
  • LULUC,

    我由七週幾開始作嘔, 唯一安慰係無嘔出來, 只係感覺而己。


    d人通常過三四個月就會突然好返,我都好期待咁既一日呀, 我第一胎好似真係三四個月就無事, 真係進入蜜月期, 個人好精神好開心咁。

    我詁feel到bb旭既時候, 多數就唔會不適了,但我有朋友嘔到七個月, 所以我有時都好驚。

  • siubak,

    sorry! 遲了回覆.

    抽血係check 7樣野;


    2.check 有冇aids

    3.check 有冇梅毒





    另外d講座冇野聽,只係講解番抽血check d咩! 不過醫院有d講座我遲d先參加了, 不用咁早o麻!

    私家醫院都有講座架,你咪打去問問囉! 我只知仁安有! 你可上網看看!

  • Tianma,

    hopefully, all of us will enter into that happy stage soon.. just couldn't wait.. I am sleepy already in this early morning.. just don't know how to stay awake until day end~~~ >___<


    avoid going to crowded place lar.. try carry some sour taste snack in your bag lar.. when you feel "作嘔", then you can at least have it to relief the feeling

  • sweet,

    i c i c . I check a couple of private hospitals' websites lar.. and I guess it's too early to join their "講座", too... keke.. so maybe wait till later.

    I already have most of those blood test in my "pregnancy preparation checkup" last year ar... let me ask my doctor this Sat to see if I need to retest sin. I need to have "弓漿蟲血清抗體檢查" coz' I have 2 cats~

  • siubak,

    你有養cats小心d wor! "好似"聽講貓既細菌都幾勁o架!

  • sweet,

    yes ar... being very cautious now lar... not touching their toilets lar.. and after I touched them, I cleaned my hands lor... but I've cats for over 8 years lar.. doctor said most likely I have "抗體"... but still better to have the test to ensure won't affect BB~~

  • siubak,

    我又係有2隻貓貓呀, 請問你去邊度驗? 幾多錢? 同埋驗到有又點? 冇又點架?

  • Hi all,

    我sat看了C+醫生, 等了3個鍾才有得看, 人都坐到緊埋, 好在有老公陪, 才未至於發毛.

    但當聽到bb的心跳聲和見到bb的心在閃閃下時, 真是令人覺得開心和興奮.

  • 12月媽咪!

    Fion - Dec 17, 2006 威爾斯

    siubak - Dec 16, 2006




    blue2 - 27 Dec 2006 東區 (70%)/St Paul (30%)

    yy - 29 Dec 2006 威爾斯

    sweet - 6 Dec 2006/瑪嘉烈

    tianma - 24 Dec 2006(tbc) 私家/廣華(tbc)







    step - 9 Dec 2006 瑪麗

  • yy,

    my doctor already mark down in my record .. so, when I need to do blood test later, I will have that tested as well .. I don't know where to test that yet ar. I will see my doctor this Sat, let me see if I remember to ask him sin

    "保持家居與竉物清潔, 孕婦要避免處理它們的糞便" ... but doctor said as long as your cats don't eat raw meat, the chance is rare~ however, if really unfortunate, you got affected, it will affect BB, too.. and 易 流 產

  • yy,

    you can take a look at this threat lar:



  • siubak,

    我都想知去邊度驗, 因為我有三隻老肥貓在家, 不過其實我自小學開始屋企已經養貓, (當然唔係佢地三隻啦!!), 但係會唔會咁我已經有抗體呢?

  • siubak & yy,

    Take care yourself & your's baby ar!

  • siubak,

    我都想知去邊度驗, 因為我有三隻肥貓, 不過我由細到大都有養貓, 唔知會唔會有抗體呢?

  • ttbb,

    you should tell your doctor, too lar.. so you will be having the "弓漿蟲血清抗體檢查"~ better be safe than sorry mar! my doctor said mostly I will have "抗體" lor.. however, still feel better to take the test first and be careful to handle the cats at home.

