每個月只係還100蚊比佢地...好過份....

  • too bad!!

  • 其實做父母都養了你過左半世人......


    仲搞什麼 aa 制呀 ?

    分明不孝 !

  • 若有能力,誰要依附在父母膝旁 ?

    租貴樓貴, 年輕人難獨立 !

  • 同意

  • 我父母雖然都係打工, 但係佢地都係公司�堶惇J高層, 佢地各自既月薪都多過我既年薪, 每年既花紅都係數以百萬計. 佢地講明我地3姊弟唔駛俾家用, 唔駛養佢地, 叫我地自己儲埋佢. 而我地結婚既時候都會有一筆同樣數目既錢, 而呢一筆錢足夠我地結婚同買樓比首期用, 但係條件係一定要擺酒, 一定要搞得好好睇睇(因為佢地識好多生意人, 同埋佢地好多有錢既朋友, 一定唔可以搞得差). 我家姐同阿哥既收入都好好, 係酒店擺左30幾圍, 買樓比首期, 都冇乜點用果筆錢, 但係我收入比佢地差, 如果要好似佢地咁搞法, 起碼儲多6-7年先得, 所以諗住遲D先算, 但係我父母好鍾意我女朋友, 好恨飲新抱茶, 佢地一得閒就去睇樓同結婚展, 羅埋一大堆資料, 有次幾乎買埋層樓(好彩果次我死都話唔鍾意住果度先冇買), 每個星期都問一次我同我女朋友幾時結婚. 最後我同我女朋友決定08年結婚, 我同我父母講可以既話我地會自己盡量出番錢, 但係點都會用到果筆錢, 而且都會用好多下, 佢地反而話就算而家唔用, 遲D都會留番比我地用. 叫我唔駛擔心. 咁你地話我算唔算不孝?

  • Z.Z.

    You are not 不孝 but 冇用 only.

  • 我覺得父母有能力既, 幫仔女比首期, 供讀書唔算不孝呀, 他們有多餘錢, 但如果父母都無咩錢淨, 自己搵自己食, 唔係佢地唔想供讀書, 係能力有恨, 做仔女點解要怪父母, 要睇返每家庭狀況而定啦

  • 父母多餘錢, 是積穀防飢

  • 同意樓上, 父母的錢, 是積穀防飢, 唔係俾你地駛, 你地要錢便要努力工作或搵工 !

  • "阿 仔 買 樓 父 母 畀 首 期"<===如果係我, 我會覺得好醜, 一定唔會講比d friend知.

  • 因住有報應

  • 因住有報應

    by 報應 - 12/23/06 18:23

    就算父母比首期買樓, 都唔會有報應咁嚴重下嘩!

  • I think 阿 仔 買 樓 父 母 畀 首 期 is not such a big deal because all of my friends are like that! Most of my friends can have their own property or more than one properties in their early twenties, I think parents should help their young kids to buy a property if their son/ daughter is good! And they must return those money to their parents and I think it's okay! If parents have the ability to pay for the 首期 then I think they should offer help instead of waiting for their son to work their head off just for the housing loan!

  • to 係千真萬確既真人真事,

    I really understand that man's situation because it's kind of similar to mine. Actually, I am living with my husband's whole family. ANd his brother is such a problematic adult. He doesn't do any housework or even tidy up his own things, he just online online and chat in msn with people (and i have contribute to buy this new pc, and me and my hubby have the right to use it too). He rely so much on his mum, his mum have to cook him all his meals even small meals, he doesn't wash any dishes after he eats, he doesn't collect his clothes after I folded for him and not even say thank you after i handed over to him. He doesn't even know how to change a light bulb, put hair dryer near the bathtub, and one day he was late to work and usually he rely on his mum to get him up, then his mum forgot it to wake him up, and then he shout at his mum like a dog! My god! I was so shuttered and scare that he could actually stab on anyone by his bad temper! no wonder he doesn't have any gf at all and not even one before, he is nearly 30 years old!

    I think most men these days are protected by their mum so much. ANd they become the Dummy dummy in this generation!

  • that's why i hate him guts now, i dont even bother talking to him at all! Luckily, we use a different bathroom! I think his mum should have the responsibility as well, because as he is the last child of the family, his mum looks after him so much, and making him like those disabled person right now! I mean he doesn't even know how to open a can of coke! Oh my gosh! can you believe it? And all those little living stuffs he doesn't even know! Tell you more, that night when we were having dinner outside, his mum was so worry that he doesn't know the way to the restaurant, then she called her daughter to go out in the dark to collect him from the shopping centre just opposite the road from this restaurant. But his mum doesn't even care about the safety of her daughter.... I mean like, how can his mum treat him like a little kid! I was totally disgusted and think this is totally because of his mum that turns him into a total idiot afterall.

  • so i think men in their twenties right now are so dumb, doesn't even know how to look after themselves, so don't expect them to look after their girlfriend! So don't even talk about giving back the money to their parents! Even if their parents paid for their 首 期, they still got to find money to pay off the loan repayment and other bills! The financial ability of men is to be consider good if they can afford themselve after purchasing a property! Looking at my hubby's bro, I don't think he can get any girls to marry him for god sake! He is the worset man on earth!

  • To it's okay,

    I heard similar cases before in my workplace. For example my nephew. He is now 18 but he knows nothing except playing TV games after school everyday. His parents, i.e. my uncle and aunt, just let him go like this and even gets a maid to take care of him.

    I find the parents should bear the consequences and not complain in the future. That's the way how they teach their son and turn him to an idiot.

  • 乜唔係父母買樓阿仔畀首期 ?

  • 同意

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