
  • 終於諗通o左, 覺得如果愛一個人, 點解要為o左自己自私的覺得想法而掠奪了大家一齊開心的時光呢, 所以決定了搬去boston.

    by jina - 10/19/06 22:51

    Jina, you have just made me to like you more, hahaha

  • So, I am going to work for my presentations all day today. Hopefully, I can get a lot done. Will chat again tonight or something. friends, have fun in seminars!

  • 我覺得好開朗, 有冇好好運用於公關方面發展下??

    by friends - 10/19/06 22:37

    friends, jina not only 開朗 but I think she also has a good and charming personality

    by soukwok - 10/20/06 00:39

    我係咪要好感激兩位呢? 朋友們成日叫我傻婆, 而家先終於有人發掘了我另三個traits la. haha... :$

  • 我覺得好開朗, 有冇好好運用於公關方面發展下??

    by friends - 10/19/06 22:37

    friends, jina not only 開朗 but I think she also has a good and charming personality

    by soukwok - 10/20/06 00:39

    我係咪要好感激兩位呢? 朋友們成日叫我傻婆, 而家先終於有人發掘了我另三個traits la. haha... :$

  • 我有個朋友話佢開始"學刨冬瓜啦". 我好白痴咁問番佢"嘜刨冬瓜"都要學咩? hahah....大家知唔知佢寫ge"刨冬瓜"即係點解呢? hahha....希望有人陪我做大傻瓜la....kakka....

    呢題係有奬問答遊戲, 但係獎品暫時唔公布住la :D

  • Morning Jina,


    見你咁鬼馬, 蛇入黎一陣先~~

    一定要學好"刨冬瓜"呀, 有人 predict 不久會取代英語成為世界語言架!!

    因為工作須要, 我都有學下"ni空歌"

    你又知唔知係嘜呢?? 哈哈哈......

  • Friends,

    ni hao ma? wo hen hao, zuo tinan wan shang shui de wan, jin tian you xie lei. heheh.....

    what's "ni空歌"?

  • what's "ni空歌"? <---日文

  • hello 小敏,

    haven't seen you showing up here for a awhile. I thought you are not coming back to this thread anymore. heheh....welcome back BTW.

  • Are you kidding me? You're just showing off aren't you :P ?

  • julietenity=friends?

  • Are you kidding me? You're just showing off aren't you :P ?

    by Julieternity - 10/20/06 11:20

    who's showing off Juliternity?

  • jina

    不會呀! 有時間就會上she黎傾下^^

  • 唔知julitemity指邊個show off?

  • Of course not, Jina. : )

    Take it easy and beware!


    welcome to join us.

    But why you say so? Please specify. Thx!


    kon nichiwa! : )

    我今晚再上黎傾過夠!! : )

  • kon ni chi wa 係唯一一句我識的日文. hehhe...

  • Jina,

    唔好嬲啦! 公眾chat room係咁架, 你嬲得幾多, 傻妹黎架, 當時運高見唔到就得架喇, 哈哈哈.......

  • friends



  • friends,

    唔嬲ar. 我想find out 如果佢係指我show off, 我想話俾佢知, 其實國語先係我mother language 嘛. 唔係show off ar, 因為其實我cantonese 反而講得唔好lor

  • 小敏,

    ok! sayo nara!


    依句一定識啦! 開心翻未呀, 傻妹妹! : )

    show個 nickname 你睇下喇, 笑笑喎!!

    死喇! 我上僅seminar架, 哈哈哈.....

  • well, seems like i'm lost of what you all talking about: "刨冬瓜" "ni空歌" ??? someone explains it to me pls...

  • friends,

    我又show ar, 多謝你ar. 呢句真係識. hehe...


  • I totally agree with you. this topic is pretty 豬...... by soukwok - 10/17/06 09:29

    Being 豬 is not a bad thing. It means you're still young!

    btw, how do you know 幾十個擁有phd學歷既朋友? by soukwok - 10/17/06 09:31

    My hubby is a professor. He has many colleagues and friends who got Phd qualification.

  • Being 豬 is not a bad thing. It means you're still young!

    Thanks ccy, I will take it as compliment. In fact, I always consider myself young.

    Wow, your hubby is smart bor, what's his research interest? What does he teach? May be I have attended his lectures before, haha...

  • soukwok

    雖然學歷唔代表什麼, 但我覺得讀書叻的男人好attractive


  • baby,

    如果覺得讀書叻的男人好attractive, 咁我諗你一定要識soukwok啦, 雖然唔知佢有咩學歷, 但佢開得呢個thread, 我諗佢應該都幾讀得下書啦.

    我自己本人就覺得讀書叻係好, 但如果佢係死讀書, 唔使同人交流果種, 又未必真係咁吸引woo...

  • 雖然學歷唔代表什麼, 但我覺得讀書叻的男人好attractive


    by baby - 10/20/06 19:57

    Hi baby,

    Sure, but I never say I 讀書叻. Haha......

  • 雖然學歷唔代表什麼, 但我覺得讀書叻的男人好attractive


    by baby - 10/20/06 19:57

    Hi baby,

    Sure, but I never say I 讀書叻, haha......

