我係個30的老女人, D頭髮因為禿頭所以半年未剪過....因為每次去親D髮型師都用D奇怪眼光望住我... 女仔就好D.. 但女的又剪得冇咁好... 你們有冇一些推介, 給我這些怪人上去.. 又係好的女髮型師....

  • 綿綿,
    <br>我想問隻 Complexe 5 Regenerating Extract 揉起個頭後隔幾耐先用洗頭水洗 ar..
    <br>同埋你用了這組合幾耐有effect ar ???

  • 希望不會嚇親你們, 這是我的禿髮情況,,

  • 都唔係好過分啫...試下2001 (shampoo)丫。

  • where to buy ar.. i am now using 綿綿's advice // ths !!

  • Hi, I have the same problem for over ten years. But my hairloss occurs on the right hand side of my head, just above the ear. Nobody can see that I have problem with hairloss 'cos I have much hair on top of my head. So, I didn't care much about it in the past, but I noticed that it's getting worse recently.
    <br>I am also using Rene Furterer Shampoo (just started as it was recommended by my sister's hair stylist. A friend of mine is using another brand and it works for him!! He has been bald for years. After using the other brand, his hair started to grow back!!! That's why I started to take care of my own hair! So don't give up!

  • 有好多30歳扮妹妹仔

  • 版主,睇左你d相.比你形容的好.我有同事╱親戚都有這問題.情況比你serious.不過佢地都順其自然.無話好唔開心.至於saloon d 人.佢地對一般人都彈到飛起.目的係想你做多d野俾佢賺多d.唔駛理佢地點up.不過睇你d相有少少經驗分享下.你好似頭髮好lup同頭頂有d發炎.我識少頭髮的人比較鐘意短曲髮.因為曲髮volume d同埋個頭唔會咁lup.頭皮會健康d.掉髮會少d.洗頭千其唔好拖到痕先洗.因為頭痕即是頭皮發炎.另外每日用手指頭的肉massage下個頭.保持頭皮健康頭髮會出得好d.

  • 仲有.食肉多的人多d頭油.平時唔好食咁多動物脂肪.飲多d水.要芝麻糊真係護髮嫁(高鐡)

  • thank you so much.. i will not give up.. any other advice for me ??

  • 我會每一段時間update我的情況.. 有人同我silmiar ma ??

  • 我岩岩睇到0既,唔知幫唔幫到手。
    <br>-- 莊雅惠醫師

  • 藥膳
    <br>材料:何首烏3錢,淫羊藿3錢,黃精一兩,川芎 1錢,適量冰糖。(1至2天份)
    <br>材料:杜仲3錢,迷迭香二分之一茶匙,桑椹一兩,葛根 1錢,適量冰糖。(1至2天份)

  • Also, if you don't have time to make those Chinese medicine soup, you could try eating kelp (wakame-can be bought from Japanese supermarket) regularly. Just use it in your salad or soup. I'll check this thread regularly. Thanks in advance for your update.

  • sorry.即係什麼ar ?? 係邊度買呢 ?? 我住新昦的.. ths

  • Wakame or kelp is a type of 海草. Is easy to cook and prepare, eat kelp and black saseme will definitely help to maintain your hair and skin. I am lazy, so I make soup with it most of the time. Can you buy it in New Territory? I am not familiar with your area. I only know that Japanese supermarket stock them.
    <br>I started using Rene Furterer shampoo for about four days. I noticed
    <br> there is a reduce of hair falling out when I blow dry my hair. How about you?
    <br>Remember to have a balance diet too, as a good healthy diet is essential to maintain hair growth. I didn't eat much meat before, but I eat a little meat these days. I'll eat eggs or oysters (Winter) on the days without meat.

  • thank you so much !!!
    <br>i have been using rene furterer for about 2 weeks .i feel that it is quite ok but my area of hair loss still has no hair.. but i would wait ..

  • 我男友老豆用左一支唔知叫咩素既按摩生髮水 60 垂竟然出頭髮,超神奇。but forget the exact name,if not will recommand to u ..

  • 多謝你.. 係咪昆布ar ??