  • 有冇朋友仔會喺廣華生bb?唔知好唔好比d意見呀,老公有冇得倍生架?

  • luluc,

    你是否12月份生bb嗎? 如是....加你落個list 到!

    廣華...ok ka! 我有個friend 9月於廣華生,現在做產檢,佢話廣華幫佢check得好詳細,幾好!

  • sweet,


  • LULUC,

    我第一胎係廣華生架, 我覺得好好呀, d護士經驗十足, 大部份又好熱心。如果順產係一個好好既選擇, 如果開刀我就會擇私家。

    廣華應該係可以老公陪產既, 不過要一早申請同埋上堂。如果無上堂就無得入產房。

  • 各位靚媽咪


  • 各位靚媽咪


    會在私家 或 聯合

  • 各位靚媽咪


    會在法國 或 聯合

  • bbyuen2009,


    updated list :-

    Fion - Dec 17, 2006 威爾斯

    siubak - Dec 16, 2006




    blue2 - 27 Dec 2006 東區 (70%)/St Paul (30%)

    yy - 29 Dec 2006 威爾斯

    sweet - 6 Dec 2006 瑪嘉烈

    tianma - 24 Dec 2006(tbc) 私家/廣華(tbc)







    step - 9 Dec 2006 瑪麗


    bbyuen2009 - 4 Dec 2006 法國 / 聯合

  • sweet.. keke.. siubak = eshiro ar... i deleted the duplicated entry lar.. thx ;)

    updated list :-

    Fion - Dec 17, 2006 威爾斯

    siubak - Dec 16, 2006




    blue2 - 27 Dec 2006 東區 (70%)/St Paul (30%)

    yy - 29 Dec 2006 威爾斯

    sweet - 6 Dec 2006 瑪嘉烈

    tianma - 24 Dec 2006(tbc) 私家/廣華(tbc)







    step - 9 Dec 2006 瑪麗

    bbyuen2009 - 4 Dec 2006 法國 / 聯合

  • 我個預產期係12月7日,上星期四去照超聲波,已經見到bb隻手仔係度揮下揮下,好似同我say hello,好開心呀,我而家係第11週,今日去母嬰健康院做產檢,我揀左係廣華生,我老公都係廣華出世架........^.~

  • jessica,

    last week is your 10th week? 10th week can see "手仔係度揮下揮下" already? wow.. so excited ar. I will be going to see the doctor on Sat ar.. it should be around my 10th week arrrrr

  • hi, 各位,我新加入ga, 預產期應是between 12 to 1月, 應係養和生. last m is 27/3, so now is 7 w 3 d, 冇嘔但作悶及胃氣就好勁lor, 第一胎, 請指教!

  • hi, 我新加入ga, last m is 27/3, 預產期是between 12 to 1月, now is 7w3d, last week check 有 heart beat, bb size:3.4mm

  • updated list :-

    Fion - Dec 17, 2006 威爾斯

    siubak - Dec 16, 2006




    blue2 - 27 Dec 2006 東區 (70%)/St Paul (30%)

    yy - 29 Dec 2006 威爾斯

    sweet - 6 Dec 2006 瑪嘉烈

    tianma - 24 Dec 2006(tbc) 私家/廣華(tbc)







    step - 9 Dec 2006 瑪麗

    bbyuen2009 - 4 Dec 2006 法國 / 聯合

    jessica - 7 Dec 2006 廣華



  • 我今早去了瑪嘉烈覆診.......感覺...真係麻麻地.

    見到醫生,問你有冇咩唔舒服,叫唔好咁緊張就會冇事,之後check下乳房,check下個肚,check下子宮,跟住就只有聽下bb心跳聲,咁就check完了! (好彩醫生話bb心跳正常)

    現在我要轉去健康院做檢查了, 因為在瑪嘉烈如冇特別問題,她們就會叫你去健康院繼續跟進,如有問題醫院先至follow.


