
  • really, i don't like 剖C, not that i'm scare but i don't like the smell

    i remember that I had steak for dinner the first day after 剖C

    by nickname soukwok - 10/21/06 14:48

    now, you are making me wonder what is your job nature la, you have to 剖C? 法醫官?

  • 原來真係可能佢個人有問題ar. sigh.....試諗下ar. 條件原來都幾苛刻ga, 學歷唔好太高(唔高d 又點可以賺到足夠ge錢養個一日食咁多餐ge老公呀( 你話佢日日食公仔面, 都話易養d 呀). 仲有ar, 你要煮咁多餐俾佢食, 咁都唔緊要, 早餐可以係番工前整定俾佢食, 晚餐放工即刻番黎prepare, 但係如果佢嘴(雕)d, lunch唔食隔夜準備俾佢ge lunch box. 咁咪即係個老都lunch 都要番黎煮o野俾佢食?

    所以話睇落好似好簡單, 但係你諗深一層.....em....開始令我對版主的好感有d動搖.....要再三考慮要唔好做佢個朋友先.........

    by jina - 10/21/06 18:03

    嘩!無上離2日,已經講左我咁多壞話. 不過唔緊要, 我都唔想同你咬, 我個人最大問題就係唔鍾意同女人鬧交,由其是d學歷高過我果d. 咬親都輸. 不過我真係幾嘴(雕)ga.唔好要我餐餐食公仔面.

    雖然jina都認為我有問題, 但都要多謝佢曾經對過我有好感,我都心滿意足啦!

  • now, you are making me wonder what is your job nature la, you have to 剖C? 法醫官?

    by jina - 10/21/06 18:05

    I don't want to give out my job nature here la, but give you a little hint, my job is somewhat related to 法醫 and I can become 法醫官 if i want to but I don't think I have the dedication la. I think 法醫 is a very cool job. I have a lot of respect to these people. Haha, I am so distracted. Have to go back to work. Catch up with you later...

  • soukwok,

    我覺得果d CC雖然靈魂離開左肉身, 但其實亦應該倍加尊重架, 因為佢地讓人類做學術研究, 亦係回饋僅社會架 : )


    哈哈..........我覺得soukowk 個嘴唔算雕, 佢擇偶仲雕喎......

  • friends,

    I have a lot of respect for the CC, but after I have done with the course, I don't think I will donate my body after I'm dead. Haha......

    of course i have to be picky when comes with 擇偶, i have to live with her for the rest of my life bor, right?

  • friends,

    你去o左邊度ar? 呢排都唔見你o既? 我呢排有d忙, 識o左個好8掛o既朋友, 所以都所上黎ar. 你係咪出o左埠la?

  • jina,

    good morning~

    我未出埠, 但已經計劃好下個月尾lu~

    你識左個八掛朋友就呀, 咁快d 八d 野黎聽下啦, 唔該曬 : )

    若果你唔介意就問SouKwok 拿我的msn, 我地係msn 一齊八掛, haha...

    緊記你個msn 唔好係依度post 出黎~~


    First of all, please send my msn to Jina directly, thanks million!!

    of course i have to be picky when comes with 擇偶, i have to live with her for the rest of my life bor, right?

    by soukwok - 10/25/06 00:12

    So, I can foresee what's your intimacy look like, an ANGEL, right? so picky you are! haha.....

  • dear friends,

    jina 識左個八掛朋友, 未就係佢自己o羅, haha

    sorry i didn't get to chat with you much; i guess we are at different time zone.

    i have no problem giving jina your msn. i'm sure you two will have a lot to talk about

    "So, I can foresee what's your intimacy look like, an ANGEL, right? so picky you are! haha..... "

    by friends - 10/29/06 11:48

    well, i have got to known a person lately who is close to an angel......will see how it goes...hehe

  • 學歷太高可以搵唔到錢. 我識個博士搵萬四一個月, 幾好樣, 但冇女人肯嫁佢, 因為佢窮.

  • 我未出埠, 但已經計劃好下個月尾lu~

    你識左個八掛朋友就呀, 咁快d 八d 野黎聽下啦, 唔該曬 : )

    若果你唔介意就問SouKwok 拿我的msn, 我地係msn 一齊八掛, haha...

    緊記你個msn 唔好係依度post 出黎~~


    下個月尾出埠la, 你就好la, 我都想去ar, 好想去番boston ar, 我有好多個朋友都係果度ar, 有兩個朋友仲下個月結婚lor, 好(dun)佢o地開心ar.

    你話想同我八下我個8掛朋友d o野, 唔知得唔得ar, 我驚佢會介意ar, 等我問準佢先la,好唔好? 佢雖然8掛d, 但係好得意, 好傻ga, sigh....令我又愛又恨, kakak....但係又忍唔要日日見下佢woo....sigh....

    叫soukwok 俾我你個msn ar, 其實我同佢唔係好熟ja, 唔係成日同佢傾ar, 佢都唔係成日上網, 等我真係有機會見到佢, 問佢攞你個msn la. Thanks la.

    So, I can foresee what's your intimacy look like, an ANGEL, right? so picky you are! haha.....

    by friends - 10/29/06 11:48

    我覺得要睇下佢係咪好有錢, 如果有霍英東錢, 咁佢可能唔使做和尚, 否則祝佢好運lor. kakaak....

  • "jina 識左個八掛朋友, 未就係佢自己o羅, haha"


    why are you being so mean to me? I was just telling Friends about my friend. you have no right to criticize ar :P

    "So, I can foresee what's your intimacy look like, an ANGEL, right? so picky you are! haha..... "

    by friends - 10/29/06 11:48

    well, i have got to known a person lately who is close to an angel......will see how it goes...hehe


    it is too early to dream la silly, there's no such an angel in this world, and i believe for a picky person like you, you will never be satisfied ga la....kakak.....wish you luck la.... :D

  • 學歷太高可以搵唔到錢. 我識個博士搵萬四一個月, 幾好樣, 但冇女人肯嫁佢, 因為佢窮.

    by 窮博士 - 10/29/06 13:1


    對於一個有博士學位的人, 萬四一個月又真係好似少d喔, 不過唔使灰心o嫁, 唔係個個人都係睇錢份上搵男朋友的. 你話佢幾好樣, 都冇女仔鐘意佢? 有時好樣d對剛相識會有幫助, 但識落如果個男仔雖然有係博士, 但1d內涵都冇, 又悶, 我諗博士個名銜都唔會有幫助. 希望你個朋友快d搵到份佢又鐘意又可以賺到多d錢的工la. 而且快d識到個女朋友la. hehe....

  • soukwok,

    it is too early to dream la silly, there's no such an angel in this world, and i believe for a picky person like you, you will never be satisfied ga la....kakak.....wish you luck la.... :D

    by jina - 10/29/06 22:10

    You are right jina, may be i am just dreaming these days...why would a girl as good as an angel will intereted in me? sigh...I really can't think of anything attractive about myself.....i am not trying to be picky, i just want to find someone who i love as much as she loves me...well, only that it's not easy...

  • hi soukwok,

    where have you been lately? Too busy hanging out with your imagination angel girl? haha...

    Hi friends,

    I got your email address from soukwok and added you to msn contact list a few days ago, but i don't think i've ever seen you on the msn. haha...are you hidding from me? i'm going to find you out...jk...talk later.

  • Knowing that you are very busy working on your school work lately. Good luck with everything and glad to be your friend :)

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