  • Hi again, kobu is also kelp. Both wakame and kobu (昆布) are 海藻類. Both are high in fibre, calcium, iron but low in calorie; so good for hair and skin. Can you buy 昆布 near you? I make tofu & kobu soup most of the time.
    <br>My male friend uses Darphin and his hair is growing back. Mind you, he has been 60% bald on top of his head (shinny and can't see pores) for at least 15 years. Of course the hair that are growing now is not as thick and does not cover all of his head. I just think it is amazing that he can achieve that result after he had been bald for a long time.

  • d.lab,
    <br>ths for ur sharing, 但我去間間salon都話我不要再電髮.. 否則dhair的quality重差wor..
    <br>我今天買埋綿綿推介的rene furterer complex 5, 希望有d用la..

  • 綿綿,
    <br>我買不到 Rene Furterer Triphasic (for thinning hair), 佢有什麼果效 ga ??
    <br>你是否在manning買 ?? or 你又在其他國家 ??你係咪買曬全套 ?? 我冇買conditioner,因為我家仲有好多其他brand..

  • 仲有, 用complex前需要弄濕d hair ma ???

  • 禿頭一號:
    <br>Complexe 5 乾髮用架﹐先用Complexe 5按摩個頭直到頭皮有D吉吉地﹐停﹐等五至十分鐘﹐再去洗頭。一個例拜用一至兩次。三個月為一療程。
    <br>Rene Furterer Triphasic (for thinning hair) 估名思議係比幼弱稀疏既頭髮用﹐用來加強頭皮既營養度﹐令頭皮更適合生長頭髮。三個月為一療程。可以去髮型用品點叫佢幫你定。

  • 綿綿 :
    <br>我剛見到以下一個website的內容 , 佢話你講個隻Rene Furterer Triphasic (for thinning hair) 係for man,, 咁我應該買不買呢 ??我同ypshan一樣都買不到
    <br>Rene Furterer RF 80 (Weak Hair),for Female Hair Loss
    <br>Rene Furterer RF 80, reactive hair loss can be caused by many factors including stress or over-fatigue, a very unbalanced diet, pregnancy, a psychological shock, surgery, and certain medicines. The hair becomes weakened and falls out more than is normal. The normal regrowth process is then slowed down. RF80 is an exclusive principle made from plant peptides with a particularly high level of protein reserves and sulfured amino acids. Gives you hair vigor, volume and shine. RF 80 should be used once a week within a complete hair care program. Apply at night before bed. Wash out the following morning.
    <br>Rene Furterer Triphasic (Thining Hair) Treatment,for Male Hair Loss
    <br>Rene Furterer Triphasic (Thining Hair) Treatment, This regenerating serum contains an exceptional triple-phase formula: water, oil and powder. By mixing them, we obtain a super concentrate solution. Triphasic contains the nutritive elements contained in lacto-serum, sulfured amino acids, oligo-elements, vitamins B5, B6, PP, beta-carotene and essential oils necessary for the health and vigor of the hair. This survival formula for thinning hair should be applied at night before bed and washed out the following morning.

  • 我都有問過架﹐不過個外國Sales同我講話RF80係比孕婦更年期個種脫髮﹐叫我用Triphasic﹐所以我就用左Triphasic囉。唉死﹐個Sales唔知有無靠害...

  • 禿頭一號
    <br>你講的darphin是一隻brand?<--- Yes, similar to Rene Furterer, also uses plant extracts in its products. It has its brand counter in Lane Crawford. He is using Darphin revitalizing complex. It is for female hairloss as well.
    <br>他用了多久?<--- I am not sure. I received an email from him and he told me that his hair is growing again! I met him last Christmas and his new grown hair is about 5cm long. So I think he must have used it for a while. Let me ask him.
    <br>I have not tried it yet, but I am using the exfoliating complex now. I want to improve the condition of my scalp before using the other one.

  • ypshan,
    <br>你是否在manning買 ? No, I am not living in Hong Kong. But you can buy the shampoo in Sasa($180) and some hair salons in Hong Kong.
    <br>你係咪買曬全買? No, I have only just started using its shampoo last week. I'd like to see if it is good before I spend more money on the brand. I don't use hair conditioner everyday, only once or twice a week. But I'll buy the another shampoo, meaning using two different shampoos on alternative days.