    (我不知間間政府醫院係咪咁,瑪嘉烈就係!! 我現在都有點後悔選擇了瑪嘉烈而不選擇廣華,我聽朋友說廣華次次都有得照)

  • sweet,

    still change switch to 廣華 now?? I think it's better ot have u/s everytime lor.. since the checkup is usually once a month or even longer bor... after u/s, feel more 'fong sum'~

  • sweet,

    我同你一樣,我係贊育檢查, 到7月24先再返去照u/s. 期間的檢查都refer 左去健康院.

  • siubak,

    我唔會轉了,始終瑪嘉烈方便d, 唯有去私家診所先照, 問私家可唔可以照多幾次囉! 下星期二我又去私家看,咁就可以看看"阿b"囉! 另外星期五去照oscar 啦! 到時又見到bb啦!

  • step,

    oic. 原來你都係咁! 健康院好似冇得照u/s的!

  • Sweet,

    係廣華肯定唔係次次都有得照, 只會照一次,好似係度頸皮。

    間間政府醫院都係咁, 產檢見醫生不超過5分鐘,問兩問, 度肚圍, 聽心跳, 就係咁多。除非有咩要跟進or特殊個案先會有得照超聲波。


  • tianma,

    原來如此! thanks!


    你近況又怎樣啊? 仲有冇嘔呢?

  • Sweet,

    哩排都好辛苦呀, 終於講左俾公司聽有左, 但係唔知點解成日好暈, 尤其返到屋企越躺越暈, 咩都做唔到, 好辛苦, 朝早作嘔既情況又越來越嚴重, 真係辛苦。

    不過我記得第一胎又係好辛苦, 希望快d到密月期啦。

  • Tianma,

    "成日好暈".. have you asked the doctor why ar? hm.. be careful when you are on the street by yourself bor. that sounds dangerous!

    "咩都做唔到".. then 咩都唔好做啦.. rest and relax more lar. I'm super tired at this stage, too.. everynite, I just didn't want to do anything... indeed, I think we shouldn't force ourselves to work too hard.. afterall, now it's a critical stage mar!! be safe is better! How about your kid? you have maid to take care of her??

  • siubak,

    我就係咩都唔做, 包括個女有關既野,搞到成日好內疚, 佢見我成日�圊Y度,仲走過來摸我塊面同係咁錫我個咀, 搞到我仲內疚。


    我有工人幫手呀, 好好多, 唔係真係c得

  • Tianma,

    "有工人", that's much better lar. just talk with your daughter more lar.. like watch TV together ar... read a book / magazine together lar.. those require less energy would be good enough lar. take care~~ :)

  • 我上星期六12/5早上去聯合由9:30pm等到成12:00先做Oscar, 點不知比個所謂醫生激死,佢照左唔夠十分鐘就話我呼吸大, 所以度唔到頸皮, 又話我要有耐性, 我就話佢冇耐性就真, 而家又要我約29/5再做, 真係覺得佢有問題, 心想如果下一次又話我呼吸大度唔到又點算好呢?

    其實佢可能係藉口, 因為我在私家check只得11週是遲左1週, 而且封轉介信已經寫明預產期. 但12/5去聯合做第一次產檢就話係12週, 佢地唔check清楚就要我第二日去做Oscar, 個醫生照完u/s就講話得11週, 跟住就話我呼吸大, 所以度唔到頸皮, 真係死得啦!

  • 已進入第8週了, 真是一件開心的事!

    但近來d體力好像差了很多, 什麼都不想做咁, 情緒間中又好down, 連自己都不知點解?

  • 大家好呀!

    好耐無上黎拉, 見到咁多位12月媽咪好開心呀!

    我就快進入第10週拉, 好想快D過埋12週咁就可以公告全世界啦! 忍住個秘密唔講都好幸苦.......

    其實我返工好忙, 我都未正式決定係邊間生同埋仲未報D產前check-up同D course. 見到你地做左咁多嘢, 自己又乜都未start tim.........