  • 我自己本人就覺得讀書叻係好, 但如果佢係死讀書, 唔使同人交流果種, 又未必真係咁吸引woo...

    by jina - 10/20/06 21:30

    Jina must be talking about me again...

  • 又唔見我無?分明係你個人有問題啦!!!

  • 傅士,

    That's what i thought too...may I ask where you get your 傅士?

  • soukwok

    I never said that i was talking about you. I was saying it in general.

    你讀書都唔叻, 點會係話緊你呢?

  • 係woo, 版主會唔會係你自己有問題呢? 會唔會係你自己set的target太高ar? 不過你自己講下擇偶條件la.

  • friends,

    我諗我今日飲太多水la, 臨放工時個胃好唔舒服, 好想嘔, 後來要去買d o野食塞塞佢, 即刻好番. 我諗我個胃其實係貪食. heheheh.....

    因為今日係friday, d 同事一早蛇走o左lor, 等我白疾咁係度坐o左兩個鐘先等到夠鐘上yoga. 點知做做下, 有一個lay係度ge動作, 我竟然訓著ar, 你話幾羞家 :p heheh....

  • target太高? 唔係, 我女朋友唔洗高過我ga

  • 要高過你好易je...

  • 有一個lay係度ge動作, 我竟然訓著ar, 你話幾羞家 :p heheh....

    by jina - 10/20/06 22:07

    wow, i didn't know I am doing Yoga very night....no wonder i feel so young

  • wow, i didn't know I am doing Yoga very night....no wonder i feel so young

    by nickname soukwok - 10/20/06 22:15

    what do you mean you did know you were doing Yoga every night? and you are not young old soukwok :P

  • 不過你自己講下擇偶條件la.

    by jina - 10/20/06 21:59


    1. make breakfast, lunch and dinner for me la, i don't eat snacks a lot, so 3 meals per day is fine

    2. 學歷唔好太高啦, 因為我讀書都唔叻!

    3. hopefully her salary is high la, so i don't have to work ma....hahahha

  • what do you mean you did know you were doing Yoga every night? and you are not young old soukwok :P

    by jina - 10/20/06 22:19

    because i lay down and falls asleep every night lor, silly jina

  • Jina,

    你有學yoga, 咁我講一位朋友的經歷俾你知; 有一日我去佢屋企堔佢, 然後坐係sofa睇影碟喎, 佢突然做左一個動作, "fing"左隻腳上條頸後面, 嘩...........我立刻問佢, 洗唔洗幫你打999呢?? 一齊笑到傻曬, 哈哈哈.....

    咁你又會唔會上僅網 "fing"隻腳上條頸後面呢?? 哈哈..........

  • 擇偶條件:

    1. make breakfast, lunch and dinner for me la, i don't eat snacks a lot, so 3 meals per day is fine

    2. 學歷唔好太高啦, 因為我讀書都唔叻!

    3. hopefully her salary is high la, so i don't have to work ma....hahahha

    by soukwok - 10/20/06 22:20


    The third one is the one I love it most!! haha...

  • friends,

    你想笑死我咩, 如果我"fing"到隻腳上條頸後面, 我諗你可以直接送我去西環尾5b隔離果間o野, 醫院都慳番啦.

    kakak....小姐我呢個係初級班ja, 我諗我有排先有咁ge境界ar

  • morgue??? choi, choi, choi!!! >.<


  • 百無禁忌、大吉大利!



    Jina, 快d跟住講~~


  • 百無禁忌、大吉大利!



    Jina, 快d跟住講~~


    你又知我講果間係咩? 哈哈哈. 我住o左西環咁耐, 都係3個月前先知道原來果度係......

  • 百無禁忌、大吉大利!




  • 我有幾位大學同學係謮Human Bio架, 話要剖C果喎, 而過d CC係過度買返黎做研究架~~ (今次唔敢笑......)

  • really, i don't like 剖C, not that i'm scare but i don't like the smell

    i remember that I had steak for dinner the first day after 剖C

  • 擇偶條件:

    1. make breakfast, lunch and dinner for me la, i don't eat snacks a lot, so 3 meals per day is fine

    2. 學歷唔好太高啦, 因為我讀書都唔叻!

    3. hopefully her salary is high la, so i don't have to work ma....hahahha

    by soukwok - 10/20/06 22:20


    The third one is the one I love it most!! haha...


    仲話你鐘意第三個woo...我而家就終於明白點解版主問學歷高係咪好難搵到女朋友, 而其他的人亦都對佢的說法有異議la.

    原來真係可能佢個人有問題ar. sigh.....試諗下ar. 條件原來都幾苛刻ga, 學歷唔好太高(唔高d 又點可以賺到足夠ge錢養個一日食咁多餐ge老公呀( 你話佢日日食公仔面, 都話易養d 呀). 仲有ar, 你要煮咁多餐俾佢食, 咁都唔緊要, 早餐可以係番工前整定俾佢食, 晚餐放工即刻番黎prepare, 但係如果佢嘴(雕)d, lunch唔食隔夜準備俾佢ge lunch box. 咁咪即係個老都lunch 都要番黎煮o野俾佢食?

    所以話睇落好似好簡單, 但係你諗深一層.....em....開始令我對版主的好感有d動搖.....要再三考慮要唔好做佢個朋友先.........

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