  • Just to share, have you guys seen doctors about your hairloss? I think it'd help to see dermatologist (skin doctor) and see if your hairloss is caused by skin diseases. My doctors can't find a cause of my hairloss. I was really stressed out at work years ago, that was when I started to have thinning hair, but I didn'g care about it and it got worse.
    <br>I also had a blood test to see if there was anything that I am allergic to, but the reasult was inconclusive, except that I am allergic to dust! There is no way I can avoid dust, right? So I started to find out about hair products.
    <br>The chinese doctors have all said that it could be cured. But I don't spend enough time in Hong Kong to receive treatments (herbal tea and accupuncture). :( So, I am looking out for natural remedies.

  • 我去過看西醫. ..佢話都好難生番..
    <br>中醫我冇去看.. 因為好貴..你地就好啦.. 在外國.. 應該多d tx

  • 嘩.. 我上網問過. Rene Furterer Triphasic (Thining Hair16 支要 $1300 .. 好貴.. 你用了多久才有放... 16支, 係咪每日用一支AR ??

  • 我一療程三個月﹐第一個月用一盒﹐一個禮拜用兩次﹐第二個月開始每個禮拜用一次。。。。一療程用兩盒(我買係一盒八支)。不過用完後我現在只係用 Complexe 5 同 Shampoo﹐因為D頭髮都已經好OK
    <br>個價錢都差唔多 ^_^

  • THS。。即係話你1300一個月 ??你係咪都係呢個價錢...

  • yes yes

  • a

  • 用了二星期了, 但都好像冇改善... (pls see see)
    <br>而家d同事都笑我禿頭,, 我以前用隻真髮fibre都mask到... 同埋點解我d頭肉有紅紅地.. 發炎 ??

  • 其實你個情況好特別﹐真係唔知用產品有無太大幫助﹐都真係試下而已。人地笑咪笑﹐佢地第時老左一樣變成咁﹐我好唔明HK點解會有人咁唔尊重人。我用完產品後頭皮都係有D紅紅地﹐都唔知點解﹐但我就有新頭髮生出來。。。唔知你既情況會係點﹐如果你跟住產品程序﹐應該OK既﹐但都可能係你頭皮敏感﹐要自己睇情況﹐太嚴重就好停唔好再用。

  • 其實植髮係咪好貴.. 同埋剪頭髮時會被人發現嗎 ??

  • 同埋你用了幾耐開始有effect ga ??今天開始用埋complex.. 不過shamploo 用了二星期

  • 我唔知貴唔貴﹐但肯定好過用左好多錢都無結果。。。

  • 我平時其實有食開當歸之類既保血中藥﹐你都應該食下

  • 順帶講埋﹐減肥既人唔好食當歸

  • 仲未玩完?

  • 禿頭一號, I really suggest you to see a Chinese doctor before you spend more money on hair products. seeing a Chinese doctor can find out about your body condition, and to see what kind of food you should avoid eating. After that, spend money on with the right food, shampoo, and so on. I think the most important thing is to stop more hair falling out, then try to achieve new growth. Do you think you'll look good with short hair style? Maybe cut your hair short first until your scalp and hair condition improved. Seeing Chinese doctor doesn't cost alot in Hong Kong.
    <br>Brushing your hair with wild pig's hair brush twice a day also help blood circulation.

  • 咁有冇人有好的中醫推介/..因為香港太多了, 質素也很參差... 不知如何選..
    <br>綿綿 :
    <br>其實我想講, 我上次入院不是做手術, 而是我有大病, 需要高劑量類固醇, 所以禿髮更嚴重lo..

  • 大病過後都要補架﹐補血和補抵抗力

  • 有幾貴 ?? 可否告訴我..THS

  • yps禿頭一號,我又係叫yps,又係同樣有脫髮問題,但我仲嚴重過你,唉,我都好唔開心,而且因為咁可能就無男人鍾意自己,你而家買左個d產品用成點,ok嗎

  • d.lab
    <br>where to buy wild pig's hair brush.. it is quite odd in hong kong .. i have no idea ar..
    <br>serious than me ?? how do u face it ?? how do u treat it ??? i am hopeless too..

  • 禿頭一號,
    <br>I don't really know, but I guess you can try shops that sells professional hair products. I only know there used to be one oposite Sogo in Causeway Bay, and another one along Wanchai Road. Let me ask my sister tonight and see if she knows where to find it.

  • 我想織髮好吾好呢?有冇人比意見我

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