    我呢, 就都幾好, 無セ嘔過, 朝見作悶就有, 但一樣好快肚餓同成日夜晚要起身去厠所......

    如果有D咩要留意嘅, 請你哋提下我拉, 我好似矇下矇下咁.......


  • siubak

    thank u ar~!


    情緒好down, 我都會呀, 因為身體不適, 好多時都會咁架, 我仲變得好易喊, 睇睇下報紙小小野就眼濕, 以前都無咁誇張, 脾氣仲差左好多添, 好彩老公都體諒。


    只要妳有係c+醫生度定期檢查, 基本上唔使擔心做漏d咩既。工作忙記得要保重身體呀,一定要有足夠既休息。

    我依家進入第九週咋, 我都好期待可以公佈俾所有人知既日子呀, 我之前已經忍唔住話俾d net fd知, 因為同佢地傾訴真係好好多呀。

  • bbyuen2009,

    Congragulation!! Did you have the first check in 聯合 already? My husband and I are still 努力中. I'm considering 聯合 if I bingo coz it closes to my mom's home. What do you feel about 聯合. Thanks.

  • Tianma,

    好在情緒down只是間歇性, 如不是都驚會影響bb. 我老公都會體諒和遷就, 大部份housework 已是他做, 有時都覺得自己有些唔係幾好.

    有時, 老公都會開玩笑說只忍受10個月, 我則回應他我都會用盡這些時間.

  • today had my 2nd prenatal checkup lar~~ it's my 10 weeks.. and BB already had the outline of a human beings ar... I can see both hands and legs ... waving~~ haha.. it's like floating in water.. so funny ar.

    doctor said next visit will do OSCAR ar (3 weeks later). And since i did pre-pregnancy checkup last week, I don't need to do blood test lar.. coz' they are already done .... but there are two things he said I can consider to take blood test.. since I've cats, I can take the "弓漿蟲血清抗體檢查" and "HIV".. but he said both are optional lor. Since I had cats for many years and my cats don't eat raw meat.. so I"m not in high risk... both test are just to make me "feel better".. however, won't make any differences lor... coz' whether or not I'm safe from "弓漿蟲", I still need to be extra cautious with cats' scoop... I am still thinking whether to take that or not now~~~

  • Siubak,

    taked that test la, I'll certainly do that test since I have 8 cats and one dog at home, although they won't eat raw meat but it will make you more 放心 ga.

  • Tianma,

    Thanks for your advise, will take good care of myself. I will try my very best to visit here to see if I have miss out anything...hehehehe.

    Siubak & Mentpr,

    I also have 2 cats with me, is it all c + doctor can do the test for 弓漿蟲血清抗體檢查" and "HIV?? ng~~~~ I will do my 10th weeks check up this Fri. Let me check check my Dr sin........co's I hvn't do anything of the above test b4 we decised to hv BB.......hopr everything work fine....

    By the way, I want to know what is "OSCAR" as I saw many of u done this but my Dr never mention about it.....


  • keke.. let me correct myself sin.. I meant I did pre-pregnancy checkup last year.. keke.. not last week.


    wow.. you have 8 cats and 1 dog? how'd you manage them?? ever since i've 2 cats (actually one was given by my sister-in-law while she was having her 1st baby 4 years ago)... elderly in the family already urge me to give up my cats if I'm pregnanted... actually, they are trying to convince me to do so even now.. but I won't lar... my cats have been with me for so many years.. and I'm sure my baby will love cats, too. Yea, you are right, it's better to take the test... besides... it probably made the elderly more "放心" i hope!


    I think C+ doctor would just send the blood to the lab to do the test... so, most C+ should be doing so lar.

    OSCAR is for "唐氏 綜合症頸皮檢測"...should be done around 11-14 weeks I think... for mom ages over 35..it's a must do test.. but for those under.. it's optional lor..i am 32.. dr said it's up to me.. but I guess it's more " 放心" to do so.

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