我好想做除眼袋手術呀!!有冇人做過? 好唔可以比意見我去邊到做好呀, 我都搵過d 資料, 有以下: 1) 養和 (話曬大醫院, 可靠d...) 2) 馬芳蔭醫生 (最出名, 有保證d..) 3) 香港眼科醫護中心 (有分期付款)

  • up

  • 可唔可以幫下我, 做過除眼袋手術既, 可唔可以比下意見我呀?? 因為我快要姞婚了, 我個眼袋太大喇 <:___(

  • other sisters said dr daniel lee is famous and pretty good at surgeries. 2526-6681. be prepared for high prices and bad attitude nurses. hope this helps you la.

  • deedee808,


    等我搵一搵dr daniel lee d 資料先....

    really thx a lot!!

  • daniel li is very bad but expensive!!!

    he gave me a ugly nose....i was so regret for the surgery

  • chan,

    I have same problem in my eye. Could you pls give me your information after your searching? such as price and surgeries process status etc..

    my email is [email protected].


  • Connie,

    已send了information 給你喇



    我真係好猶疑做唔做手術好呀, 因為眼袋問題困擾左我好多年!!! 好想一次過做手術去左佢呀~~ 但唔知邊到先好!!

    個手術太貴喇....唯一有分期付款既得香港眼科醫護中心, 但又覺得搵d 出名d既醫生做會安全d 咁....

    好煩......所以希望有過來人可以比下意見呀, 唔該曬!!

  • 比男人攪少d,眼袋咪無咁大囉!

  • 八掛問下




  • 八掛問下




  • connie, 你d e-mail 彈返轉頭呀...



    養和: 手術前檢查$800, 手術費$25000up, 葯費另計;

    眼科醫護中心: 手術前/後面診: $500, 手術費$25000

    另外 dr. ma 就係來自我copy之前有人打過出黎既price: $500 面診, 手術費約 $28000

    我仲猶疑緊, 但如果我去做我就會係6月做架喇, 所以如果我真係去做, 我就返上黎報到喇!!

  • sorry my email is [email protected] (typing mistake) pls send again.

  • chan,

    please send me again.

    By the way, is it a better way done it in Korea or Japan. Those country may be more experience I think.

  • i ve also heard korea and japan are good at plastic surgeries too...

    but due to communication problems..i rather remain in hk or have it done in taiwan lor.

    although i ve also heard from other members that there is a really good and famous doctor in china. the 2 members both had double eyelid surgeries done there and are both very satisified with the results. i ve been thinking of going to this doctor to have laser hair removal...much much cheaper compared to hk ah...

  • this doctor from china has performed korea styled double eyelid surgeries which cuts only 3-5 mm to create double eyelids.

    doctors in hk dont know how to do korean styled surgeries yet.


    i also heard 麥思源醫生 is prompt on replying to questions...maybe you want to call him too and ask before deciding on which doctor?

  • connie,

    sent to u la~


    我都同意呀, 我怕溝通問題, 係返hk做會好d

    但大陸我就真係唔敢試喇... even 技術冇問題, 但我怕衞生有問題呀, 之前都有睇到有個係大陸割雙眼皮失敗既case, 唔只係技術問題, o個個人講到d 醫護人員知道出事都唔理你仲不停打發你咁....我怕怕喇...>_<

    反而台灣我有諗過架, 不過唔熟o個邊d野, 唔知邊d診所係好, 最怕係如果之後有咩事就好難飛返過去跟進呀....

    因為我5月尾都會去台灣玩, 所以都曾經有諗過架!! 平好多呀!!


  • 講真, 無論你去consult咩醫生都好, 佢地之前都會講到好有把握咁, 但衰左就推推塘塘, daniel li 就係一個好例子.

    佢整我個鼻整到好樣衰. 佢就話佢見唔到有咩唔妥喎, 話係我自己心理問題.

    後尾我去過養和同埋dr. ma. 佢地個個都話有問題...

    結果搞到我依家又要比幾千蚊攞返出黎, 遲d再睇下點. 我比左幾皮野, 受到d痛苦, 花左d時間結果得個桔...多得李天澤唔少囉.

    雖然有少少離題, 不過我將會響dr. ma度搞個鼻, 順便割埋眼袋. 未做效果未知.

    李天澤收counsultant fee都800 定600啦, 其他醫生我唔知, 佢就一定信唔過.

  • 你就黎結婚, 定係唔好搞咁多野住呀. 唔係 touchwood 整衰0左. 到時仲慘喎... (我唔係咒你呀. 不過始終有萬一). 你結婚個日搵個好的化妝師, 佢應該可以幫你遮到架喎.

  • 你講既李醫生係咩醫生黎架??

    he s a plastic surgeon registered in hk...but 受害者 said dr li reined her nose though...maybe you should consult with several doctors before deciding.

    honestly, i agree with 受害者...all doctors will make promises but when surgeries go wrong...then doctors always have their excuses.

    so i dont know what to say...should we trust any doctors at all?

    i had my bad experience with another doctor...she is a OB-GYN doctor in mongkok grand centre...she told me i had so many female problems that i needed to take injections to boost my immune system...these injections she recommended are @ $ 6000-8000 per shot. this doctor told me i would need 2-3 shots per week for several months!!!! but when i went to see other OB-GYN for second opinions, they all told me i m fine. and no need such injections. another words, the first doctor ripped me off completely. all together, i paid this stupid doctor hk$ 8000 for only three office visits and some medications. she is so outrangeously expensive!!

  • http://www.hi-pretty.com/index.aspx

    here is a site which was recommended by other sisters...one sister got her eyes done from this clinic in taiwan.

    maybe you can check it too? hope this helps you la...

  • chan,

    我早4年去搵dr ma,效果好到不得了,我朋友最近都book左去整,佢手勢好好,而且姑娘同佢d態度都好nice.


    我之前曾經開過幾次topic discuss,我試下搵番比你參考下啦.

  • 而且佢好得意,會同兇我講有乜後遺:好似可能第日眼袋位因為無左脂肪可能會好巢,斬斬下眼會流眼血呀咁….好彩我乜事都無.

  • topic入面既big~~eye bag係我,我都係多得呢到網友提供我至識搵佢,所以我都應該幫人.你有時間既就慢慢睇啦.


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    bdid=6&topic_id=184589&page=2 (有無人覺得自己好肉酸而想去整容)

    bdid=11&topic_id=954321 (我決定整容)

    bdid=11&topic_id=698000&page=2 (有無姊妹同我一樣好認真咁諗過去整容)

    bdid=6&topic_id=1308831#message_bottom (想做眼袋手術)

  • ex~big~eye~ bag,


  • 死喇.....

    我一路睇一路覺得奇怪.....點解個個都話我結婚......原來我打漏字....sorry 呀!!

    其實係我"家姐"結婚, 但我要做伴娘呀, 但我上年去個friend 婚禮, 我查遮暇膏影相效果好衰<:___( 所以想搞一搞佢呀!!


    好開心見返你!!! 因為你之前既msg我都有睇過呀!! 仲copy低!!

    可唔可以問你dr. ma 你上次係total 用左幾多$$ 呀?

    同埋, 手術後幾多日完全好返呀???

    等我再從新睇多一次你d msg 先....


  • have done a year before, around 15K, by Dr Ho (forgot the whole name) in Monkok centre, recomended by other sisters at she.com. Satisfactory.

  • Hi, can you update me if you have any info for this. Wanted to do it for wuite sometime, but do not know who to go to.......

    Anyway, how long does it take to recover & can go back to work

  • sorry, my email is [email protected]

  • chan,





    一年後我無意拎番d相出來睇,發覺當時原來仲係叫做有少少腫,但係當時係唔覺既,因為我有開眼袋,果個位都係腫腫地架啦. 但一比起而家,我個眼袋位係平曬囉,所以你問我確實時間真係答唔到你,因為好不知不覺.

  • 有眼袋用遮暇好樣衰架,因為個眼袋會highlight左出黎,又浮腫又起眼.



  • 睇左部分big-eye-bag 留既 link.....

    而家我既choice都係dr. ma 同養和

    dr.ma 好似多人揀d 但貴最少3k....


    我諗我會下個week 做決定去邊一間架喇!!!唔係我怕趕唔到6月做~ 因為到7月我就唔可以有咁多時間(假期問題)架喇...

    所以唔知有冇人係養和做過, 可唔可以比下意見呢???



    我睇左你個site, 台灣做真係好平喎!! 5k 已有交易...連機票都唔洗10k.... 好吸引呀! 不過始終都係怕人生路不熟...

  • ex big eye bag,

    咁由你約dr. ma至做手術, 等左幾耐呀?? 因為我想6月頭做, 5月尾先book 唔知趕唔趕得切呢...

    如果冇人答到養和既意見, 我諗我多數會搵dr. ma 架喇...

  • chan

    我有係馬醫生隆個鼻, 覺得都算ok, ! 我都打算搵佢攪攪個眼袋, 我個眼袋唔係真係好大, 不過平日都腫呀, 咁我使唔使做 ??

  • chan

    你快dbook左先啦, 可以唔做嫁麻, ! 因為佢好full 嫁!

  • chan

    你快dbook左先啦, 可以唔做嫁麻, ! 因為佢好full 嫁!

  • chan

    你快dbook左先啦, 可以唔做嫁麻, ! 因為佢好full 嫁!

  • I think Dr. Ma is trustworthy.

  • chan,


    當日我consult完後好似可以book兩星期後既時間,如果你一定做不如早d做啦,更重要一點係人人體質同埋口都可能唔同, 早d做早d靚呀.

  • chan,

    同埋你比佢見你一次先啦,果筆consultation fee一定要比,因為佢一定要同你睇一次先做得手術(一定唔會同一日做曬).


  • Connie,

    效果: 極好而且而家都keep到


    痛唔痛: 一d都唔痛

  • chan,


  • Hi, sisters,

    Would like to know can the doctor remove my eye bag together with dark circle?? Or this is 2 different surgeries and do it seperately?? (2 prices?!)

  • Big eye bag+dark circle,


  • ex~big~eye bag -

    我都有好大個眼袋同黑眼圈, 個眼皮仲鬆弛搞到變左單眼皮咁

    我打過去問DR馬, 佢話割眼袋$32,000

    雙眼皮$26,000, 好貴, 又唔可以用卡, 要用現金 / 支票.

    我諗住去陳祖鈞或何榮潤醫生到做, 唔知你地覺得佢地好唔好?

    佢地收雙眼皮 $18,000

    眼袋 $19,800

  • !!,

    嘩,乜馬醫生而家貴左咁多喇,真係喇利. 以我所知眼皮鬆弛無得做,因為我眼尾dup問佢做唔做到佢話唔得.

    陳醫生同何醫生我唔熟悉,比唔到意見你,睇下其他朋友幫唔幫到你啦. 我要走喇,星期一再傾啦.

  • 哇!!! dr. ma 而家要 $32000???? : o


    咁如果咁貴, 我會揀養和算喇......

    我只知養和既dr. kam 好似都出名咁......

    我都唔想求其搵一個醫生做呀, 話曬係對眼到做, 做衰左一來好覺眼, 二來都幾驚會影響對眼架.... 唔想得不常失!!

    ex big-eye-bag,

    其實我都好似你咁諗呀, 好想快d搞掂佢!! 個大眼袋搞到我成日比人問係咪唔夠訓呀>_<

    另外, 你知唔知 "!!" 所講既dr. ho 好唔好架呢?? 收得平好多喎....

    呢個week 都幾忙, 所以我下個week 一定會打去book!! 我問過養和而家手術book到5月尾lor

  • co,

    而家dr. ma 加得太貴喇!! 我諗如果真係呢個價我唔會搵佢喇..... anyway, 我聽日都試下打去問下

  • DR. ma 都係開呢個價比我, 三萬幾整眼袋. 我月尾都會做.

  • 補充:

    唔知點解, 醫生之間的評價黎講, 佢地都話養和唔好.得個貴字.

    d醫生話雖然李天澤做得差, 但相信養和會做得仲差喎....


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